The Video Game Thread


Cyberpunk 2077: Save Files Over 8MB May Become Permanently Corrupt - IGN

Cyberpunk 2077 players should be aware that if their save files are bigger than 8MB, they may become permanently corrupt and will not be recoverable.

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Jeepers, what the heck is wrong with this game? :huh: Needed our man Liotta on there and we'd be set! :D

But wow seriously, this is getting worse by the day for them.
What a polarizing game. lol I know people hating it that are getting refunds, and on the other side of the coin, I've heard quite a few people say they love it. I suppose it just depends on what level your expectations were. This is the problem with having so much hype being your driving force. My buddy and I that game share, we are just going to keep it, but at this point I'm just putting it on the backburner. Play it down the road.
What a polarizing game. lol I know people hating it that are getting refunds, and on the other side of the coin, I've heard quite a few people say they love it. I suppose it just depends on what level your expectations were. This is the problem with having so much hype being your driving force. My buddy and I that game share, we are just going to keep it, but at this point I'm just putting it on the backburner. Play it down the road.
I have a feeling it depends heavily on the platforms. I fully expected the PC version to be more polished.

I have a couple of friends who bought CP2077 for the PC and they both like the game. They have their complaints about it, but neither have mentioned trying to get refunds for it.

This game is such a tense back and forth of cat and mouse. Everything is based off of “how much noise will this action make and can I afford to make it?”

I won’t lie — creeping up on a boss lair while hearing gunshots, I didn’t expect this person to kick down the door like Kool Aid Man and run at me on fire. I peed a little. The boss/bounty was in the building, and fire damage is a big deal because if you burn too long it will permanently decrease your maximum health, and you have to spend in-game Hunt dollars to get it back after the round.

So this person was most likely panicking trying to get away from the boss and put out the fire. At least I can take comfort in the fact that I probably made them pee, too.
So, while I understood that there were a ton of issues with the game, I mostly just heard or read about it. I haven't played enough of the game to see anything first hand. I watched this video last night where he compiled video clips of issues submitted by his twitter followers. I can see why people are up in arms about this game.


So, while I understood that there were a ton of issues with the game, I mostly just heard or read about it. I haven't played enough of the game to see anything first hand. I watched this video last night where he compiled video clips of issues submitted by his twitter followers. I can see why people are up in arms about this game.


That is bad, really bad.
Did i read this correctly, this is from Investors and not Joe A Consumer?
Yes, it is talking about the investors, but that carries a lot more weight than a consumer class action suit though because investor class actions can lead to complete overhauls of executives and board members, and in extreme (though not common) cases, asset sell-off to compensate investors.

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