The real selfish and greedy guy in Big D


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the greedy one is the guy who wants more of the pie than they are slices to pay everybody. Trade his butt on out of here and take "tad"'s dumbbutt with him.


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You could still be involved like many owners are without being the GM and face of the franchise undermining your Head Coaches . And still take credit for hiring and surrounding yourself with the best people.

But that wasn’t enough for Jerry when he had Jimmy. We were on the top of the world and it wasn’t enough because Jimmy got more credit and was the face of the Cowboys. Screw Jerry and the frikin Arkansas hillbilly hog he rode in on.
Tell me how you really feel. Lol.


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More denial . You can’t even answer the question.

Cause no one after winning back to back Super Bowls would attempt to undermine their HC . No oneeeeee!!
JJ wasn’t the only one at fault. Like I said Johnson admitted he had a ego also. But I agree that JJ was worse. He went on to say anyone could win a SB with that team. It was not true. He got 1 with Switzer. But JJ owned the team and has to live with the fact that he missed out on a true dynasty. We may have gotten 4 in a row if not for him being stubborn.


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I agree with most of what you have said in this thread but Jimmy was begging to be fired by many accounts.
In normal situations but not after winning back to back Super Bowls. which should allow him to get away with saying and doing anything . Jerry should have kissed his butt from this to other side of the world .


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I appreciate all you guys posting here on this thread. Especially the guys who read the OP before offering an opinion. Let’s save the insults for the eagles fans, lol! We can surely agree that we love the Cowboys. No hard feelings!
I agree. Never any hard feelings. I was posting last night under the influence, so if I was harsh I apologize. I do think JJ is starting to realize he needs people smarter than him to win. These last few drafts seem to be a lot better and I don’t think he is making the picks. He is listening. He has hired a real HC. Now let’s see if he lets him do his job with authority or if he is pulling a big tuna move where he gets a HC and has him get the team on track and then gets rid of him and continues his experiment.


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JJ wasn’t the only one at fault. Like I said Johnson admitted he had a ego also. But I agree that JJ was worse. He went on to say anyone could win a SB with that team. It was not true. He got 1 with Switzer. But JJ owned the team and has to live with the fact that he missed out on a true dynasty. We may have gotten 4 in a row if not for him being stubborn.
Maybe more. Regardless winning back to back should allow you any variables hugging that hiney.

Jerry will never accept anyone receiving more accolades than himself. The Dallas Cowboys have become more about him . Why anyone would support his narcissistic frikin butt appalls me.


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I agree. Never any hard feelings. I was posting last night under the influence, so if I was harsh I apologize. I do think JJ is starting to realize he needs people smarter than him to win. These last few drafts seem to be a lot better and I don’t think he is making the picks. He is listening. He has hired a real HC. Now let’s see if he lets him do his job with authority or if he is pulling a big tuna move where he gets a HC and has him get the team on track and then gets rid of him and continues his experiment.
He’s hired a real coach before and still intereferred meddling, derailing etc. He can’t help himself.

This contract bundling is another indication how he can whizz on the parade.

This is the distraction this franchise didn’t need. More for Mikey to overcome.


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He’s hired a real coach before and still intereferred meddling, derailing etc. He can’t help himself.

This contract bundling is another indication how he can whizz on the parade.

This is the distraction this franchise didn’t need. More for Mikey to overcome.
You think he is going to screw this up. Or finally let someone do there job. I haven’t seen him force any one on MM yet. Not that I know of. He has hired all his people. Except Moore.


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Maybe more. Regardless winning back to back should allow you any variables hugging that hiney.

Jerry will never accept anyone receiving more accolades than himself. The Dallas Cowboys have become more about him . Why anyone would support his narcissistic frikin butt appalls me.
Never said I support him. Just have no choice but live with it.


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Never said I support him. Just have no choice but live with it.
Yes we have to tolerate him but you appeared to be sympathetic or apologetic on some fronts .

One thing I’ve always respected about Jerry is he’s always stood in the fire taking full responsibility. The fans IMO have never made him pay or hold him completely accountable. Instead we’ve rewarded him however indirectly it might be.

After the last couple decades plus of this frustrating and disappointing era his success has flourished as a result of our support instead of being ran out of town.


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I dunno if Dak was the one being greedy, or who it was, but now we get to see what Dak does playing with big money under a new coach for one year. He better perform well if he wants more money then...... assuming there is a season to be played.


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In my opinion, it is complete hypocrisy to call out Dak Prescott or any other Cowboys player for being “financially selfish” and “not committed to winning” by not accepting a recent contract offer.

If Jerry Jones, the absolute poster boy for sports greed and selfishness ever starts putting a 100% commitment to winning ahead of his cash register and psychopathic obsession with getting “credit”, it might be fair to call out some players for putting greed ahead of winning.

When your owner/president/GM/chief jock and socks manager puts his ego, cash grab and selfishness first, you get what we’ve been getting the last 25 years. A lot of nothing when it comes to substantive playoff success. So if we as fans are going to call out greed, selfishness, and a lack of commitment to this team’s quest to regain its former luster, let’s call out the architect and person most responsible for everything we are and are not as a team.

Change ALWAYS starts at the top. If we expect things to get better ON the field, the change and the example of a commitment to place winning ahead of greed has to start in the billionaire owners box. You know, the guy who makes one billion a year but hasn’t won a divisional playoff game since Dak Prescott was 2 years old.

If Jerry ever shows us he is really committed to winning ahead of his ego and greed, maybe we could start calling out some players too.

I agree that the #1 issue Cowboy fans should want fixed is Jones...the problem is it’s not really fixable (if the Stephen acorn didn’t fall too far from the tree).

JJ already believes he is committed to winning. But you’re right of course. His ego and need to be the guy pulling the strings in everything football related decision is the main problem. And ego,at his age, is almost incurable. I suppose there is hope Stephen will see things differently when it’s his gig alone, but we’ll see.

It’s why fans of other teams don’t see JG out and MM in as all that big of a deal. It’s just the re-shuffling of deck chairs.


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Yes we have to tolerate him but you appeared to be sympathetic or apologetic on some fronts .

One thing I’ve always respected about Jerry is he’s always stood in the fire taking full responsibility. The fans IMO have never made him pay or hold him completely accountable. Instead we’ve rewarded him however indirectly it might be.

After the last couple decades plus of this frustrating and disappointing era his success has flourished as a result of our support instead of being ran out of town.
I am not being sympathetic of him or apologetic for his actions. He is a billionaire who owns my favorite team.

I respect the fact that he is doing it and running it his way and has no problem owning his mistakes. If it was my team I may give it a shot myself if I knew enough.

But his way hasnt been working. Not in decades. He is being stubborn. We have to live with this crap and there is no running him out of town. I am hoping he is going to turn the corner and let the MCclay or what ever his name is get the draft picks together and let JJ announce the names. Hire this HC and let him run things on the ground and stay out of it. When we win a SB then walk out there and hoist the trophy. Jeezz man you own the team.


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like dak didn't have a say in the matter. sheesh.. it was probably rowdy's fault he strongarmed dak's agent and wouldn't let him take the more than fair offer..smh


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Try to be funny? So you do this for attention?

Look I won't keep going back and forth with you. I can see this is actually affecting you. Look at how you are behaving. Over a man you don't even know. I'm not trying to get charged with voluntary..........yeah.

Just take a deep breathe bro.

Look maybe Dak will have a great year, and maybe we will sign him to whatever he wants. You never know. So don't throw away everything and lose your head over this situation.

So listen, just breathe. Walk to the kitchen, open the fridge, warm up some milk. You like milk? Yeah, drink it, while breathing calmly. Try to go to bed.

Is your mommy and daddy home? If not call them, let them know what's going on. You need help.


That's uncalled for. Just because someone supports Dak doesn't mean you should be saying that. We all pull for the same team.


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It wasn't humor, it was way out of line.

This board has been getting worse since Tony, but man it's at an all time low right now.

Some of the nasty stuff you read on here over opinions boggles the mind.
Yeah some of these people are gutter trash. I made the mistake of getting caught up with and stooping to their low level. But even I’m not low enough to wish suicide on someone. A lot of these guys hate stems from how Tony left so it’s not shocking how nasty it’s gotten since he left.


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No, it was ridiculous. Would you view it the same way if a pro Dak person were to say the exact same bloody thing as Frozen did? Honestly, the Dak debate has been more toxic than the Romo debate. And I have no doubt that the next starting QB will have the same situation.
Which is odd because you’d think with the quarterbacks this team has had since Aikman they would be excited for even getting a quarterback with a pulse.