The Video Game Thread

Love the Far Cry series... Shooting is definitely important, but usually it's how you set everyone up in the process that lets everything kind of flow combat wise if that makes sense.

If you try to run up in a camp Rambo style, it would be hard to duck n cover your way through everyone with standard COD style fps.

So want to say the middle :D

I've gone into a mission with a different tactic and completely flips the script at times so want to say more that then bad at FPS. I do hear our reflexes slow down but unless you're on a really hard difficulty it's probably something smaller like auto-aim being set off, or camera/aim sensitivity may need adjusting.
Thank you for the tips! I do tend to charge in most of the time so that is probably my main issue. I'm going to adjust my tactics and check out the settings I'm on.
I used to be pretty good at shooters but haven't played one in years. I've been playing Far Cry 5 for the last couple of days. I am either completely missing something or I just completely suck. Much more likely it is the latter. :laugh:

Oh man I just got done beating Far Cry 5 a few months ago. Great game!! I don't think it's just you. There were some sections in that game that were tough for sure! A few of the flying missions, where you had to shoot down a bad guy in an airplane, were frustrating. Took me a few times. I've been meaning to snag Far Cry 5 New Dawn from Gamefly but haven't yet.

Edit: Also, I've been known to knock down the difficulty on some games just to enjoy the game/storymode. I play games to relax, not frustrate myself. I have nothing to prove to anybody. So, no judgement here if you want to go that route. ;)
Oh man I just got done beating Far Cry 5 a few months ago. Great game!! I don't think it's just you. There were some sections in that game that were tough for sure! A few of the flying missions, where you had to shoot down a bad guy in an airplane, were frustrating. Took me a few times. I've been meaning to snag Far Cry 5 New Dawn from Gamefly but haven't yet.

Edit: Also, I've been known to knock down the difficulty on some games just to enjoy the game/storymode. I play games to relax, not frustrate myself. I have nothing to prove to anybody. So, no judgement here if you want to go that route. ;)
I hear you on playing games to relax. I've gotten to a point where I won't spend too much time figuring out a puzzle in a game. I'm not above googling the solution if I have no idea what to do.
Thank you for the tips! I do tend to charge in most of the time so that is probably my main issue. I'm going to adjust my tactics and check out the settings I'm on.
If I remember right you can highlight all the enemies using your binoculars to kind of get a sense of where everyone is. That's probably the biggest if you aren't doing that. That would be overwhelming wo them marked.
Oh man I just got done beating Far Cry 5 a few months ago. Great game!! I don't think it's just you. There were some sections in that game that were tough for sure! A few of the flying missions, where you had to shoot down a bad guy in an airplane, were frustrating. Took me a few times. I've been meaning to snag Far Cry 5 New Dawn from Gamefly but haven't yet.

Edit: Also, I've been known to knock down the difficulty on some games just to enjoy the game/storymode. I play games to relax, not frustrate myself. I have nothing to prove to anybody. So, no judgement here if you want to go that route. ;)
I feel you on the difficulty but I also found that when games do it properly, you want to come back for more, vs it being a little too easy and you don't feel that link to continue or feel like you're on fast forward mode to just get through it.

There are times when it's frustrating and almost unfair feeling, and even after defeating that level/boss you don't feel a sense of satisfaction but more annoyance; that's on the game in those examples and would knock down the difficulty level; I did that on Killzone towards the end.

So at times I've oddly found easier games hard (Battlefield 1 campaign mission for ex) and the harder Souls like games sometimes easier in that they know how to reward your persistence/adapting gameplay or skills after going at it 4-5 times.

Not all the time now..."this game is cheap" has definitely been muttered along with the good vibes.:laugh: Feel Liotta on the puzzles, if I don't "get it" within a minute, I'm pulling up youtube.
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I used to be pretty good at shooters but haven't played one in years. I've been playing Far Cry 5 for the last couple of days. I am either completely missing something or I just completely suck. Much more likely it is the latter. :laugh:
If you struggle in any shooter I always recommend lowering the look sensitivity until you're comfortable then work your way up over time so you don't turn like a sloth. Far cry 5 is fun. Even if it seems like they might be mocking middle of the woods dudes and their politics I actually feel like, sarcasm aside, they see the world for what it is. Do like the supernatural and religous feel to the story as well. Took me forever to beat it as I had quit playing after completing the 2nd region and recently completed the final area.
I hear you on playing games to relax. I've gotten to a point where I won't spend too much time figuring out a puzzle in a game. I'm not above googling the solution if I have no idea what to do.
I feel you on the difficulty but I also found that when games do it properly, you want to come back for more, vs it being a little too easy and you don't feel that link to continue or feel like you're on fast forward mode to just get through it.

There are times when it's frustrating and almost unfair feeling, and even after defeating that level/boss you don't feel a sense of satisfaction but more annoyance; that's on the game in those examples and would knock down the difficulty level; I did that on Killzone towards the end.

So at times I've oddly found easier games hard (Battlefield 1 campaign mission for ex) and the harder Souls like games sometimes easier in that they know how to reward your persistence/adapting gameplay or skills after going at it 4-5 times.

Not all the time now..."this game is cheap" has definitely been muttered along with the good vibes.:laugh: Feel Liotta on the puzzles, if I don't "get it" within a minute, I'm pulling up youtube.

:laugh::laugh:You youngsters googling and YTing to get through levels.
I remember playing Tomb Raider 1 in 1996/97 and a few of those levels/puzzles especially the Cistern, St Francis Folly and Palace Midas kept me up late more than once trying to get through them. At the time i would call a buddy on the phone and we would do walk throughs over the phone if one us was stuck.:laugh:Good times.
I used to be pretty good at shooters but haven't played one in years. I've been playing Far Cry 5 for the last couple of days. I am either completely missing something or I just completely suck. Much more likely it is the latter. :laugh:
A trick when you are doing Outposts. Roll in with two ground followers. As soon as you engage, switch to air support followers. Your ground followers will still be there because they are engaged

How are you enjoying it? I really, really enjoyed the setting and environment
:laugh::laugh:You youngsters googling and YTing to get through levels.
I remember playing Tomb Raider 1 in 1996/97 and a few of those levels/puzzles especially the Cistern, St Francis Folly and Palace Midas kept me up late more than once trying to get through them. At the time i would call a buddy on the phone and we would do walk throughs over the phone if one us was stuck.:laugh:Good times.

I remember my friends sister's boyfriend (LOL - Dark Helmet: I am your father’s brother’s nephew’s cousin’s former roommate. Lone Star: So what does that make us? Dark Helmet: Absolutely nothing.) used to always play that anytime I was over visiting. I actually really enjoyed just watching him explore through that game.
:laugh::laugh:You youngsters googling and YTing to get through levels.
I remember playing Tomb Raider 1 in 1996/97 and a few of those levels/puzzles especially the Cistern, St Francis Folly and Palace Midas kept me up late more than once trying to get through them. At the time i would call a buddy on the phone and we would do walk throughs over the phone if one us was stuck.:laugh:Good times.
Damn, that is commitment give you that; reminded me of the older MK days and trying to relay combos over the phone; think part 3 was when they started doing em. Never dug the puzzles even on Nintendo Mario, "damn you you greasy plumber, tell me where to go" :laugh:
If I remember right you can highlight all the enemies using your binoculars to kind of get a sense of where everyone is. That's probably the biggest if you aren't doing that. That would be overwhelming wo them marked.
I didn't know about the binocular thing but now I seem to remember one of the popups telling me that. It's funny because I write the in-game tutorials for our games and it always frustrates me when people contact us saying they don't know how to do something that is covered in a tutorial. Here I am doing the same thing. It's really easy to go yeah yeah...skip.
:laugh::laugh:You youngsters googling and YTing to get through levels.
I remember playing Tomb Raider 1 in 1996/97 and a few of those levels/puzzles especially the Cistern, St Francis Folly and Palace Midas kept me up late more than once trying to get through them. At the time i would call a buddy on the phone and we would do walk throughs over the phone if one us was stuck.:laugh:Good times.
That's awesome! Back in the Origin days, the company made a lot of money selling walkthroughs. The guy who wrote them would come in and ask me about the best strategy for certain parts of the game. I would start describing what to do and he would tell me to send it to him in writing instead. Then the walkthrough would come out and it would be my text verbatim. It would kind of piss me off because he got all the credit.
A trick when you are doing Outposts. Roll in with two ground followers. As soon as you engage, switch to air support followers. Your ground followers will still be there because they are engaged

How are you enjoying it? I really, really enjoyed the setting and environment
Great tip on the followers. I will try that. I am enjoying the game now as I'm starting to get it and I just completed the first region. Some of those perk and weapon upgrades really help. One of the tricks I've used on some of the outposts is to just roll up in one of the vehicles with the M-60 mounted in the back. I don't worry about the alarm and just mow down most of the enemies as they come.
Great tip on the followers. I will try that. I am enjoying the game now as I'm starting to get it and I just completed the first region. Some of those perk and weapon upgrades really help. One of the tricks I've used on some of the outposts is to just roll up in one of the vehicles with the M-60 mounted in the back. I don't worry about the alarm and just mow down most of the enemies as they come.
Rolling in in a helicopter helps too. I have the DLC 'Nam helo with guns and rockets. Ill soften it from the air, then land at the gate and pound it with machine gun fire. Just move around alot in the air
That's awesome! Back in the Origin days, the company made a lot of money selling walkthroughs. The guy who wrote them would come in and ask me about the best strategy for certain parts of the game. I would start describing what to do and he would tell me to send it to him in writing instead. Then the walkthrough would come out and it would be my text verbatim. It would kind of piss me off because he got all the credit.

I watched a cool History of Gaming documentary a couple months back. It went into how, before the internet, you had to go out and buy the gaming magazines or call the Nintendo Power Hotline to get tips and tricks on how to advance through a game. You actually had to work for it. Now you just click open YouTube and chose from the thousands of videos. Crazy how it's all changed, and really, so quickly.

I wish I could remember what that show was called or where I even watched it. All these tv shows and TV apps start to all blend together on me. lol

Edit: OK! I think, and feel pretty confident, it was High Score on Netflix. It was a good watch.
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I’m seriously impressed with the value and functionality of Game Pass. I was down on Xbox pretty hard when the Xbox One launched, and this was after being devoted to the 360 throughout its lifecycle with Halo 3 and the Gears of War series. I thought the Xbox One launched pretty tone deaf with its game sharing and always online requirements.

I’m convinced this is a massive advantage for Microsoft going forward, and Sony has to implement a competitive service.

As it stands right now, MLB The Show 2021 stands to launch on game pass on day 1 while PS5 users are being asked $70 for it. And that’s a Sony published game!
I’m seriously impressed with the value and functionality of Game Pass. I was down on Xbox pretty hard when the Xbox One launched, and this was after being devoted to the 360 throughout its lifecycle with Halo 3 and the Gears of War series. I thought the Xbox One launched pretty tone deaf with its game sharing and always online requirements.

I’m convinced this is a massive advantage for Microsoft going forward, and Sony has to implement a competitive service.

As it stands right now, MLB The Show 2021 stands to launch on game pass on day 1 while PS5 users are being asked $70 for it. And that’s a Sony published game!

Yeah, Xbox almost buried themselves with the Xbox One release back in 2013. It was pretty bad. Phil Spencer came along and really saved the brand and breathed life into the console. On that note, speaking of MLB The Show, I heard that you can already preload the game on Xbox. I will have to look here in a little bit.
:laugh::laugh:You youngsters googling and YTing to get through levels.
I remember playing Tomb Raider 1 in 1996/97 and a few of those levels/puzzles especially the Cistern, St Francis Folly and Palace Midas kept me up late more than once trying to get through them. At the time i would call a buddy on the phone and we would do walk throughs over the phone if one us was stuck.:laugh:Good times.
In super Mario rpg on the snes I had a friend come over since he beat the game. I was stuck on a level that required you to know some classic melody while also know which buttons to press to play it. As a kid I'm like how in the heck was I supposed to know any of this. One of the few struggles in games that still bothers me whenever I think of it.

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