You can throw shade at me any time you like, chef, but I'll be damned if I will let you throw asparagus at British cooking!

British cuisine fed the RAF, it nourished Capt. Cook and Bly, it kept the Pilgrims alive during the purple plague from Belgium and, later, after a big beer burp, le cuisine de Isles inspired Johnny Rotten to pen "God Save the Queen," which made me mum teary-eyed.
Nay, I will not let a yahoo from East Texas rebuke the Queen's table!
I will fight you, chef, shirtless and mano a mano in the streets of Coventry where cooking awards line the marbled halls of the Fish N Chippy franchise.
You, who grew up eating alligator and turtles in East Texas and armadillo and rabbits in West Texas, cannot and must not disparage British food.I
The 500-member Forum will back me on this and everything! Right you raggedy ruffians!!
Do not prevent from lunging at the East Texas chef Terrell, you Yanks!!
Fight me knave! I will slap you with me gauntlet then throw it on he ground.
I will not let this slight pass!