The Video Game Thread

Hopefully they get everything fixed. Also fingers crossed Cyberpunk is awesome and pretty much bug free. You got pics of the mancave?

I will have to drum some up. It's nothing super special but it's a place dedicated for me. :D

They are milking those respective franchises for every penny they can get. Remember the Splinter Cell series, those first 3 titles were awesome, have no clue why Ubisoft abandoned it. Heck even a remaster of those would be great. Played the first couple COD's which were great then a little bit afterwards{especially after 4}realized they were just milking it for all its worth like EA/Madden.
One thing I will say for the PC is, if one is looking for realistic/semi realistic military Sims/Shooters there is an abundance of games to choose from. The Arma series and Squad are 2 that come to mind.
Check this out....

That looks insane!! Going to have to look that one up.
I don't know why, but looking up that ArmaA 3 game made this old Rainbow Six game randomly pop in my head and I had to look it up. It's been YEARS since I've seen it. I remember my dad bought this on PC in the early 2000s. I gave it a whirl one night and got hooked. I would stay up so late playing it. I remember thinking the graphics were awesome and the way you could plan your team to go through the house and take out terrorists was next level. So insane looking back at things like this. I mean, I guess at the time they were the graphics technology was giving us, but still, gives you a chuckle to think that you were impressed by them at one time.

So Ubisoft has this on their website for sale right now for $2.50. I may snag it for old time's sake. :laugh:

I will have to drum some up. It's nothing super special but it's a place dedicated for me. :D

That looks insane!! Going to have to look that one up.

Haven't played in about a year but will d/l and post some screens tonight. It has a ton of content, single player, co-op and multiplayer and a TON of mods adding everything one can imagine. One thing though it is super realistic, one good shot and you are dead.
Elite Dangerous currently free from Epic Games Store - Geeky Gadgets


If you haven't yet engaged in the space simulation game Elite Dangerous you might be pleased to know that it is now available to download for free from

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Elite Dangerous currently free from Epic Games Store - Geeky Gadgets


If you haven't yet engaged in the space simulation game Elite Dangerous you might be pleased to know that it is now available to download for free from

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My little bro was absolutely hooked on this game for a few months. I haven't tried it but he seemed to love it.
Well 9 eastern at PS5 goes live for about 15 seconds lol. Burn bots burn!!! I'm gonna give it a shot at least.
Hope this helps ..

I have been watching the Nintendo Switch sales on since they started earlier than the newer consoles and they sell out fast, but Walmart is selling them in batches on delay.

With the Switch, the first batch was available at 7:00pm EST. They sold out in less than 60 seconds.

Then the second batch was made available at 7:30pm EST (which it tells you immediately after one cycle closes).

The next batch was at 7:45pm EST, then 8:00pm EST and 8:15pm EST.

After that, it showed "OUT OF STOCK".

So if you miss in the first batch, pay attention to the next available time they show .. assuming they use the same release system they used for the Switch of course.
Hope this helps ..

I have been watching the Nintendo Switch sales on since they started earlier than the newer consoles and they sell out fast, but Walmart is selling them in batches on delay.

With the Switch, the first batch was available at 7:00pm EST. They sold out in less than 60 seconds.

Then the second batch was made available at 7:30pm EST (which it tells you immediately after one cycle closes).

The next batch was at 7:45pm EST, then 8:00pm EST and 8:15pm EST.

After that, it showed "OUT OF STOCK".

So if you miss in the first batch, pay attention to the next available time they show .. assuming they use the same release system they used for the Switch of course.
WE GOT ONE BUDDIES!!!. I am in absolute SHOCK!!

Elite Dangerous currently free from Epic Games Store - Geeky Gadgets


If you haven't yet engaged in the space simulation game Elite Dangerous you might be pleased to know that it is now available to download for free from

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I have almost bought this on a Steam sale more then once but always backed out. Might look into it now, Thanks!
Awesome man. Appreciated! Need all the help we all can get. Are you going to try? Hope BigStar might try and snag one. Best of luck to anybody trying. I don't expect a chance at all.

Got Xbox Series X Was there at 9pm no luck, left after 10 minutes. Went back at 9:20pm was available.

Also got NBA 2K21 Mamba edition.

Doods!!! Awesome!!! Glad to hear you all got your consoles.

As for me, no, I think I'm just going to throw the towel in on the PS5 until the rat race is over. I have my Series X so that will tide me over. :D
Doods!!! Awesome!!! Glad to hear you all got your consoles.

As for me, no, I think I'm just going to throw the towel in on the PS5 until the rat race is over. I have my Series X so that will tide me over. :D
Thanks my friend! Series rocks for sure! It's great to be a gamer...

Now...if I only had that new TV...yikes haha
Struck out but happy my folks on here got one. Think my cc wasn't saved correctly, bc I "had" one about 9:30 on the second round but kept glitching when trying to finalize. Ah well..sux but oddly happier now I see yah got some, etc. Least wasn't just bots and hopefully more on the way on Walmart or others later in Dec.

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