The Video Game Thread

Anybody still playing RDR2? I'm about 60% through the campaign. It's been a really fun game so far!! I'm actually still uncovering sections of the map too. I tried the online portion briefly and it seemed ok. I'll probably focus on the single player the most, at least for now.

I need to play more of it. I just kind of stalled and haven't went back.

I need to play more Destiny 2 and grind a lot more stuff. I've stalled on that as well.

I need to play more Battlefield 5 but no one to really play that with so I don't get on it. I love Battlefield but it's not a series I enjoy playing multiplayer on my own.

As of late all my time has been spent on Black Ops 4. Call of Duty is a multiplayer I can play alone and still have a great time, although I'd still rather play with a team.

This will change some come Friday since the Remaster of Resident Evil 2 is out, and I'm stoked about that, and right around the corner we have Anthem. I also have to look hard at this Far Cry 5 sequel, called Far Cry Dawning (something like that) coming in March and supposedly Days Gone will finally be out in April. Plus there is Division 2 that I'm pretty interested in.

Just too much stuff to play right now!!!
I need to play more of it. I just kind of stalled and haven't went back.

I need to play more Destiny 2 and grind a lot more stuff. I've stalled on that as well.

I need to play more Battlefield 5 but no one to really play that with so I don't get on it. I love Battlefield but it's not a series I enjoy playing multiplayer on my own.

As of late all my time has been spent on Black Ops 4. Call of Duty is a multiplayer I can play alone and still have a great time, although I'd still rather play with a team.

This will change some come Friday since the Remaster of Resident Evil 2 is out, and I'm stoked about that, and right around the corner we have Anthem. I also have to look hard at this Far Cry 5 sequel, called Far Cry Dawning (something like that) coming in March and supposedly Days Gone will finally be out in April. Plus there is Division 2 that I'm pretty interested in.

Just too much stuff to play right now!!!

I absolutely understand that. Lots of gaming options these days. I seem to jump around these days. Game A one day. Game B the other. As far as BO4, I haven't played nearly as much Blackout as I wanted/thought I would. Seems to be a very team oriented game.I don't mind playing with strangers but sometimes you run into wack people, or, they want to add you as a friend every time. I don't want 500 people on my friend list I don't know. Lol
I've been meaning to ask, you guys with a PS4 Pro, does your console get hot and sound like a jet engine taking off when it gets under extreme gaming loads? God of War, as a great example, my console gets super loud with the fans!!! Unfortunately, it is a tiny bit boxed in with the way my entertainment center is designed, but it has air. It hasn't affected my console in anyway, just curious if anybody else has this issue?

Not to try and start a Playstation vs. Xbox debate, but, my Xbox One X runs quiet and cool as a cucumber during any style gameplay.
I've been meaning to ask, you guys with a PS4 Pro, does your console get hot and sound like a jet engine taking off when it gets under extreme gaming loads? God of War, as a great example, my console gets super loud with the fans!!! Unfortunately, it is a tiny bit boxed in with the way my entertainment center is designed, but it has air. It hasn't affected my console in anyway, just curious if anybody else has this issue?

Not to try and start a Playstation vs. Xbox debate, but, my Xbox One X runs quiet and cool as a cucumber during any style gameplay.

Not sure if this has anything to do with it...…..
I've been meaning to ask, you guys with a PS4 Pro, does your console get hot and sound like a jet engine taking off when it gets under extreme gaming loads? God of War, as a great example, my console gets super loud with the fans!!! Unfortunately, it is a tiny bit boxed in with the way my entertainment center is designed, but it has air. It hasn't affected my console in anyway, just curious if anybody else has this issue?

Not to try and start a Playstation vs. Xbox debate, but, my Xbox One X runs quiet and cool as a cucumber during any style gameplay.
Definitely loud to the point I wonder if it's "okay", etc. but haven't had it shut down on me or anything. Xbox is on and you don't even hear it outside of a game loading up briefly.
Definitely loud to the point I wonder if it's "okay", etc. but haven't had it shut down on me or anything. Xbox is on and you don't even hear it outside of a game loading up briefly.

Mine is currently flat on it's bottom. Maybe it is just a PS4 thing. I won't worry about it too much until it blows up or does indeed take off from out of my ET center. :laugh:
I absolutely understand that. Lots of gaming options these days. I seem to jump around these days. Game A one day. Game B the other. As far as BO4, I haven't played nearly as much Blackout as I wanted/thought I would. Seems to be a very team oriented game.I don't mind playing with strangers but sometimes you run into wack people, or, they want to add you as a friend every time. I don't want 500 people on my friend list I don't know. Lol

I have played almost no Blackout. Which is a shame cause it's actually quite good but I just don't get on it. I'm always on the multiplayer.

I need to do the jump around thing on games to. I always tell myself I'm going to put myself a list together and do that. Play this game on this day. This game on this day. And so on until I finish a game and then I'll slot something else in on that day.

But instead I wind up liking a game so much that it just winds up being what I play, all the time, until I burn myself out on it and then I move over to another one.

Rare exceptions like God of War that is single player only. Then I'll play something like that until I beat it and then move on. Or Platinum it, like I did with GoW.
My childhood buddy's brother nagged me into buying MONSTER HUNTER: WORLD. I played it one night, but haven't since. Reviews say it's a GRIND game and that really doesn't thrill me. I had a couple of drinks that night, so I didn't give it a fair chance. I need to go back and try it some more.

Fired up DOOM 2016 for the first time maybe a year and a half this evening. Gotta say, DOOM and Quake are the absolute KINGS of PC gaming history. No if ands or buts about it. Nothing gets your thrill rocketing upwards like they can on the more difficult modes!
My childhood buddy's brother nagged me into buying MONSTER HUNTER: WORLD. I played it one night, but haven't since. Reviews say it's a GRIND game and that really doesn't thrill me. I had a couple of drinks that night, so I didn't give it a fair chance. I need to go back and try it some more.

Fired up DOOM 2016 for the first time maybe a year and a half this evening. Gotta say, DOOM and Quake are the absolute KINGS of PC gaming history. No if ands or buts about it. Nothing gets your thrill rocketing upwards like they can on the more difficult modes!

I'm old enough to remember the OG Doom!!! What a fantastic game. I remember being a 13-14 year old kid sitting in the dark cruising around in that game all freaked out. :laugh: I'm pretty sure the newest Doom has a section somewhere in it where you can play the original. IIRC
I'm old enough to remember the OG Doom!!! What a fantastic game. I remember being a 13-14 year old kid sitting in the dark cruising around in that game all freaked out. :laugh: I'm pretty sure the newest Doom has a section somewhere in it where you can play the original. IIRC

I remember the first time getting to the Cyber Demon rofl. I could hear that kerchunk, kerchunk, kerchunk, and every time I looked around the corner there were rockets flying at me. hah I was terrified rofl.
So, Gamefly sent me Shaq-**: A Legend Reborn. I added it on my que as kind of fill-in type game. Let me tell you, I'm having a blast playing this game. It's just pure simplistic fun. It's like an old school side scrolling fighting game (think Double Dragon) with some cheesy comedy. I'm loving it. Haven't been able to stop playing since I installed it. Nice change of pace.

Anybody try the Anthem demo yet? I played it for a bit last night. Kind of reminded me of Destiny in some ways. I didn't play it long enough to give a real good review on it. Loading times for the game seemed super long for me though. But the graphics, good lord, look at the detail in the stone. I took this on my phone from the TV screen too. It still blows my mind the leaps we're making in graphical technology in such short strides.

For comparison here is what the graphics looked like in 2001 (Halo).

Anybody try the Anthem demo yet? I played it for a bit last night. Kind of reminded me of Destiny in some ways. I didn't play it long enough to give a real good review on it. Loading times for the game seemed super long for me though. But the graphics, good lord, look at the detail in the stone. I took this on my phone from the TV screen too. It still blows my mind the leaps we're making in graphical technology in such short strides.

For comparison here is what the graphics looked like in 2001 (Halo).

Those graphics are crispy making halo look like Oregon Trail. I tried to play a couple of original Xbox games for that backwards compatibility but the graphics made me give up unf. The 360 games aren't too bad yet, but anything bf that hurts my eyes now :(

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