The Video Game Thread

I'm still playing Fallout#4 6 ways from Sunday, , ,my neferious plan is to side with the railroad faction this time& take out the BOS command airship with one of those homing beacons that chi-com goul sub commander lays on you& see what happens,,, er,,, next time I'm in the mood to play.
Alright, so my final thoughts on the new Modern Warfare beta. I really like it. Thank you Infinity Ward for finally making a good COD. Also, I played it for hours without noticing there was a Ground War mode until I saw my buddy playing it online (I'm mostly a TDM fan so I always go straight for that). Ground War is 32 v 32 on a larger map. Gave it a try. Wow, that is straight up bananas. If you want nonstop action, play Ground War. They also took a page from Battlefield's book and inserted tanks and helicopters, though, they feel quite a bit less effective in battle. Still, felt refreshing to see from a Call of Duty game and it thankfully wasn't a Battle Royale mode.

I look forward to the campaign.

Bout time! But happy it'll be out soon. PS plus is giving away the first one in October along with MLB 19. Would be cool to give it another run through on higher difficulty.

Control is okay 7/10 bc the shooting mechanics feel dated but give it credit for creepy environment and general theme of the campaign. Waiting to play Last Remnant but looks sharp.
Thanks for the info Z. Is it still possible to run it solo and have fun or would it become almost too hard to level up against those big monsters I've seen? Does look cool and the orig is pretty cheap now so thinkin i'll pick it up.
It depends on the monster. There are some you can do solo but some you'll need to run with a pack. I had an even mix of solo and group quests on my Guild Card.
The Last of Us Remastered is available on PlayStation Plus this month. I highly recommend this game if you haven't checked it out. I'm thinking about breaking out the shiv even though I played it already. I think MLB the Show 19 is also there this month.

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