The problem with fans and the status quo


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What is the realistic solution with Jerry’s ways?



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Were you trying to use the word ‘syncophant’ there? It makes more sense. Though I kind of like ‘syncopath’ too, I have to admit.

Me too, I was wondering if it was the clever combination of sycophant and psychopath which certainly seems apropos


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It's the hallmark of the "We do what we do" philosophy. We bet that our players can simply out execute the players on other teams to victory. Our philosophy is that coaches have no job to do beyond giving players a scheme and watching them execute it. The Don't Blame Garrett philosophy.

Romo often could out execute. More recently, the oline often could. But when you hit the playoffs, the rosters get better, and we can't.

Marinelli's "bend but don't break" is an extension of this. It counts on the QBs of other teams making enough mistakes for us to win. It doesn't fool them into making mistakes. It doesn't pressure them into making mistakes. It tries to out execute them, counting on the other team to make mistakes before you do.

Meanwhile, Marinelli got out executed *before* our playoff losses in 2016 and 2018. He was really pantsed in both games. For the first half in 2016, he had no answer to Rodgers going hurry up. In 2018, he had no answer to the Rams reading our dline. Pantsed.

On offense, teams adjusted to us in 2017, playing press man on our wideouts, and daring Dak to beat them. Linehan never adjusted. We just brought in a better wr. And our 7-2 run? We were actually outscored by opponents during that run.

Our average points per game only went up 2 points, to 22. That's middle of the pack for the NFL. With arguably the best RB in the league.

Very insightful and well supported with your examples. Nice job bro.


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Were you trying to use the word ‘syncophant’ there? It makes more sense. Though I kind of like ‘syncopath’ too, I have to admit.

Its novel, you have to give him that. Syncopath sounds like a tour guide at Machu Picchu.


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Maybe to YOU it isn’t the measurement.

But if a coach isn’t capable of leading his team to a championship then the team is really just pissing into the wind.

Tell you what. Let’s change the measurement to an NFC championship appearance once every 8 seasons? How’s that?
Again the Super Bowl or Bust mentality is flawed . Or championship appearance , etc.

If it doesn’t apply to our GM then everyone in our dysfunctional organization is exempt.

There is no accountability or measurement in this mess. It starts at the top.


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It’s not assuming that.

I’m not of the belief that replacing Garret with just anyone guarantees more success and a championship. What I do know is, Garret has been the coach for 8 full years now and he isn’t the answer. Based purely off the results.

With the greatest players and the best coordinators in the league, Garrett's game management would still be a handicap to overcome.


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Is there an argument for Lewis that his teams were more talented than where they went?

There’s not one season with Garrett where I felt our team was more talented than where we went.

Sure both playoff losses to Packers were tough and games we could have won but GB was definitely a proven championship contender with one of the greatest Qb this era.

Both years we didn’t have a great enough defense to make a difference. Now we don’t have a great enough offense. This notion that coaching is the deciding difference doesn’t hold our talent and lack of in certain areas accountable.

Im not certain about Lewis and his Bengals. There is a monumentally massive argument Garrett could do more with his team. Some times our coaching is befuddling at best. There are many highlight moments I can conjure up for you if need be. Nonetheless its a results oriented league and at some point you make it to the next level or you dont. Unfortunately Garrett has had ample opportunities and fallen short. Maybe hes a solid coach, and we need a great coach? I saw a lot of great coaches advance this year. When do you hold Garrett accountable?

Talent is an issue in and of its self. The buck stops at Garrett though and then trickles down. Most teams these days are pretty evenly matched. You have to gain advantages wherever you can. Hes not an advantage.


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CowboysZone ULTIMATE Fan
WR by committee and Alexander hire cost us at least 2 wins IMO. Tw/o wins that could've been the difference of a playoff bye.
If so, would we have won?
The teams issues aren’t with coaching. No matter how many threads we want to start about it.
That leaves the other options as Players, Owner, GM, League office, Refereeing, Scouting, and bad luck.
So, which?


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The problem with Fans is most don't understand Jerry and what he wants out of his HOBBY THE DALLAS COWBOYS most . HE WANTS THE CREDIT everything else is secondary

He hires and sticks with a coach in Garrett with no experience when he could break the bank on the best . In 30 freakin years we don't use a 1st round pick on a QB to develop and make no provision for Romos retirement even after his back is proven shot

We draft a guy in the 4th rd as an after thought and he has Just enough talent to catch Jerrys eye and become his next economical project that everybody missed

Now we have Kellen Moore another completely unknown gamble to run our offense but if he is the football mind some say it will make Jerry look like the football guy he craves to be known as .

The 3 most important positions on the team are gambles Jerry is going to see through and play out to look like the football guy he wants to be . He has just enough success with longshots like Jaylon and Randy to give him credibility and he owns the team .

Cowboy Fans in this era need to ADJUST EXPECTATIONS and understand its JERRYS HOBBY SO NONE OF IT HAS TO MAKE SENSE only to Jerry

So debating over what could be done is fine WHINING AND CRYING OVER it is just a plague on all of us that understand Jerry and why things are done the way they are . YEP ITS A BITTER PILL.

CONTROL WHAT YOU CAN CONTROL buying a ticket and the remote on your TV
Nail on the head!


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Im not certain about Lewis and his Bengals. There is a monumentally massive argument Garrett could do more with his team. Some times our coaching is befuddling at best. There are many highlight moments I can conjure up for you if need be. Nonetheless its a results oriented league and at some point you make it to the next level or you dont. Unfortunately Garrett has had ample opportunities and fallen short. Maybe hes a solid coach, and we need a great coach? I saw a lot of great coaches advance this year. When do you hold Garrett accountable?

Talent is an issue in and of its self. The buck stops at Garrett though and then trickles down. Most teams these days are pretty evenly matched. You have to gain advantages wherever you can. Hes not an advantage.
I disagree . I think the buck stops with Jerry and then trickles down.

Can’t really compare Garrett’s situation with the rest of the league.

If we’re expecting our coaching to be the difference with Jerry’s meddling then we are looking for the wrong solution.


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I disagree . I think the buck stops with Jerry and then trickles down.

Can’t really compare Garrett’s situation with the rest of the league.

If we’re expecting our coaching to be the difference with Jerry’s meddling then we are looking for the wrong solution.

I intentionally left out Jerry as the head of the snake. We are married to him, nothing will change that now.


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Cleary Jerry is at fault for continuing to employ the puppet Garrett. But why is it Jerrys fault that some fans are too dumb to realize the value of a QB like Dak? And then they complain that we got the next franchise QB in the 4th round. Getting a QB like Dak in the 4th round should be hailed as one of the better moves in franchise history. Getting Romo as an undrafted FA being even better. The cluelessness of some fans is Jerry's fault? Some people just understand the game and the QB position. That isn't Jerrys fault.

I love Dak and think we are lucky to have him but when he was drafted I don't think Jerry was planning on him being our franchise QB especially this fast . But his talent ,durability , price and ability to lead us to the playoffs have got Jerry to go all in and do everything he can to give him the tools to be successful . Dak just needs the time to mature but in the mean time he is taking us to the playoffs and making Jerry look like a genius .


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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
The problem with fans and the status quo is the thinking that this team who can play some decent games every once in a while due to some star power we have will consistently be able to beat 4 playoff teams in a row.

I say four, because I doubt they're good enough to be the 1st or 2nd seed in this NFC.

The hallmark of Garrett's teams is the ability to win games against bad teams and fortunately for Garrett, the NFC East is extremely weak right now.

We went 5-1 in the division, but 5-5 outside of the division. The thing is, I absolutely expect this team to be demonstrably better next year, but I still don't expect any level of consistently at a high level which the Cowboys have never had under Garrett. It's why he has never reached the NFC Championship. That requires a level of consistency that Garrett does not possess. It's why he has 8.5 years as head coach but only 3 playoff births with a playoff record of 2-3.

McVay performed terribly in the playoffs, but in two years has had his team through 4 playoff games... that is one shy of Garrett in 6.5 less years....

I just find it stunning that people can actually defend his record and this mediocracy.
I’m stunned so many fans can’t see the improvements being made the past few years. Your hate consumes you and blinds you and makes you look as ignorant as a rock. It’s hilarious.