The Video Game Thread

Cyberpunk 2077's long-struggling developers will see their bonuses after all

CDPR executives are changing the structure for bonuses, according to Bloomberg.

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Great news, Liotta will like this! I've heard they were did a little dirty in terms of work env. so it's good to know that harder work will be rewarded and not be sucked up by the top brass.
We usually went to blockbuster but there was a local chain also called West Coast Video.

I remember when I was around 10 or so, wandering into the roped off porno section.

I kinda liked it. But that’s a discussion for another place. :laugh:
I'll call your West Coast Video, and raise you an East Coast Erol's :laugh: (good ol 80s) " Before you ask, Yes, we're out of stock on that beta rental" :D
dude. I remember as a kid. My parents taking me to Blockbuster on a Friday night and letting me pick out any game or movie I wanted to rent for the weekend. Buy some popcorn or candy while there too.

my goodness is was so much fun and such a treat as a kid.

Oh man, those were definitely the days. I remember when I was a kid I would go spend the night at a buddies house and we would always ride our bikes to the nearest Blockbuster and rent games. Then stay up late into the night playing them. Or even rent movies and watch them. "Be Kind. Please Rewind" haha

Life was good then gents!

Heck yeah...we had a ton of Blockbusters and even a regional place called Hasting's where I was absolutely giddy as a kid going through the isles and hoping the VHS tape or eventually DVD was behind the cover. My parents had to keep me away from all the Rated R stuff lol...

Yes! We had Hastings around here too!! In fact, they actually held on the longest. I had one less than a mile from my house and it just barely closed shop in like 2015ish.
Heck yeah...we had a ton of Blockbusters and even a regional place called Hasting's where I was absolutely giddy as a kid going through the isles and hoping the VHS tape or eventually DVD was behind the cover. My parents had to keep me away from all the Rated R stuff lol...

There were a few Hastings here in the OKC metro area up until 5 years ago or so, that had some great stuff.
I do! I love it. I've been using them for about 10 years. My turn around time is just a couple of days. If there is one complaint it's that you won't always get your queue order exactly how you have it. Depending on demand, you won't always get your #1 spot, though, they have started this new system where you can "lock" a game in to receive it. I have Far Cry 6 in my slot, so, we will see how that goes when the games drops.

Other than that I've really enjoyed the service. Saves me tons of money from buying games. I can't tell you how many games I wanted to try, got from them, and hated the game. Just ship it back and be done with it. Or, games I found I really liked and bought (they have a Keep It Now system where you can buy the game). Plus, it's really about the only rental option left. All the rental places in my area are long gone. Then Redbox rented games for awhile but that has since stopped.
That's really good to know. I forgot about that service. I've wasted so much money on games over the years. I buy the game and after only a couple of hours I find the game not to my liking, but I'm stuck with it. Thanks again!
For years when my controller thumbstick grip faded away i would look for good grip covers and they would always slip off during gameplay, the other day i came across replacement thumb sticks on amazon and the tools came with it, i just replaced one and its like a new controller now. Tomsin is the brand name.
Old guy tiptoeing into this century getting into the video games again. I decided to gift myself a Switch with the Pro Controller and Mario games because I want to recapture the younger me and my grandsons have a Switch.

If this works and I can handle the manual dexterity of this controller without hand cramps, I'll move up in class like the older boys.
Yeah, that is such an odd social stigma to me. You're exactly right too. It's OK for somebody to binge watch a 10 episode season on a Saturday but somehow would be a "waste of time" to do that on a video game. As I've gotten older in life I've just found that humans, as a whole, are extremely hypocritical especially when something doesn't fit their agenda. I'm 100% with you that I would much rather turn on a video game than watch TV these days. At least I can interact with what I'm seeing on screen and a lot of times it makes you think.

Also, if these people would do even a simple Google search they would see that there are studies that show video games actually have benefits. They've been used to help in PTSD, they increase your ability to problem-solve, sharpen your decision making, and the list goes on.

Ok end rant. :laugh:

Oh, and Bioshock is one of the most incredible stories. I loved that premise. I always thought it would make an awesome movie but we all know Hollywood would screw that up. lol
Different strokes for different folks should always apply to anything and everything in life. I could never understand how anyone could get into coin or stamp collecting but they couldn't understand my baseball card collecting either.

I agree, there are too many people who think others' activities are worthless while all of theirs are worthwhile. John Candy wanted to play Pickup Stix with his butt cheeks in P,T and A and I even thought that was just fine. Not my thing but I would defend his right to do that.
I'm an old-timer in my late 50's and some people look at me like I'm too old to be playing video games. I'm actually old enough to where I played coin-op Pong in a bowling alley back in the day. Lol

I played and finished all the Far Cry games except Far Cry 5 or the New Dawn. I even played Far Cry 1 (that was a brutal
Old guy tiptoeing into this century getting into the video games again. I decided to gift myself a Switch with the Pro Controller and Mario games because I want to recapture the younger me and my grandsons have a Switch.

If this works and I can handle the manual dexterity of this controller without hand cramps, I'll move up in class like the older boys.
Mario Odyssey was excellent. Probably would have been a slam dunk Game of the Year if not for Zelda
Old guy tiptoeing into this century getting into the video games again. I decided to gift myself a Switch with the Pro Controller and Mario games because I want to recapture the younger me and my grandsons have a Switch.

If this works and I can handle the manual dexterity of this controller without hand cramps, I'll move up in class like the older boys.

The Switch is awesome. I kind of go through phases on how much I use mine. but when I do, it's a really enjoyable platform. Last game I got stuck on was Zelda: Link's Awakening. Awesome game that I couldn't put down. Would be a great game for. It's not super fast paced. There is some exploring. Some puzzles to figure out. Some fight sequences (that are pretty simplified). I think you'd enjoy it.
The Switch is awesome. I kind of go through phases on how much I use mine. but when I do, it's a really enjoyable platform. Last game I got stuck on was Zelda: Link's Awakening. Awesome game that I couldn't put down. Would be a great game for. It's not super fast paced. There is some exploring. Some puzzles to figure out. Some fight sequences (that are pretty simplified). I think you'd enjoy it.
I am IDENTICAL. Have it on Link's Awakening and not touched it in quite a while. The Switch is a great system, and I'd like to get back to the little guy. He's just jealous of his newly adopted big bros.
Can we post about Cyberpunk in game stuff here or we need make a new thread?

I can tell already it will take me a long time to complete this game so i don't mind some spoilers tips hints tricks etc.

I'm not that far into the game but i got some opinions from what i've seen so far but don't want to spoil anything for anyone not playing yet.
I am IDENTICAL. Have it on Link's Awakening and not touched it in quite a while. The Switch is a great system, and I'd like to get back to the little guy. He's just jealous of his newly adopted big bros.

Yeah. I was surprised how much I like my switch. I have been playing it more than the Xbox the last year.

Zelda Links Awakening. And Zelda Breath of the wild. Fantastic games.

Super smash bros very good.

Luigis mansion 3 is very fun.
Can we post about Cyberpunk in game stuff here or we need make a new thread?

I can tell already it will take me a long time to complete this game so i don't mind some spoilers tips hints tricks etc.

I'm not that far into the game but i got some opinions from what i've seen so far but don't want to spoil anything for anyone not playing yet.

I was wondering the same...but there are like 6 different endings and crazy outcomes regarding options of characters/etc. Crazy stuff...
Can we post about Cyberpunk in game stuff here or we need make a new thread?

I can tell already it will take me a long time to complete this game so i don't mind some spoilers tips hints tricks etc.

I'm not that far into the game but i got some opinions from what i've seen so far but don't want to spoil anything for anyone not playing yet.
Post away definitely (ego on me, just answer for everbody lol), I was half wondering if others are having framerate issues? I'm on PS4 Pro and see it when I''m driving and other random times but heard if you have the base ps4 or orig Xbox One you're reallly being left in the cold.

Was hoping Johnny got it on PC after hearing this. So I kind of stepped back to let them patch this up a bit but like Ominous said the game's so big and story lines are so difft when involving side missions I doubt you could really spoil anything.

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