The Video Game Thread

Cyberpunk 2077 has already sold more than 13 million copies

Cyberpunk 2077 has already sold more than 13 million copies | PC Gamer
Despite its many troubles, including major technical issues (most recently, the discovery that letting your save file exceed 8MB in size can result in it becoming irretrievably corrupted) and an outright removal from the PlayStation Store, Cyberpunk 2077 is a massive sales success: CD Projekt announced today that as of December 20 the game has sold more than 13 million copies across all platforms.

Notably, that 13 million figure accounts for refund requests, which CD Projekt, Sony, and Microsoft began offering shortly after the game went live.
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Cyberpunk 2077 has already sold more than 13 million copies

Cyberpunk 2077 has already sold more than 13 million copies | PC Gamer
Despite its many troubles, including major technical issues (most recently, the discovery that letting your save file exceed 8MB in size can result in it becoming irretrievably corrupted) and an outright removal from the PlayStation Store, Cyberpunk 2077 is a massive sales success: CD Projekt announced today that as of December 20 the game has sold more than 13 million copies across all platforms.

Notably, that 13 million figure accounts for refund requests, which CD Projekt, Sony, and Microsoft began offering shortly after the game went live.

Wow. What a payout considering the state of the game.
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Yep, even after Steam gets their 30% cut and all of the other deductions that's still a huge amount of moolah, more than i can count.:laugh:
I want this game to rebound and hope they come out with a cleaner next gen version much more similar to the PC version though I've seen glitches on there too but not as game changing. If I was a developer who worked on this for 8 years, I would want to "finish" to show the intentions of the project instead of being remembered for the ps4 screenshots that are part of memes by now. We'll see esp after they really ticked off Sony with the refund announcement without confirming with them first but a Xbox X and Ps5 version might save it some grace.
Delivered... I'm gonna wait till Christmas morning to open it. I texted my cousin he's a poker player and some people who also play might be willing to pay 2k for it today or tomorrow so i'll wait 48 hours and see if anyone is crazy or rich enough to pay that price. I don't expect any offers but who knows.
So much for me waiting till Christmas. I opened it/i didnt connect it though. This black cube has some weight to it. I might connect it tonight if i get the itch.
It's definitely quite the behemoth, yet it seems tiny next to the PS5. They both stick out in their own weird ways. Speaking of Series X, I'm honestly rather enjoying Cyberpunk on it. Nothing really game breaking has happened and their is just so much to do and take in. Never got my PS5 refund on it so CDPR and Sony are definitely hearing from me. Prolly just clear it through the CC company.
Saw where the video gaming industry had crossed the 180B mark, dwarfing the sports and entertainment category. All of that time with a controller in our hands has to come at the expense of something and not just money but time. I am getting back into it and that time isn't going to come from sleep because I am an old guy and need my beauty rest.

I will be reporting in this thread on how it's progressing with an old dog learning new tricks.
It's definitely quite the behemoth, yet it seems tiny next to the PS5. They both stick out in their own weird ways. Speaking of Series X, I'm honestly rather enjoying Cyberpunk on it. Nothing really game breaking has happened and their is just so much to do and take in. Never got my PS5 refund on it so CDPR and Sony are definitely hearing from me. Prolly just clear it through the CC company.

Man, the PS5 is a monster!! lol

From what I've heard Cyberpunk has been running quite well on the Xbox Series X platform compared to others. FWIW
Getting the new series x in a few days. My wife and I played the Switch a lot co-op. What games are good for Xbox that are local co-op?
Here's a variety of Xbox co-op games, most already on the Switch, except for Portal 2 & Borderland 3...
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Juggernaut you are like some mystical figure. You pop in every night about 2am make a post or 2, give some likes and vanish until the next AM when you repeat the whole process over again
Juggernaut you are like some mystical figure. You pop in every night about 2am make a post or 2, give some likes and vanish until the next AM when you repeat the whole process over again
I know right, Batmanin us over here :D Jugg has great links but good content when speaks on stuff too. Are we being Dennis'd :laugh: (Sunny in Philly ref)

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