The Video Game Thread

Please be good! It looks the part, just give me a decent campaign and playable characters. Iron Man looked good (The character in the game not the VR game coming out next week).
I'm not a huge super hero guy but this one is looking good.

Who is the Indian super hero lady (2nd clip)..I saw her in passing on youtube but don't know that world too much outside of the movies.
Ms. Marvel, she's a fan of Avengers superhero Captain Marvel who was formerly known as Ms. Marvel:

(This trailer was released at the 2019 New York Comic Con, so disregard release date at the end of it.)
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I've been playing Star Wars Jedi Fallen Order. It's not too bad. It's good enough to keep me interested in playing but not good enough for me to tell anybody "OMG you have to play this game". A lot of it is trying to find your way around these small open world maps. While I don't mind exploring, I get kind of bored with trying to treasure hunt or find a new path to an object. I'd rather have more linear action. I want to light-saber some fools. haha :D

My biggest complaint is the save points. They're terrible. I fought my way through this long section (even through a small cut-scene), died, and couldn't believe how far back the game put me. Was kind of frustrating.
I have Fallen Order too. I got it when the game came out. I played it for quite a while. It was cool, but then I got distracted for like two weeks. When I went back, I had lost where I was or where I was supposed to go. Rather than figure it out hah I quit playing it.

I picked up a five pack of games recently when Steam was offering a discount for purchase over $30.
  • HackMud
  • HackNet
  • Star Wars Battlefront II
  • TitanFall 2
  • Elite Dangerous: Horizons DLC (already had the original game)
So far I've only played TitanFall 2. For a game that is several years old. The graphics are quite good and the game is entertaining.
I have Fallen Order too. I got it when the game came out. I played it for quite a while. It was cool, but then I got distracted for like two weeks. When I went back, I had lost where I was or where I was supposed to go. Rather than figure it out hah I quit playing it.

I picked up a five pack of games recently when Steam was offering a discount for purchase over $30.
  • HackMud
  • HackNet
  • Star Wars Battlefront II
  • TitanFall 2
  • Elite Dangerous: Horizons DLC (already had the original game)
So far I've only played TitanFall 2. For a game that is several years old. The graphics are quite good and the game is entertaining.

I LOVE the first Titanfall. I'll be curious what you think of Titanfall 2. While I thought the campaign was fantastic, the multiplayer side of it just fell short for me, which, was a big let down. From the maps to the titans it just mostly disappointed.
I LOVE the first Titanfall. I'll be curious what you think of Titanfall 2. While I thought the campaign was fantastic, the multiplayer side of it just fell short for me, which, was a big let down. From the maps to the titans it just mostly disappointed.
I've only played it once so far and only in campaign mode. So far I was pretty happy with that part of it.

Honestly, I've been playing DOOM Eternal again, (just love that game) I just kicked it up a notch and am playing on Nightmare mode.
Its raining today in Elwynn Forest. It doesn't look like there is much activity on the server but there is, it is a PVE server that averages around 7400 players for the Alliance{and only about 2500 for the Horde}.
I used to play classic a few months ago when it came out, me and my bro used to play that game back when it came out. We got back into it for the nostalgia, but ended up on playing retail after a few months
I used to play classic a few months ago when it came out, me and my bro used to play that game back when it came out. We got back into it for the nostalgia, but ended up on playing retail after a few months

Retail is so much easier than Classic, out of all of the current MMO crop I still believe Classic is the closest thing to old school difficulty available. Shadowlands does look interesting, we shall see.
Retail is so much easier than Classic, out of all of the current MMO crop I still believe Classic is the closest thing to old school difficulty available. Shadowlands does look interesting, we shall see.
I’m excited for both TBC and Shadowlands. I didn’t enjoy classic as much as I did back in the day. My problem was it’s been played through million times through private servers, so to me, it didn’t capture how lost I would get in the game lol if that makes sense.
The standard price for video games may be increasing to $70 for the PlayStation 5 and next-gen Xbox, ending 15 years of $60 games

When this year's annual "NBA 2K" game launches, it'll cost the same $60 it has always cost for current-generation Xbox One and PlayStation 4 consoles.

But when the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X arrive this holiday season, the next-gen version of "NBA 2K21" will cost $70 — a precedent-shattering shift in the price model that the game industry has used for console games for over 10 years.

Found these comments on another forum which pretty much sums it up for me.
1) The "development costs have gone up" is a myth only an idiot would believe. In fact, dev costs have remained relatively stagnant, compared to the total income increase of game companies in recent years. Game companies, with the help of their favourite shills, ahem, excuse me, "game journalists", base this lie on the graphic quality increase, which really is not costing them more money if you actually understand how game development works. Yeah, perhaps a little more for a couple of more texture artists, but that's about it. It is a myth that just because a game has 2x-4x more pixels on the screen or an improved water shader, somehow it costs more to make. But gamers buy this myth, especially kids.

2) On the other hand, the marketing costs have gone up, and keep going up, because now there are more shills. It used to be that only game journos were bribed, but now we have streamers, youtubers, forum trolls and redditors who pretend to absolutely adore the latest game and tell you to buy it, viewbots in singapore to help our shill get more noticed, etc etc. Tons of money to spend, really, for "promotion". THOSE costs definitely have gone up.

3) The income of most game companies has gone way up. The size of the industry kept expanding tremendously in the last 3 decades. They sell at the same price, but they sell far more content to far more people.... Also, with microtransactions and DLCs, games don't really cost 60$ no more. 60$ is the initial cost, if you want the full game, you have to pay for far more than that, usually.

4) Game distribution and publish costs have gone down. Digital distribution and the eradication of manuals have lowered the costs considerably. Quality game manuals, maps, game cases, cartridges, used to make up for much of the 60$ price of a game. Now those things don't exist. Game "journalists" always forget to mention that for some strange reason....

5) Increasing the base price of video games won't eradicate DLCs and microtransactions. This is another huge lie. They tell you this, to make you initially swallow the price increase, but you will see that DLCs and microtransactions will become WORSE, on top of the increased base price, not better. These scum are lying to you.
The standard price for video games may be increasing to $70 for the PlayStation 5 and next-gen Xbox, ending 15 years of $60 games

When this year's annual "NBA 2K" game launches, it'll cost the same $60 it has always cost for current-generation Xbox One and PlayStation 4 consoles.

But when the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X arrive this holiday season, the next-gen version of "NBA 2K21" will cost $70 — a precedent-shattering shift in the price model that the game industry has used for console games for over 10 years.

Found these comments on another forum which pretty much sums it up for me.
1) The "development costs have gone up" is a myth only an idiot would believe. In fact, dev costs have remained relatively stagnant, compared to the total income increase of game companies in recent years. Game companies, with the help of their favourite shills, ahem, excuse me, "game journalists", base this lie on the graphic quality increase, which really is not costing them more money if you actually understand how game development works. Yeah, perhaps a little more for a couple of more texture artists, but that's about it. It is a myth that just because a game has 2x-4x more pixels on the screen or an improved water shader, somehow it costs more to make. But gamers buy this myth, especially kids.

2) On the other hand, the marketing costs have gone up, and keep going up, because now there are more shills. It used to be that only game journos were bribed, but now we have streamers, youtubers, forum trolls and redditors who pretend to absolutely adore the latest game and tell you to buy it, viewbots in singapore to help our shill get more noticed, etc etc. Tons of money to spend, really, for "promotion". THOSE costs definitely have gone up.

3) The income of most game companies has gone way up. The size of the industry kept expanding tremendously in the last 3 decades. They sell at the same price, but they sell far more content to far more people.... Also, with microtransactions and DLCs, games don't really cost 60$ no more. 60$ is the initial cost, if you want the full game, you have to pay for far more than that, usually.

4) Game distribution and publish costs have gone down. Digital distribution and the eradication of manuals have lowered the costs considerably. Quality game manuals, maps, game cases, cartridges, used to make up for much of the 60$ price of a game. Now those things don't exist. Game "journalists" always forget to mention that for some strange reason....

5) Increasing the base price of video games won't eradicate DLCs and microtransactions. This is another huge lie. They tell you this, to make you initially swallow the price increase, but you will see that DLCs and microtransactions will become WORSE, on top of the increased base price, not better. These scum are lying to you.

Toss the console and play on the PC. Get a controller if necessary. (I have one for Golf) Then just wait until the price drops on a game before buying it. I think I saw DOOM Eternal for 50% off the other day. You have to wait a little longer for it, but you get it at a far better price.

Consoles are like the Apple version of phones. PCs are like Android. Handle up on it!
Toss the console and play on the PC. Get a controller if necessary. (I have one for Golf) Then just wait until the price drops on a game before buying it. I think I saw DOOM Eternal for 50% off the other day. You have to wait a little longer for it, but you get it at a far better price.

Consoles are like the Apple version of phones. PCs are like Android. Handle up on it!
That is the main reason I have avoided buying consoles in recent years where I owned several prior to that.

With PC gaming, you just need a little patience and most games will have sales within a few months of release, especially during the summer and holiday seasons.
The standard price for video games may be increasing to $70 for the PlayStation 5 and next-gen Xbox, ending 15 years of $60 games

When this year's annual "NBA 2K" game launches, it'll cost the same $60 it has always cost for current-generation Xbox One and PlayStation 4 consoles.

But when the PlayStation 5 and Xbox Series X arrive this holiday season, the next-gen version of "NBA 2K21" will cost $70 — a precedent-shattering shift in the price model that the game industry has used for console games for over 10 years.

Found these comments on another forum which pretty much sums it up for me.
1) The "development costs have gone up" is a myth only an idiot would believe. In fact, dev costs have remained relatively stagnant, compared to the total income increase of game companies in recent years. Game companies, with the help of their favourite shills, ahem, excuse me, "game journalists", base this lie on the graphic quality increase, which really is not costing them more money if you actually understand how game development works. Yeah, perhaps a little more for a couple of more texture artists, but that's about it. It is a myth that just because a game has 2x-4x more pixels on the screen or an improved water shader, somehow it costs more to make. But gamers buy this myth, especially kids.

2) On the other hand, the marketing costs have gone up, and keep going up, because now there are more shills. It used to be that only game journos were bribed, but now we have streamers, youtubers, forum trolls and redditors who pretend to absolutely adore the latest game and tell you to buy it, viewbots in singapore to help our shill get more noticed, etc etc. Tons of money to spend, really, for "promotion". THOSE costs definitely have gone up.

3) The income of most game companies has gone way up. The size of the industry kept expanding tremendously in the last 3 decades. They sell at the same price, but they sell far more content to far more people.... Also, with microtransactions and DLCs, games don't really cost 60$ no more. 60$ is the initial cost, if you want the full game, you have to pay for far more than that, usually.

4) Game distribution and publish costs have gone down. Digital distribution and the eradication of manuals have lowered the costs considerably. Quality game manuals, maps, game cases, cartridges, used to make up for much of the 60$ price of a game. Now those things don't exist. Game "journalists" always forget to mention that for some strange reason....

5) Increasing the base price of video games won't eradicate DLCs and microtransactions. This is another huge lie. They tell you this, to make you initially swallow the price increase, but you will see that DLCs and microtransactions will become WORSE, on top of the increased base price, not better. These scum are lying to you.
Great post Johnny!
At first I was kind of resigned to the new price increase to $70.00 bc games have stood at $60 for so long. But then when you think of these elements above, especially the huge increase in digital sales, you realize there's no real foundation for the increase. More of new gen, try a new price feel.

Games rarely come out polished anymore, at best with good games like Red Dead 2 you get 90% with patches to come. We don't really hold companies to that day one standard anymore, and that should have come with a price decrease initially but obv didn't. Then you get trainwrecks like Anthem and Fallout 76 that were released at $60.00 where consumers never get their money recouped (Fallout 76 has tried to make up for it with a ton of free dlc so that is something to their credit)

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