The Video Game Thread

I’m one chapter deep in Diablo 2. Level 16 with my hardcore mode Paladin.

I’m having a blast, and I honestly don’t think it’s all nostalgia.

As a side note, the trophy list on my PlayStation said on Friday night that some players have the trophy for a level 99 character. Holy crap. Take a break and get a shower.

The thing about this game is 1 hour feels like 20 minutes.
Your friends are right. Diablo 2 is the game that defined the action rpg genre 20 years, probably much like people will look at Dark Souls as defining its own genre in another 10 years.

I won’t lie — it’s nerdy stuff. The story is demons and wizards, and the gameplay is loot grinding and min/maxing skill trees. I love the story though. If you guys get it, don’t skip the dialogue and cutscenes your first time through. A lot of people just want to get straight to the back and slash.

The story picks up not long after Diablo 1, with the hero from that game trapping Diablo inside a magic gem and shoving it into his head (yes) to contain him. He starts to lose control, and you play a character always just a step behind him as you look for him. Like I said, nerdy but I love it.

This remaster adds a fresh coat of paint and some quality of life features, but the game is still defiantly old school. It’s fun as hell, but it’s definitely a 20 year old game. It’s in my top three favorite games, probably at #2, but I wanted to be clear on that stuff.

If you like hack and slash while always chasing the next piece of better equipment, you won’t be disappointed. If it sounds too nerdy and repetitive, it’s probably not for you.

That’s how Demons Souls was. The game was the best looking game I’ve ever played. Unbelievable how good everything looked. But it was clear I was definitely playing an old game even though it looked stunning.
That’s how Demons Souls was. The game was the best looking game I’ve ever played. Unbelievable how good everything looked. But it was clear I was definitely playing an old game even though it looked stunning.
What made it feel like you were playing an old game?
Post some screenshots please !
I got the switch version and it runs and looks great. I forgot just how good this game is.
The only thing that ticked me off was having to link my Nintendo account to my Battlenet account.
So you cant play single player offline. I dont think the Switch version of Diablo 3 made you do that and that game you can play offline.
Well I got hooked playing a game tonight I never thought I would ever enjoy. PGA Tour 2K21 lol My buddy that I Gameshare with on Xbox hit me up a few weeks ago and said he just bought it. He's pretty big into golfing. I downloaded it as I thought I would at least check it out. So, I did, and my initial thoughts were 'meh'. Fast forward a few weeks to tonight, I decide for some reason to give it another whirl, and about 2 hours later I finally put the controller down. I was surprisingly really enjoying it.

I'm currently doing a PGA Tour. :D
I have PGA 2K21 and I agree its a really fun golf game.
Apparently that game is going to be one of the free games on PS+ for October. I hope so. Back in the day I loved playing video golf.

I saw that too!! Snag it and give it a whirl. It's really pretty fun. I have all my settings on easy for the time being, to get use to things, but plan on making it more challenging as I progress through the game.
I see where Bioware is releasing a Switch version of Knights of the Old Republic.
I remember being told that this was one of the best rpgs ever made.
I hate to admit it being an old time gamer I never played it.
Any of you guys is it really that good?

I have KOTOR 1 and 2 in my Steam library but have to admit i haven't touched them really at all. While the gameplay and RPG elements are stellar the graphics are old. You can usually catch them both on Steam sale for a few bucks each. Also KOTOR has Steam workshop support where you can find some good mods.
I see where Bioware is releasing a Switch version of Knights of the Old Republic.
I remember being told that this was one of the best rpgs ever made.
I hate to admit it being an old time gamer I never played it.
Any of you guys is it really that good?
It really is, but a lot of the enjoyment will be taken out if you know the twist already.
That's what GameFly is great for, to try games like Hot Wheels. I actually have Hot Wheels on my queue, but it will be awhile before I get to try it, as I have Far Cry 6 "locked" in to ship when it drops on Thursday. Stoked for that one!
That's what GameFly is great for, to try games like Hot Wheels. I actually have Hot Wheels on my queue, but it will be awhile before I get to try it, as I have Far Cry 6 "locked" in to ship when it drops on Thursday. Stoked for that one!
Exactly. Hot Wheels is in my que. That isn't saying much. I've still have games from March and another one from June. By the time I send them back in I could have bought them outright. :)
That's what GameFly is great for, to try games like Hot Wheels. I actually have Hot Wheels on my queue, but it will be awhile before I get to try it, as I have Far Cry 6 "locked" in to ship when it drops on Thursday. Stoked for that one!
I didn't realize Far Cry 6 was coming out Thursday. I've been looking forward to that one but I'm stuck in crunch mode till the end of the year. I may have to do some "product comparison" on the clock.
It does look cool. But honestly I cant play racing games long enough to get $50 worth out of it.

I love Kart racers but they all usually fall short of Mario Kart and I don’t think this one will be any different so for 50 bucks I better be getting a game that lasts a long time and not a game I play for a couple weeks and watch it collect dust.

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