The Video Game Thread

I love Kart racers but they all usually fall short of Mario Kart and I don’t think this one will be any different so for 50 bucks I better be getting a game that lasts a long time and not a game I play for a couple weeks and watch it collect dust.

Yeah Mario kart is the best. The battle mode is hours of endless fun. But I don’t need multiple games like that. Mario kart still works fine lol
Ok got some time with the Battlefield 2042 beta today, and wow, this game is going to be fantastic. The game feels like Battlefield went back to their roots in core gameplay, yet, they added enough wrinkles to make it feel fresh and interesting. Also, and this is just a beta, the graphics look just amazing. If they can improve on that, even a little, the game will be beautiful.

It's funny, I played the COD Vanguard beta, and the graphics were not impressive. What you might expect for it being a beta. Yet, here comes Battlefield looking just great. Is this the year EA finally tilts the competition in it's favor and steals a chunk of COD's fanbase? Maybe.
That's what GameFly is great for, to try games like Hot Wheels. I actually have Hot Wheels on my queue, but it will be awhile before I get to try it, as I have Far Cry 6 "locked" in to ship when it drops on Thursday. Stoked for that one!
Downloading mine right now...going to get into it after work. One of the more consistent franchises tbh...

Should be good and pretty excited myself.
Downloading mine right now...going to get into it after work. One of the more consistent franchises tbh...

Should be good and pretty excited myself.
I went ahead and purchased the game. I rarely buy a game on release date. I cannot remember the last time I did that, but I'm a fan of the series and reviews were mostly positive. So I took the plunge.
I'm downloading it now. You guys running into many bugs yet? That's one of the reasons I usually hold off on getting new games right away but I just couldn't wait on this one.
Nothing yet, but really just have a few hours into it but am really enjoying it. Did the first few intro missions and nothing buggy and looks to be a smooth release; it feels finished tbh more so than other open world games like AC Valhalla/Watchdogs Legion which wasn't partic. good coming out but is now a good game, etc.
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Reading some details, I think Im gonna miss the human companions from FC5. Loved the banter. Hurk and Sharkey used to have me rolling
I didn't realize that was an all game thing...I like the first guy Juan though; do side quests for him related to your weapon workbench. I like the crocodile companion as your kind of sneak kill assistant tbh adds a little freshness (almost like a throwing knife or sniper weapon)
Glad some of you guys are enjoying Battlefield. I’m not trying to be “that guy” but I think it looks pretty bad. My guard has been up with it since they have showed so little and it even got delayed. Now I’m seeing they don’t even have classes. It just looks like it lacks so much polish.

It has Cyberpunk written all over it to me. I miss Bad Company 2.
Glad some of you guys are enjoying Battlefield. I’m not trying to be “that guy” but I think it looks pretty bad. My guard has been up with it since they have showed so little and it even got delayed. Now I’m seeing they don’t even have classes. It just looks like it lacks so much polish.

It has Cyberpunk written all over it to me. I miss Bad Company 2.

What are you playing on? I've heard it's almost unplayable on some of the older consoles. So far with PC/Xbox Series X it's been really great. Looks great. Plays great, overall, but yeah there are some glitches for sure. They probably got a little too ambitious with the Tornado/storms, as it tends to make things stutter, but I'm willing to understand it's a beta. So, yeah, I'm still holding out hope they can tune and fix things before release. lol

Bad Company 2 was amazing. Unfortunately for some of these titles I think they peaked earlier. Bad Company 2/COD Black Ops. Ah, the good days. :(
Ok, I finally got Far Cry 6 disc in the mail today. Threw the disc in and the first thing that popped up was that it needed a 65gb update. LOL! Of course it did. So after waiting for that I got to play it some this evening. So far so good. The game looks fantastic on my Series X. Looking forward to diving in deeper on that game. :D
Some really bonkers and crazy **** to do in Far Cry 6 lol. Absolutely enjoying it! Guapo is Bae haha
The map is gigantic. How the game first starts you on that island, I pulled up the map, and I thought "that's it?". Then I scrolled out and saw the rest. Even then I was thinking "ok it's big-ish" until you start traversing around the map and realize it's scale. It's massive. lol

I still get blown away that we have the technology to create, render, and play through these live giant open-world maps from my 15x10 inch Xbox. lol Technology is something else and I can only imagine what's to come.

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