The Video Game Thread

I started playing Destiny 2 again.

I used to ply destiny from the time the original releases until about 2 years ago when I stopped.

some of my buddies have been asking me to get back into it with a lot of the new content.

so I decided to give it a go again.

Game looks incredible on the Xbox series X. The colors and worlds are so vibrant.
I thought I quit destiny 2 for good after the end of last season. Sunsetting was the biggest issue for me and they announced a week ago they were doing away with it. This was my green light to return but I still haven't.

I'm enjoying my time on Skyrim (mod enabled for 60FPS, 100fov with trophies). I'm further in this game now on ps5 than I ever was when it released on ps4 or ps3. And not spending all my game time on d2 has allowed me to complete probably as many games in the last 2 months as I did in all of 2020.
No excuse for you! :D

Can you play Remnant solo? I think I actually bought that game but felt overwhelmed early and kind of set it to the side, etc. Starting to get into these harder type games and would be cool to have a souls game using guns.

Agree on Outriders, was surprisingly sharp looking from the youtubers I saw play some. Definitely will fill a void, need a next gen shooter right now. Plugging away on Nioh 2 but looking for something else before Resident Evil in May.
You can definitely play Remnant solo. But like most games, the co op makes it better. If you’re working through Nio, Remnant will be easy in comparison.
Played a few missions in Outriders, wasnt impressed. Any time I saw physical barriers I knew enemies were coming. Sound variety seemed average, graphics were below average for being a next gen shooter, controls were average, camera shake during cutscenes got old quick. Bland levels didnt help but there were cutscenes where the environment and things going on looked very interesting, if you play you'll know the parts I'm talking about.

There werent any free to play mechanics but the overall quality and look felt like it could be the cover to a f2p game.

I know it's just the first couple of hours and it could always improve and expand, but the blandness was very reminiscent of destiny 1 during its first couple of months.

When playing all I could think about was how division 2, destiny 2, and borderlands (all of them) brought so much more to the table. The devs never compared their game to anything else, but any time I hear looter shooter I'm going to make these comparisons.

Sure there's things that look to have potential, but we'lI have to see how it plays out with the full game and after release.
I actually feel like it has more in common with Diablo than any of those shooters you mentioned. I was super impressed with it. But the set pieces never bothered me because I played so much Gears of War.
Well gents, I have to say, I'm loving The Division 2. Glad I finally gave it a real chance. Once you kind of figure out what's going on (and the game does try to guide you through as you discover more of the game) the game really opens up and become a great open-world experience. The post-apocalyptic style map is really well done. Graphics are nice and crisp.

The third-person perspective can sometimes get frustrating in it's movements. Sometimes I'm trying to move around during a battle and I feel like I get "stuck" to the cover piece I'm hiding behind. Maybe I will get more use to how the character moves as I play more, but thus far, could use some polishing (IMO).

So far I've mostly played solo, however, I managed to "call" for help when I got downed by some enemies (just to see what happened) and a random online person showed up. He followed me around and we knocked out a couple missions together. Was pretty cool. During playing I get messages that other players are down and need help but I have yet to figure out how to join them. I don't seem to see any buttons prompted that allow me to do so.

I loved the Division 2 when it came out. The new-ish Skyscraper mode was a great addition.

I think players get some type of unlock or cosmetic if they help enough players through SOS.

For your problem with cover, there are a few setting that are actually under options > controls that might help. The first is Movement Can Exit Cover. The second is Movement Around Corners. This one is set to slow by default — change it to high. This will let you move around a 90 degree edge immediately instead of having to hold it like a long press cue. That made a big difference for me.
Someone Made a Fully Playable Game of Pong Inside a macOS Icon

Apple has always pushed its hardware as tools for creative types not toys for gamers but that hasn t stopped creative developers from turning Macs into unique gaming machines, like putting Lemmings on the Touch Bar, and now putting an icon-sized playable version of Pong in the dock.

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I loved the Division 2 when it came out. The new-ish Skyscraper mode was a great addition.

I think players get some type of unlock or cosmetic if they help enough players through SOS.

For your problem with cover, there are a few setting that are actually under options > controls that might help. The first is Movement Can Exit Cover. The second is Movement Around Corners. This one is set to slow by default — change it to high. This will let you move around a 90 degree edge immediately instead of having to hold it like a long press cue. That made a big difference for me.

Awesome will look for that. Thanks!
Well gents, I have to say, I'm loving The Division 2. Glad I finally gave it a real chance. Once you kind of figure out what's going on (and the game does try to guide you through as you discover more of the game) the game really opens up and become a great open-world experience. The post-apocalyptic style map is really well done. Graphics are nice and crisp.

The third-person perspective can sometimes get frustrating in it's movements. Sometimes I'm trying to move around during a battle and I feel like I get "stuck" to the cover piece I'm hiding behind. Maybe I will get more use to how the character moves as I play more, but thus far, could use some polishing (IMO).

So far I've mostly played solo, however, I managed to "call" for help when I got downed by some enemies (just to see what happened) and a random online person showed up. He followed me around and we knocked out a couple missions together. Was pretty cool. During playing I get messages that other players are down and need help but I have yet to figure out how to join them. I don't seem to see any buttons prompted that allow me to do so.

Division 2 is a really good game. No doubt about it man. Glad you’re enjoying it.
I thought I quit destiny 2 for good after the end of last season. Sunsetting was the biggest issue for me and they announced a week ago they were doing away with it. This was my green light to return but I still haven't.

I'm enjoying my time on Skyrim (mod enabled for 60FPS, 100fov with trophies). I'm further in this game now on ps5 than I ever was when it released on ps4 or ps3. And not spending all my game time on d2 has allowed me to complete probably as many games in the last 2 months as I did in all of 2020.

I hear ya man. Destiny is a time suck. I put a TON of hours into the first Destiny. A ton.

I don’t plan on being quite as devoted to it this time around but we will see lol
Finally Madden 21 hits EA/Game Pass tomorrow. I've been waiting. :laugh: I have an affinity for The Yard mode.
Game looks gorgeous on next gen but there were some AI issues earlier and was a little too easy to play offense. You'll see what I mean when you take like a slant but take a slight angle and next thing you know you have the sideline to the endzone. Felt a little cheap tbh...but usually first round of sports games are rough on next gen systems. I did notice real gang tackling on next gen though. They're "trying" lol
I hear ya man. Destiny is a time suck. I put a TON of hours into the first Destiny. A ton.

I don’t plan on being quite as devoted to it this time around but we will see lol
I played a decent bit of Destiny but couldn’t get into Destiny 2. I played some, but it felt like everything was just watered down from the first game somehow.
I played a decent bit of Destiny but couldn’t get into Destiny 2. I played some, but it felt like everything was just watered down from the first game somehow.
initially it was like that. There's so much more now in D2 compared to D1, but it's just taking them way too long to figure out what they want to do.

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