The Video Game Thread

I wouldn't mind doing that either. I heard Microsoft is kicking around the idea of a program where you can exchange your physical disc games for digital. I'd be interested in that. It really is much more convenient. I used to like physical copies for resale value but it seems like games just loose value so much anymore it's hardly worth it. I have some games I paid $60 new and now I can hardly get $5 for them. Hardly worth the fuel.

Also, I wouldn't shed a tear if loot boxes got axed. :D
The only thing about digital is you can't buy them used and digital sales rarely reflect the savings on Amazon/used (a lot of retailers are giving free shipping below the marketed prime "savings" on shipping). It doesn't generally take more than a month or less w/promotions to drop to 30.

The only games I've had to bite the bullet for recently were God of War and Red Dead 2 bc they were in such demand. I would trade in my hard discs bought for digital codes though most definitely, like you said you can't make any money selling hard copies anymore.
The only thing about digital is you can't buy them used and digital sales rarely reflect the savings on Amazon/used (a lot of retailers are giving free shipping below the marketed prime "savings" on shipping). It doesn't generally take more than a month or less w/promotions to drop to 30.

The only games I've had to bite the bullet for recently were God of War and Red Dead 2 bc they were in such demand. I would trade in my hard discs bought for digital codes though most definitely, like you said you can't make any money selling hard copies anymore.

I was not going to rant about digital games but changed my mind. :laugh:

The biggest gripe I have is the price, the price shouldn't be the same as a physical copy.
With a physical copy you have the box, disk/s manuals/strat guides plus the costs of manufacturing the product then shipping the product to all the brick and mortar stores. With a digital copy you have zero of those costs. You/Steam whomever can make digital keys that take the place of all the aforementioned for next to nothing. Publisher/developer are saving $$ and none of this is passed on to Joe Consumer.
Which brings me to Steam which I believe takes around a 30% cut of every title they sale.

These are 2 strat guides that came with my copies of Medieval Total War and Age of Empires 2, they clock in at 80 and around 120 pages respectively and don't include the tech-tree pull out that came with both as well. Developers and publishers have gotten greedy and lazy.
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Yes, the 3rd one is the best easily especially after you get out of the opening area and the world opens up. 2 is very good but less open world and more linear. And 1 is behind that.
Ive heard they probably wont do anymore direct sequels as they want to bena true trilogy. However they plan on continuing developing that world.

I could see another trilogy centered around the Lodge of Sorceress's perhaps.
Yeah, you guys definitely have a strong point about the used market. I see digital games all the time on both PSN/Xbox Marketplace that are going for much higher prices than you can find on the used market. I actually try not to buy games that I feel have no replay value for me. I'm not one that usually will replay a campaign.
I sort of like kingdom hearts games, but get annoyed by some of the ideas in them. I feel I’ll probably end up getting part 3 next week. Hope I don’t regret it.
Yes, the 3rd one is the best easily especially after you get out of the opening area and the world opens up. 2 is very good but less open world and more linear. And 1 is behind that.
CDPR talked up Skyrim influence alot when doing press for Witcher 3. You can see it, while very much being not at all Skyrim/Elder Scrolls
The Witcher 3 quest system makes Skyrim look about as deep as a puddle. And I like elder scrolls games, but the quest system and story line need a major upgrade in part 6.
The Witcher 3 quest system makes Skyrim look about as deep as a puddle. And I like elder scrolls games, but the quest system and story line need a major upgrade in part 6.
Elder Scrolls is more about the open exploration element. Combat and story has always been somewhat weak. One of the things I liked about Witcher in comparison is when you take a contract, you really have to know what you are fighting and how to fight. In Skyrim the one real challenges you will have are Dragon Priests if you play on Legandary

ES titles always go for a high degree of silliness. It works though. "An arrow to the knee" is still a thing lol
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I was not going to rant about digital games but changed my mind. :laugh:

The biggest gripe I have is the price, the price shouldn't be the same as a physical copy.
With a physical copy you have the box, disk/s manuals/strat guides plus the costs of manufacturing the product then shipping the product to all the brick and mortar stores. With a digital copy you have zero of those costs. You/Steam whomever can make digital keys that take the place of all the aforementioned for next to nothing. Publisher/developer are saving $$ and none of this is passed on to Joe Consumer.
Which brings me to Steam which I believe takes around a 30% cut of every title they sale.

These are 2 strat guides that came with my copies of Medieval Total War and Age of Empires 2, they clock in at 80 and around 120 pages respectively and don't include the tech-tree pull out that came with both as well. Developers and publishers have gotten greedy and lazy.

Strat guides would only apply to PC gaming. Console games don't come with strat guides nor do they even come with actual books, like manuals, anymore like they did back in the day.

They come with advertisements for DLC's, more games to buy, and ads for PS or Xbox live.
Strat guides would only apply to PC gaming. Console games don't come with strat guides nor do they even come with actual books, like manuals, anymore like they did back in the day.

They come with advertisements for DLC's, more games to buy, and ads for PS or Xbox live.

Well I used term strategy guide loosely, these could be classified as a strategy guide as well as a manual. I do recall some PS1/2 games having manuals that were in the 20 page range but that was it.
Anybody still playing RDR2? I'm about 60% through the campaign. It's been a really fun game so far!! I'm actually still uncovering sections of the map too. I tried the online portion briefly and it seemed ok. I'll probably focus on the single player the most, at least for now.

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