***The Second Call/NonCall good/bad conspiracy etc thread***merged**

He did not interfere....holy cow.

He held....the nfl said so....but that was not the call.

I think people need to step away from their tvs...it is corrupting their ability to use their own brains to evaluate what happened.

Spare me, Ken. He held and interfered on the same play.
They'll complain and I wouldn't be surprised to see the league/refs more cognizant of the rule or to tweak it.
There is no doubt the previous week weighed in, a significant extent in my opinion, people should be fired for the way these last two weeks have spiraled out of control re calls non callas explanations

I agree. Last week's Detroit "picked up flag" SNAFU combined with Blandino's TMZ photos surely impacted his judgment in this one. Truth is, he has put himself in a very bad position in terms of perceived partiality/impartiality when it comes to the Cowboys (and probably overall). For that simple reason, he needs to resign or be fired. The person filling his role must be viewed as 100% above reproach. He is not.
So what? What relevance does it add to say the Lions fans were saying the same thing?

It's called perspective. It's called understanding that we might ourselves be biased. It's called understanding that other people in the world can make the same gripe about perceived slights and wrongs. It's called understanding that the world is not out to get you. It's called being aware of issues and dynamics that impact everyone so you're not thrown off course because you think the world and everyone in it is against you. It's, again, called perspective.

Even if the officials screwed the lions last week that doesn't change the fact that they screwed us this week. Two wrongs don't make a right.

But the arguments here are there's a difference. That "even if" is huge.

And why do you care so much that Cowboys fans are upset over what they all know was a catch that ended there favorite teams season? Let people vent and be upset without coming in to look like a thread troll.

And why are you so concerned about those you call trolls? Why can't you simply ignore them?
See how that works? ;)
And just as you can be upset and vent, I can offer perspective. This forum is inclusive enough for that too, you know. :)
I would think Rodgers just drives down and scored based on how their last drive was going but that Dez catch and a follow up TD would have been a huge momentum swing so I think our D would have got the job done.

If you look back, one area where Rodgers is not good is when he is behind late in the fourth quarter. He has a terrible record. It really is the one flaw in his game and he would have been facing that in the most pressure packed of situations. Yes, absoluetly the fans were robbed by the overturned call.
Let's let Blandino clear things up:

"Is it a catch?" Blandino asked during his weekly segment on NFL Network's "NFL Total Access." "The referee will have to make the determination, did the receiver have both feet down prior to him getting contacted, which sent him to the ground. If that's the case, then he doesn't have to hold onto it when he hits the ground.

"So you're going to see control. Just as the second foot comes down, there's going to be contact, now he goes to the ground. The referee determined that this was not part of the process. He'd completed the catch process, and therefore did not have to hold onto the football."

So Blandino says Dez's catch was good. Wait, what? Well... he said so right here. Ohh, I'm sorry, he said the above quote when upholding a referees on the field call of a completed catch last year. Only difference is the catch he upheld the player took only two steps and didn't make another football move, whereas Dez took 3 steps, switched hands, and lunged for the end zone.

Game. Set. Match.

Smoking gun.

Blandino is a liar.
They'll complain and I wouldn't be surprised to see the league/refs more cognizant of the rule or to tweak it.

The question is how do you tweak the rule? My understanding is it was put in place expressly to reduce the amount of opinion involved in decided if a catch was completed or not.

Seems to me the only solution is to make it less procedural and more of a judgement call.
I expected the cowboy hating national media to move on fast and they already have. after spending all last week crying about the ref picking up the flag.ESPN was so outraged. yet no outrage at all now.but i want to know why Jerry, Stephen or Garrett, are not outraged and throwing a fit about this massive screw job by the NFL and their refs?good guys like Romo and Witten, deserve better than this. they may never get another chance to win a championship again. FIGHT FOR YOUR TEAM JERRY.WHERE IS THE OUTRAGE?

and it will change what exactly? Owners know they are not supposed to go out and question calls. Fans, players and media sure but owners are not going to be overly vocal on these matters
They'll complain and I wouldn't be surprised to see the league/refs more cognizant of the rule or to tweak it.

Stephen Jones and the NFL have already indicated the league is "revisiting" the catch rules in the offseason. I'm convinced there will be changes to it.

So it's great that our rare opportunity to make an NFL Conference Championship was turned into a guinea pig testing ground for future games. Wonderful.
Spare me, Ken. He held and interfered on the same play.

By who's measure? The NFL said that he did not interfere but holding could have been called. I highly question even the hold because he did not impede the receivers progress.

The only problem with that play was how it was called on the field without confering with all of the officials before announcing it and moving the ball. It should have been no call because both players were hand 'checking'.

That is the fact of the matter....
We've all seen the replays a 1,000 times, Would it have made any difference if Dez wouldve hit the goal line with the ball as he is extending (football move) the ball out with his left hand? as it was he hit at the half yard line.
So we should throw a hissy fit in public like a spoiled five-year old?

It's a bad rule, it will get some exposure and maybe overturned.

I doubt it gets overturned. The league has reviewed the rule previously based on other calls and has decided to uphold it.
Stephen's on the competition committee and has already said it's something they might revisit, since no one really liked the Calvin Johnson call in 2010. And now the fact that the Dez call impacted an elimination game.

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