The Video Game Thread

Yes and no. You will always return to that starting point, but the levels have shortcuts to open up in them. These are usually switches and levers that open doors or give access to an elevator that connects back to that check point.

Healing can always be farmed and bought if you need to build up a stock. If you’re not far along in the game and struggling with healing, consider starting again with your new knowledge/experience as a temple knight. They get heavy armor and a heal spell.

I saw that you have been hanging out in 4-1. The skeletons there are tough.

What weapon are you using? The standard long sword is good. Whatever you’re using, most of your damage starting out will be from increasing your weapon’s level at a blacksmith. There are actually firestones in 2-1 and 2-2 that can fire enchant a weapon so that it removes all the stats from it and the damage is based only on the weapon level. I played through as a wizard pumping up Int but had a fire sword so its damage wasn’t based on strength. Also useful against skeletons and the squid people in 3-1.

Get your base stats required to use the weapon, then focus on tempering the weapon for bigger damage. Level points from there can go to health, stamina, and making sure your equipment weight is high enough so that you don’t “fat roll.”’ This is very important.

There is a ring hidden in 1-1 that cuts the health penalty of phantom form from 50% to 75%.

Thanks! That’s awesome stuff.

I have made progress. I learned how to farm. I learned that the red glowing thing in 4-1 is because I died as a human there and I need to take out a boss to get rid of him.

I didn’t know that my guy could fully heal him with the miracle but I know now.

I’ve made a lot of progress. I took out the tower knight.. I must’ve ran across that bridge a 100 times. I too, out the dragon. I’ve also took out the spider in 2-1.

The weapon I’m using is that sword you can get in 4-1.. I managed to get it after several attempts.

I also use a double axe I acquired in 2-1

I bought the claymore but realized I’m not ready to use it.. The 4-1 weapon is good though.

I use a level 6 compound bow as weell.

I need to figure out how to farm the large hardstones.

My vitality is 20.

My strength is 30.

What I still don’t understand is what the numbers exactly need to be that determine fast rolls. I don’t understand how much is too much. I just take stuff away until I roll fast.

I know so much more then I did the other day but there is a lot that goes into playing this game. I have to watch videos of other people beating levels because it’s just too much to figure out.

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Thanks! That’s awesome stuff.

I have made progress. I learned how to farm. I learned that the red glowing thing in 4-1 is because I died as a human there and I need to take out a boss to get rid of him.

I didn’t know that my guy could fully heal him with the miracle but I know now.

I’ve made a lot of progress. I took out the tower knight.. I must’ve ran across that bridge a 100 times. I too, out the dragon. I’ve also took out the spider in 2-1.

The weapon I’m using is that sword you can get in 4-1.. I managed to get it after several attempts.

I also use a double axe I acquired in 2-1

I bought the claymore but realized I’m not ready to use it.. The 4-1 weapon is good though.

I use a level 6 compound bow as weell.

I need to figure out how to farm the large hardstones.

My vitality is 20.

My strength is 30.

What I still don’t understand is what the numbers exactly need to be that determine fast rolls. I don’t understand how much is too much. I just take stuff away until I roll fast.

I know so much more then I did the other day but there is a lot that goes into playing this game. I have to watch videos of other people beating levels because it’s just too much to figure out.

It’s sounds like you’re not struggling with the game as much as you think or it has started to click since those posts.

What sword is from 4-1? If it’s the crescent Dak goon, that is good but only if you’re raising Magic since the crescent infusion makes strength and dex stats affect it less while adding damage from your magic stat.

The claymore is a fantastic weapon, and some people will tell you it’s the best there is. But a lot of these people will be two handing it and ditching their shield.

If you’re raising strength and still most comfortable having a shield, I would find a Knight Sword and a Greystone to turn it into a Heavy Knight Sword (I think that’s the stone). This makes strength do more while removing the effect of dex.

You fat roll when your total equipment is above 50% of your total equipment burden, which is raised by increasing endurance. If you have both the sword and that axe equipped, I would pick one weapon and take the other off to decrease the weight. I usually mix in some lighter armor too, but you can get the number down enough with endurance.
Smart thinking. Some games...... you just can’t put down or stop playing until you beat them. Uncharted fell into that realm for me also. Especially considering the stories are so well written and engrossing. Even aside from the fun game mechanics, you want to play to see what will happen with the characters.

So they’re definitely games to play when you know you’ll have the free time to devote to them.

Sometimes when you get sucked into a game. You end up missing out on a lot of sleep for a few weeks lol. I know that happens to me sometimes.
I'm playing Uncharted 4 now, and I've put more hours into this game than I have in another game in a long time. I think it's because it gets dark so early I don't have outside things to do. It's my first venture into this type of game. I'm having a lot of fun playing it, but I don't know if I will play it again. Sometimes the wall/cliff climbing get a bit monotonous, but sometimes the puzzles within the climbing/swinging are fun. The normal puzzles are cool, and the story so far is top notch. You can tell I'm a 1st person shooter type of guy, because I just can't play stealth too much even if it would benefit me. I'm too impatient. LOL. Besides I love the shootouts. I think I'm about 2/3's through the game. I'm glad I bought it; especially since it was only $19 on PlayStation store.
Anyone have any luck getting a newer system since release date? I've all but given up until next year, was just too late entering the race. Feel like a spoiled kid walking past my ps4 in disgust (not really, but kinda lol)

"Wth am I supposed to do with you?" :laugh:
Just think, you will probably save money, there will be more games next year and they will be better optimized for the system.
Anyone have any luck getting a newer system since release date? I've all but given up until next year, was just too late entering the race. Feel like a spoiled kid walking past my ps4 in disgust (not really, but kinda lol)

"Wth am I supposed to do with you?" :laugh:

Nope. I've been keeping my eyes out as I want a PS5 eventually and my buddy has been looking for a Series X, so, I've been helping him look. Not looking good. Starting to look like anybody that missed out on the initial frenzy is going to have to wait it out. What a crazy release for these consoles.
Nope. I've been keeping my eyes out as I want a PS5 eventually and my buddy has been looking for a Series X, so, I've been helping him look. Not looking good. Starting to look like anybody that missed out on the initial frenzy is going to have to wait it out. What a crazy release for these consoles.
Same boat, Ps5 or Xbox X (could make use of my fave 360 games) would be fine but both are really hard to get at this point vs the bots. Appr the feedback though, sometimes you wonder if it's your region especially, etc. I saw a FB post of an old friend who has one, that's about it for my area I've seen physically. Then you read online of people enjoying theirs so you kind of wonder where they are; the scalpers trunk probably smh.

"I know millions are in my shoes"...then see some cool dad who has 2 for his family, where'd cool dad snag that? lol
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Just think, you will probably save money, there will be more games next year and they will be better optimized for the system.
You know there have been some grumblings already from some ps5 owners especially. I finished Dark Souls and Morales, now what?! kind of thing. I hear you though, I highly doubt I even have the optimal tv for it outside of it just being 4K and would be playing ps4 games on there in all likelihood after Demon souls.

Tbh felt like I was above the next gen craze then saw the other grown kids with their toys and am now a little jealous...:laugh:
You liking Creed so far? I'm not feeling the combat @ all tbh...liked Odyssey but Valhalla almost feels like diabo type hack n slash.
A little disappointed for sure. I just needed something semi-new to play on this lol. But yeah, some of these launch titles across all platforms are super buggy and seem a tad uninspired. The kinks will work out I hope.
Well, Black Ops Cold War is off to a rough start. Not only are there constant connection issues for multiplayer but it is freezing and shutting off my Series X constantly. So, I ended up just playing on my One X in the mancave. Well, since the last update it is now resetting that console as well. I guess it's a pretty widespread issue with the Series X, PC, and even PS5. Just an absolutely disappointing release for me. I'm usually a fan of (most) the games in the Call of Duty franchise and especially always supported Treyarch, but man, this is just embarrassing for them. I get that they took over the project from another dev team (and in a year with Covid) but there is just no excuse for this. If those were issues hampering their development then I think they should have just delayed the project and given us a completed game later. I think Call of Duty fans would have understood. Now, we are all left with an unfinished and problematic game that we all paid money for. Don't even get me started on the lack of content. lol

I'm sure this was more from Activision's greed. I can just imagine in their board meetings them pounding on the table demanding that Treyarch needed to get this game out on time. All about that revenue. The hell with the consumer.

As you can see I'm very disappointed. :laugh:
Well, Black Ops Cold War is off to a rough start. Not only are there constant connection issues for multiplayer but it is freezing and shutting off my Series X constantly. So, I ended up just playing on my One X in the mancave. Well, since the last update it is now resetting that console as well. I guess it's a pretty widespread issue with the Series X, PC, and even PS5. Just an absolutely disappointing release for me. I'm usually a fan of (most) the games in the Call of Duty franchise and especially always supported Treyarch, but man, this is just embarrassing for them. I get that they took over the project from another dev team (and in a year with Covid) but there is just no excuse for this. If those were issues hampering their development then I think they should have just delayed the project and given us a completed game later. I think Call of Duty fans would have understood. Now, we are all left with an unfinished and problematic game that we all paid money for. Don't even get me started on the lack of content. lol

I'm sure this was more from Activision's greed. I can just imagine in their board meetings them pounding on the table demanding that Treyarch needed to get this game out on time. All about that revenue. The hell with the consumer.

As you can see I'm very disappointed. :laugh:

Hopefully they get everything fixed. Also fingers crossed Cyberpunk is awesome and pretty much bug free. You got pics of the mancave?
Yeah, I'm not even wanting to play it.
Well, Black Ops Cold War is off to a rough start. Not only are there constant connection issues for multiplayer but it is freezing and shutting off my Series X constantly. So, I ended up just playing on my One X in the mancave. Well, since the last update it is now resetting that console as well. I guess it's a pretty widespread issue with the Series X, PC, and even PS5. Just an absolutely disappointing release for me. I'm usually a fan of (most) the games in the Call of Duty franchise and especially always supported Treyarch, but man, this is just embarrassing for them. I get that they took over the project from another dev team (and in a year with Covid) but there is just no excuse for this. If those were issues hampering their development then I think they should have just delayed the project and given us a completed game later. I think Call of Duty fans would have understood. Now, we are all left with an unfinished and problematic game that we all paid money for. Don't even get me started on the lack of content. lol

I'm sure this was more from Activision's greed. I can just imagine in their board meetings them pounding on the table demanding that Treyarch needed to get this game out on time. All about that revenue. The hell with the consumer.

As you can see I'm very disappointed. :laugh:

I'm scared to even play it with the patch. Absolutely ridiculous for a high profile AAA title. At least Valhalla (despite its just numerous flaws) hasn't completely shut it down as of yet. Hearing some horror stories about that one as well. Yikes these big money publishers need a little bit of respect for the consumer, especially with new consoles and even PC's. Hearing CoD crash constantly on newer graphics cards is alarming.

Like JohnnyTheFox said, I really really hope Cyberpunk can at least run decent on my PC, but I'd prefer the Series X....but yikes, that game is so massively impressive just not sure. Especially with these issues games are having.
Yeah, I'm not even wanting to play it.

I'm scared to even play it with the patch. Absolutely ridiculous for a high profile AAA title. At least Valhalla (despite its just numerous flaws) hasn't completely shut it down as of yet. Hearing some horror stories about that one as well. Yikes these big money publishers need a little bit of respect for the consumer, especially with new consoles and even PC's. Hearing CoD crash constantly on newer graphics cards is alarming.

Like JohnnyTheFox said, I really really hope Cyberpunk can at least run decent on my PC, but I'd prefer the Series X....but yikes, that game is so massively impressive just not sure. Especially with these issues games are having.

They are milking those respective franchises for every penny they can get. Remember the Splinter Cell series, those first 3 titles were awesome, have no clue why Ubisoft abandoned it. Heck even a remaster of those would be great. Played the first couple COD's which were great then a little bit afterwards{especially after 4}realized they were just milking it for all its worth like EA/Madden.
One thing I will say for the PC is, if one is looking for realistic/semi realistic military Sims/Shooters there is an abundance of games to choose from. The Arma series and Squad are 2 that come to mind.
Check this out....
A little disappointed for sure. I just needed something semi-new to play on this lol. But yeah, some of these launch titles across all platforms are super buggy and seem a tad uninspired. The kinks will work out I hope.
I had to remember the ps4 launch was pretty slim too, think it was Infamous Second Son and Knack as the launch titles before stuff starting really coming out for it. With COD acting up, Madden/Fifa coming out in Dec, you don't have many pick up and play titles outside of Nba2k. Miles Morales only being about 7 hours long I want to say, so really is mainly Demon Souls.
Yeah, I'm not even wanting to play it.

I'm scared to even play it with the patch. Absolutely ridiculous for a high profile AAA title. At least Valhalla (despite its just numerous flaws) hasn't completely shut it down as of yet. Hearing some horror stories about that one as well. Yikes these big money publishers need a little bit of respect for the consumer, especially with new consoles and even PC's. Hearing CoD crash constantly on newer graphics cards is alarming.

Like JohnnyTheFox said, I really really hope Cyberpunk can at least run decent on my PC, but I'd prefer the Series X....but yikes, that game is so massively impressive just not sure. Especially with these issues games are having.
Have they fixed that part about being stalled at a point in the campaign if you're playing as the male lead? I saw tons of complaints about that, where they would hit a part of the campaign and the game kind of stalls out on them; no active quests, no direction on the map as to what to do, etc.

I bought it but really didn't like the combat too much and figured they would patch some of this stuff up so would play it at a later date, etc....hopefully on a ps5 of some kind :muttley:
Well, Black Ops Cold War is off to a rough start. Not only are there constant connection issues for multiplayer but it is freezing and shutting off my Series X constantly. So, I ended up just playing on my One X in the mancave. Well, since the last update it is now resetting that console as well. I guess it's a pretty widespread issue with the Series X, PC, and even PS5. Just an absolutely disappointing release for me. I'm usually a fan of (most) the games in the Call of Duty franchise and especially always supported Treyarch, but man, this is just embarrassing for them. I get that they took over the project from another dev team (and in a year with Covid) but there is just no excuse for this. If those were issues hampering their development then I think they should have just delayed the project and given us a completed game later. I think Call of Duty fans would have understood. Now, we are all left with an unfinished and problematic game that we all paid money for. Don't even get me started on the lack of content. lol

I'm sure this was more from Activision's greed. I can just imagine in their board meetings them pounding on the table demanding that Treyarch needed to get this game out on time. All about that revenue. The hell with the consumer.

As you can see I'm very disappointed. :laugh:
You should be, these launch titles were getting worse and worse last gen, so to see it day 1 on a big money franchise like COD is crap tbh. Shows laziness and that the direction is still pointing down despite all the pretty hardware which is kind of a let down. New machine, new gen cycle to start fresh, but same short sightedness/laziness from the top.

This is where paying the game sites for reviews comes into play bc we get minimal warning on this type of stuff. The reviewer goes off of what it could do optimally for the most part and even then you can tell the money was way Madden gets above a 5 in the last five years but there it is annually with a decent grade even with the reviewer commenting on the stuff that should give it a 5, etc. Same game, different rosters, new mode that was covered most of the review that no one will play, so 7 out of 10?:huh:

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