The Video Game Thread

Struck out but happy my folks on here got one. Think my cc wasn't saved correctly, bc I "had" one about 9:30 on the second round but kept glitching when trying to finalize. Ah well..sux but oddly happier now I see yah got some, etc. Least wasn't just bots and hopefully more on the way on Walmart or others later in Dec.
Was hoping for you bro! Best Buy has something tomorrow I think. I have a feeling more and more will trickle in before Xmas hopefully. A Cowboys win would be nice my friend!
Was hoping for you bro! Best Buy has something tomorrow I think. I have a feeling more and more will trickle in before Xmas hopefully. A Cowboys win would be nice my friend!
Thanks homie, all good and glad you were able to get one! Really just shows they're figuring it out (that website I mean lol) and that there are actually more in play during those windows. Will keep my eyes open for BB tomorrow, ick...don't know what that fake punt was about. :eek:
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Hope this helps ..

I have been watching the Nintendo Switch sales on since they started earlier than the newer consoles and they sell out fast, but Walmart is selling them in batches on delay.

With the Switch, the first batch was available at 7:00pm EST. They sold out in less than 60 seconds.

Then the second batch was made available at 7:30pm EST (which it tells you immediately after one cycle closes).

The next batch was at 7:45pm EST, then 8:00pm EST and 8:15pm EST.

After that, it showed "OUT OF STOCK".

So if you miss in the first batch, pay attention to the next available time they show .. assuming they use the same release system they used for the Switch of course.

this turned out to be pretty true, as they released in three waves. It wasn’t 15 minutes, but they would say sold out and then a few minutes later they would drop another wave. I was lucky to be delusional and not believe they were sold out, and for real they weren’t. Cant believe i got lucky and got one on the second wave because I was to stubborn to give in. Cyberpunk will be played in all its ps5 glory.
Any of you ever play GTA V? Xbox has it on sale right now for $15. Worth it?
Oh yeah, loved that game! San Andreas still #1 but that's probably#2. Good story, lotta fun stuff to do and can start doing the GTA thing when you want to divert, etc. My buddy still plays online ps4 bc he does the bank heists and online mp stuff. Definitely if you never played, surprised you haven't tbh...not that there's anything wrong with that (jkn)
Oh yeah, loved that game! San Andreas still #1 but that's probably#2. Good story, lotta fun stuff to do and can start doing the GTA thing when you want to divert, etc. My buddy still plays online ps4 bc he does the bank heists and online mp stuff. Definitely if you never played, surprised you haven't tbh...not that there's anything wrong with that (jkn)
GTA is in my top 5 series of all time for sure. Agreed with San when I first played it on my slim PS2. I will never forget taking the drive into Las Venturas and seeing the Vegas lights shine in the horizon...just WOW.
Any of you ever play GTA V? Xbox has it on sale right now for $15. Worth it?
Absolutely worth getting. I played it on the PS3 and might buy it for PS4 because I don't remember much of the single-player campaign and never really tried the online stuff. When it came out, that is all I did for some period of time and the GTA games are excellent in my opinion. Sony has the same kind of sale right now.
Excellent!! Thanks guys. I snagged it up tonight. It is downloading! :yourock:

Definitely if you never played, surprised you haven't tbh...not that there's anything wrong with that (jkn)

Yeah it's just one of those games that kind of slipped past me. I knew about it/have heard of it but just never got around to playing by from or buy, rent, or borrow. Excited to dive into it.
but just never got around to playing by from or buy, rent, or borrow.

Was that English? :laugh: I swear I should proofread more.

In other news, I finished the Cold War campaign today. It was actually really good. I had a blast playing it and it had a nice mix of action, stealth, vehicle control, and storyline. There is a section of the game where they get into your head and there are some cool graphic scenes that happen there. The downside is that it was a fairly short campaign. Well, that and the game kept crashing on me. After some Google searching I found others had success with turning off raytracing. I did that and things went well from there are out. Definitely some bugs they have to work out.

So yeah, overall, I had a good time with the campaign. Now if they would just fix their multiplayer. :D
Wow...the PS5 has absolutely blown me away. Something about it really feels next gen. It is a monster. Again...what a time to be a gamer. Come on guys...let's now convince the wife for that TV lol

It's unbelievable. Souls is unbelievable.

Buy yourself a monitor man. You can get a good one for under 200 and its a better gaming experience than a TV.

Souls update:

I'm still moving along. I've got the hang of this game now and i'm finishing a level or 2 a day. I've got sidetracked leveling up weapons and trying to get trophies for going platinum.

This is one of the best games i've ever played. It's visually the best game i've ever seen and it's somehow the perfect balance of frustrating and fun.
I was not expecting to get a Xbox series X. Was thinking none would be available and i'll just wait and that's ok because i' not a big gamer for a long time now.

I'm not sure if getting one is a good or bad thing yet. As soon as i got it i had to start getting games memory and a 2nd controller. Yesterday i was looking at TV's. Money is leaving the pocket quickly since i purchased this xbox.

Xbox X $499
Memory $219
2nd Controller $44
NBA 2k Kobe verison $79
Call of Duty $69
Cyberpunk preorder $59
Halo preorder $59
Assassin's creed Valhalla $59
Watchdogs Legion $30
Fifa 21 $28
Madden 21 $28
Need for Speed hot pursuit remastered $25
Gears tactics $30
Avengers $25

TV's i was looking at were all priced 2k and above. Didn't get one.

I will barley play any of those games besides NBA2k. When i think about that i feel i wasted money and this was more a reaction buy then anything else. Old habbits die hard indeed.

I would of bought the Xbox down the road anyway so in the end i'm not sure it really matters, but as you can see from the above they will suck you in and steal your cash, be careful.

Question about Cyberpunk. I bought it because of the hype and i got carried away with the buying.....What is Cyberpunk, will it be something similiar to GTAV? Openworld free roam and missions?
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Question about Cyberpunk. I bought it because of the hype and i got carried away with the buying.....What is Cyberpunk, will it be something similiar to GTAV? Openworld free roam and missions?

I want to know the same thing.. Why is there so much hype about a game that doesn't have any multiplayer or anything?

What is so cool about it?

I don't think there is an actual PS5 version coming out on release either.

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