The Video Game Thread

For you PlayStation folk, Bioshock Collection is free this month on PSN. I downloaded it. I loved the first Bioshock. I definitely will be revisiting that game. Never played the other two, so, they will be new to me. Bioshock always had such an intriguing premise IMO. I always thought it would make for a fantastic movie (if done correctly).
The older I get the worse and worse I get at games..

I currently only have one game that I feel I can play at a decent level and that’s FIFA 20. I’m division 1 which won’t last for long, I’ll be right back to division 2 where I belong.

besides that game I suck at literally everything else I play...

Age of empires - trash
Battle field 5 - mediocre / sometimes do well
Cod black ops- average as hell

madden - realized quickly I don’t have the time to actually be competitive. It’s a potential game I could be good at if I in other words I’ll never be good.

Racing games- trash

i suck at every game lol

I feel the same way. Then I realize most of the people steamrolling me online are mostly young kids who can put far more time into playing the games and are thus better at them.

Though i was very good at Destiny and Destiny 2 for a while but I sank a lot of time into those.
I can still handle my own on Call of Duty and maybe Battlefield, but that is about it. I'm not going to be much competition against other online games such as fighting games, sports games like Madden, or any other misc game. I suppose I could maybe do decent at racing.
For you PlayStation folk, Bioshock Collection is free this month on PSN. I downloaded it. I loved the first Bioshock. I definitely will be revisiting that game. Never played the other two, so, they will be new to me. Bioshock always had such an intriguing premise IMO. I always thought it would make for a fantastic movie (if done correctly).
I actually like the 3rd one even better.
Sweet, I look forward to playing in then. As soon as I get over my Batman obsession. :D I'm playing Batman Origins right now and it's proving to be more difficult than I anticipated. Finally got through a section last night after like 10 tries. haha So much button tappage by wrist was getting sore.
Sweet, I look forward to playing in then. As soon as I get over my Batman obsession. :D I'm playing Batman Origins right now and it's proving to be more difficult than I anticipated. Finally got through a section last night after like 10 tries. haha So much button tappage by wrist was getting sore.
I've been there, the 20 guys vs one stuff is fun but a little much at times. Counter, counter, counter lol
So my Call of Duty Modern Warfare is now at 148.2 GB after their recent update. Crazy! I remember back in like 2012 I was downloading a game that was 8 GB and was waiting for it thinking that was a massive game. :laugh: The continuous evolution of gaming.......................
So my Call of Duty Modern Warfare is now at 148.2 GB after their recent update. Crazy! I remember back in like 2012 I was downloading a game that was 8 GB and was waiting for it thinking that was a massive game. :laugh: The continuous evolution of gaming.......................
That's why I had to delete it until I play the campaign..didn't realize it was auto downloading updates every so often and was @ 70-80 GB. Like deng, little much for the 10 hours or so i'll play the campaign on hard; only way i can justify the cost lol

The guy who buys COD for the campaign...:laugh:..yeah so what, you think you're better than me!?
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For you PlayStation folk, Bioshock Collection is free this month on PSN. I downloaded it. I loved the first Bioshock. I definitely will be revisiting that game. Never played the other two, so, they will be new to me. Bioshock always had such an intriguing premise IMO. I always thought it would make for a fantastic movie (if done correctly).
What version of PlayStation are the games for? I played all three versions on PS3. I absolutely loved the first two. The third version was just okay in my book. I will try to remember to swing by PSN and check it out.
So my Call of Duty Modern Warfare is now at 148.2 GB after their recent update. Crazy! I remember back in like 2012 I was downloading a game that was 8 GB and was waiting for it thinking that was a massive game. :laugh: The continuous evolution of gaming.......................

I heard they're working on setting it up so you can choose which packets to download or not like Master Chief Collection.
What version of PlayStation are the games for? I played all three versions on PS3. I absolutely loved the first two. The third version was just okay in my book. I will try to remember to swing by PSN and check it out.

Mine are on the PS4. Appears to me they remastered at least the first Bioshock because the graphics look great!

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