You are referring to post 148? The BP arguments had begun way before that one, and so I was arguing against the whole BP is the God who created this team argument we so often see in order to discredit anything positive WP has done.
(FYI, I admit it's a useless debate, referring to my own statement.)
"Basically", you'll have to try harder if you want to conclude I'm off-base within my own argument. Admittedly, the coaches' histories are somewhat relevant especially if you're going to compare your Parcells and Phillips. There are a lot of similarities, yet at the same time there are a lot of things you simply cannot compare. It was a bad analogy on my part, but I don't think you'll back off from making the comparison. It's sort of been the whole crux of your debunked argument. And now you're backpedalling like a 5 year old on a tricycle to avoid the argument at hand. In regards to history and present, Wade is above average in terms of results.
Doomsay, I gotta say, I thought you'd argue the relevant points of the thread rather than try to point out my 'hypocrisy' in your sophomoric argumentative fashion. In other words, give me some substance... the nanny boo boo thing you've got going isn't working for you.