I feel you on the difficulty but I also found that when games do it properly, you want to come back for more, vs it being a little too easy and you don't feel that link to continue or feel like you're on fast forward mode to just get through it.
There are times when it's frustrating and almost unfair feeling, and even after defeating that level/boss you don't feel a sense of satisfaction but more annoyance; that's on the game in those examples and would knock down the difficulty level; I did that on Killzone towards the end.
So at times I've oddly found easier games hard (Battlefield 1 campaign mission for ex) and the harder Souls like games sometimes easier in that they know how to reward your persistence/adapting gameplay or skills after going at it 4-5 times.
Not all the time now..."this game is cheap" has definitely been muttered along with the good vibes.

Feel Liotta on the puzzles, if I don't "get it" within a minute, I'm pulling up youtube.