The Walking Dead Season 6-Episodes 9-16 *SPOILERS*

With man power, maps and communication... little else is needed. I use to do this sort of thing in USAF TACP. Tracking movement of a known target and interception is easy. what happens if at the first "blockade" Rick just decides to barrel through them?.....there was only a handful of em at the first need alot more than just man power, maps and need to know your enemy and what theyre way of thinking is, and what theyre even doing in the first place......Now if season 7 tells us that theres a Mole within Rick's group, THAT would explain everything......other than that theres no way, I dont care if you were in the military before or not.....
For who's killed, tree landmarks give a guide, but there's also breath direction and the seating arrangement in the van (all the POV scenes were of someone sitting in the van and the person who received the bat, so yes, van seating).

It's definitely someone on the left side of the group from Negan's perspective and to the right of Rick. And based on the interior view from the van already showing Daryl leaning over in front, with Michonne obviously sitting off to one side, it's probably Rosita or Glenn that gets it. Making an assumption based on reading hip direction has Glenn as the intended receiver, but it's ambiguous; Rosita could have been sitting in front of Glenn (or on his lap... ). No info on her seated location is shown other than it doesn't eliminate the van point of view being hers.

I also took a few minutes getting the video to my av editing machine, demuxed the audio, and looked at each audio channel and the gasping/moaning/groaning is more masculine than feminine and sounds like Glenn. The center channel is Negan/Lucille/external world/viewer, and the surrounding channels seems to belong to internal POVer.

Kirkman saying fan favorite also leans towards Glenn. Rosita is still hot enough to qualify for that, though.

Trying an audio upload service (language warning, there was a beaver dam nearby and Negan was temporarily distracted by it; Negan is not a swearer):

Center channel:
Front left:
Front right:
Surround left:
Surround right:

Great info.

I'll just add that the point-of-view character that gets the bat goes to the ground after the initial clubbing. We see the full background behind Negan and the RV isn't visible. Assuming the director is being physically consistent with the environment (and that might be assuming too much), it would seem to rule out everyone from Carl to Michonne (from Negan's right to left). We see from their point of view a few times in the scene and it shows the RV behind Negan.

There's a strong light from a car to Eugene's left. It's the primary light source in the scene. The direction and strength of the lighting suggests Negan is down by the folks on Negan's far left -- Glenn, Rosita, and Daryl -- as it's more on his side. If he was near Eugene the light would be much stronger and more to his side and front.

But then the background from Glenn's perspective would show more of the light from the car rather than almost total darkness. So now I'm thinking Daryl. But then your audio sure sounds like they mixed in Glenn's voice. So now I'm thinking Glenn. But maybe Glenn's witnessing someone right near to him getting beaten. So now...I just don't know.
Theres no way in hell though that they could of known Eugene would be the one with idea then and there to have everybody hoof it, whilst he becomes the bait still drivin the RV like theyre all still tryin to find another route, or even possibly go back to Alexandria.......and how the frick did they even know Maggie would get sick? and would need a Doctor which Alexandria no longer had? they dont know Denise was a Doctor, and the only one in Alexandria.....Theres just simply no way they could hatch such an elaborate plan with some many possible you could say with such numbers they would of just laid siege to Alexandria had they never left, but thats another story......and unless they have Medieval like siege weapons, even those overwhelming numbers wouldnt of mattered against the walls of alexandria.....

plus the terrain is nothing like Alexandria VA. Alexandria is directly across the Potomac from DC. It is where Reagan Airport is located. It is not rural and there are no farms or quarries. It is completely inside the DC Beltway. Why the writers tried to show Alexandria as farmland is ridiculous. There are no quarries in Alexandria. Even the suburbs are concrete jungles and not rural in any way.

There are also dozens and dozens of roads and routes that could be taken. Building a tree dam and lighting it on fire would be a terrible use of resources. The whole thing was beyond believability. The walker arm blockade was great but not very effective.

AND that doesn't even account for no walkers in the woods with all the whistling and noise and them having all the cars in just the right spot. Too much to swallow. what happens if at the first "blockade" Rick just decides to barrel through them?.....there was only a handful of em at the first need alot more than just man power, maps and need to know your enemy and what theyre way of thinking is, and what theyre even doing in the first place......Now if season 7 tells us that theres a Mole within Rick's group, THAT would explain everything......other than that theres no way, I dont care if you were in the military before or not.....

That's just dumb. No one is going to drive into a hail storm of lead if they don't have to. Turning around was their most likely chosen option. If you want to argue, bring a smarter argument. The Saviors know the area and where all the groups live. On that first road it's not hard to surmise that the Alexandrians were going to the Hilltop.
Here's what the producer Scott Gimble said Monday about the last sequence...

"I believe there is no way [to guess who died]. There are a couple of things in there that might help people, possibly limit the amount of people who are vulnerable. But I would rather people not go down that route because I truly don't think there is a way to puzzle it out definitively.

So not only did they not show us the victim, they also purposely shot the scene out of order so we can't even use clues to figure it out…

There are also outtakes that involved language not suitable for AMC.

Great info.

I'll just add that the point-of-view character that gets the bat goes to the ground after the initial clubbing. We see the full background behind Negan and the RV isn't visible. Assuming the director is being physically consistent with the environment (and that might be assuming too much), it would seem to rule out everyone from Carl to Michonne (from Negan's right to left). We see from their point of view a few times in the scene and it shows the RV behind Negan.

There's a strong light from a car to Eugene's left. It's the primary light source in the scene. The direction and strength of the lighting suggests Negan is down by the folks on Negan's far left -- Glenn, Rosita, and Daryl -- as it's more on his side. If he was near Eugene the light would be much stronger and more to his side and front.

But then the background from Glenn's perspective would show more of the light from the car rather than almost total darkness. So now I'm thinking Daryl. But then your audio sure sounds like they mixed in Glenn's voice. So now I'm thinking Glenn. But maybe Glenn's witnessing someone right near to him getting beaten. So now...I just don't know.

They may have cleared the cast and had negan swing from a random location on that set just to screw with everyone.
That's two of us that liked it. Remember The Saviors have two-way radios too so that's how they would coordinate cutting off Rick's group at every road. There is only so many routes to the Hilltop so I don't imagine it would be hard to guess where the Winnebago would be after the first encounter in this episode.

I agree with you about who got wacked is less important than how it effects the others in the coming season. The response to what happen will be critical. They trusted Rick to keep the group safe and now that's been shattered.

Perhaps. The geography of this show has always been a little mysterious to me.

It's not like there are only a handful of roads in real life Alexandria. There are soooo many roads. The whole area is paved over and filled with strip malls and mega supermarkets. All anyone in the show sees are dirt roads and little country general stores lol.
That's just dumb. No one is going to drive into a hail storm of lead if they don't have to. Turning around was their most likely chosen option. If you want to argue, bring a smarter argument. The Saviors know the area and where all the groups live. On that first road it's not hard to surmise that the Alexandrians were going to the Hilltop.

But that makes my point exactly, How does Negan know what Rick would do? how does he know Rick is not some reckless idiot who would gamble everything and barrel right through those few cars and "soldiers"?.......We already know from the comics that Negan is gonna vastly underestimate Rick in the near how does he know how to precisely estimate him here?.......And ok, sure its not hard to surmise that first road theyre goin to Hilltop, but how did they know they would need to go to Hilltop? were they just campin out in the woods indefinitely on the presumption that eventually they would need to go to Hilltop for one reason or another? I understand we humans can be extremely patient and stealthy, but you gotta at least be able to have some kinda timeframe......what was the order from Negan? "Hey, Yall go out and blockade every possible road in a 50 mile radius leading to Hilltop,just in case they need to leave Alexandria for whatever reason we cant possibly foresee"....."And I will wait in a random location with the majority of our soldiers knowing thats exactly the spot our idiot victims will demobilize and attempt to march with stretcher bearers the rest of the way to Hilltop"...."Oh and Ive also Captured the bait car RV and am just hangin out peacefully whilst the ambush takes place and am summoned by a lackey to introduce myself"..........
Bringing this back to whom I don't think got whacked...


Kirkman regretted offing Abraham so early in the comic... So he's going to off-him in just a blink-of-an-eye after his comic book death? Nah. Don't think so.


The guy has just been shot and is huddled up under a blanket. Whacking him means the shooting was unnecessary and it takes away from any future Daryl/Dwight meetup. Nah, I don't see Daryl getting Lucilled either.
It sounds like I'm the only one who 100% liked it.

OK maybe 99.9%. I might quibble about how the Saviors' plan was maybe supernaturally prescient. I guess they could have had eyes on Alexandria. Saw Grimes' group was about to move out. The Saviors then:

captured and beat a guy to be their sacrificial lamb...
and dragged him to the middle of a road and just waited...
and knew where Rick's group was traveling to...
and set up cars and men at all of the roads...
and strung together a bunch of zombies to block a road...
and cut down a bunch of giant trees to block a road...
and knew Grimes' crew would split up...
and knew the exact path Rick's group would take on foot...

That's an incredibly efficient group Negan's got there. It wasn't like this was a regularly scheduled trip by Rick's group. This was all set off by a sudden medical emergency.

Had no issue with it ending how it ended. Never watched the Sopranos so it didn't really set off any feelings of being derivative or cheap. That 12 minute monologue by JDM was all kinds of awesome. Perfect. Might restart reading the books. Stopped just before Negan.

These are all the 'conveniences' that I referred to as well. Just lazy.
Bringing this back to whom I don't think got whacked...


Kirkman regretted offing Abraham so early in the comic... So he's going to off-him in just a blink-of-an-eye after his comic book death? Nah. Don't think so.


The guy has just been shot and is huddled up under a blanket. Whacking him means the shooting was unnecessary and it takes away from any future Daryl/Dwight meetup. Nah, I don't see Daryl getting Lucilled either.

COMIC SPOILERS (kind of)! Don't read unless you are okay with that!
I could see Abraham being the one due to Sasha. Michonne has somewhat slid into Andrea's role in the comics, which would leave a gap in her own story line if they plan on continuing that. Sasha would be the only remaining character that could feasibly slide into that arch unless they do a rewrite of that particular part of the story and Abraham would need to be gone for it to happen. They could do Tara I suppose, but that would also bring about the need for a rewrite if ya know what I mean. :)

Agree with Daryl. They have set up a pretty good story for him and Dwight that should tie into the bigger picture next season. I can see them sending Daryl on his way from the group after next season to do a solo project though. His character is much better out on the open road and a Daryl series would mean money for AMC. AMC likes money.

Glenn still makes too much sense for all the right reasons. Easily the most devastating to the entire group because he is their moral conscience.
Theres no way in hell though that they could of known Eugene would be the one with idea then and there to have everybody hoof it, whilst he becomes the bait still drivin the RV like theyre all still tryin to find another route, or even possibly go back to Alexandria.......and how the frick did they even know Maggie would get sick? and would need a Doctor which Alexandria no longer had? they dont know Denise was a Doctor, and the only one in Alexandria.....Theres just simply no way they could hatch such an elaborate plan with some many possible you could say with such numbers they would of just laid siege to Alexandria had they never left, but thats another story......and unless they have Medieval like siege weapons, even those overwhelming numbers wouldnt of mattered against the walls of alexandria.....

They could have a mole... A spy? Jesus.


We could just give the director some slack for creative license.

It was pretty cool for me that everywhere they turned... It was Negan. They are all Negan lol
Alright...first time posting in this thread but I have read every post after having watched the latest episode. First thing I'd like to say to all the people saying how bad the season finale was, how they're done with the show & how dumb the ending worked and is doing exactly has they had hoped. EVERYONE is talking about it. See 5 pages of posts just talking about this ONE episode. ;)

Secondly, I'm going w/ Carl as the one who's bell was rung. Saw this pic on another forum so I went back and checked for myself. I'm most likely a sucker but I'm ok with it. LOL

Alright...first time posting in this thread but I have read every post after having watched the latest episode. First thing I'd like to say to all the people saying how bad the season finale was, how they're done with the show & how dumb the ending worked and is doing exactly has they had hoped. EVERYONE is talking about it. See 5 pages of posts just talking about this ONE episode. ;)

Secondly, I'm going w/ Carl as the one who's bell was rung. Saw this pic on another forum so I went back and checked for myself. I'm most likely a sucker but I'm ok with it. LOL


Lmao. Not.

Come on man... Uhhhhhh.... Not real.
Lmao. Not.

Come on man... Uhhhhhh.... Not real.


That would ruin one of the more interesting sub-events throughout the arc.

In addition there's a difference between making Rick feel mentally beaten by overwhelming odds and pushing him over the edge into a crazed lunatic bent on Negan's death.
COMIC SPOILERS (kind of)! Don't read unless you are okay with that!
I could see Abraham being the one due to Sasha. Michonne has somewhat slid into Andrea's role in the comics, which would leave a gap in her own story line if they plan on continuing that. Sasha would be the only remaining character that could feasibly slide into that arch unless they do a rewrite of that particular part of the story and Abraham would need to be gone for it to happen. They could do Tara I suppose, but that would also bring about the need for a rewrite if ya know what I mean. :)

I just don't see Abraham getting it... Could he? You bet. But he's become some a "character" on the show, even more so than in the graphic novel, I think it would hurt the show as far as viewership.

Glenn on the other hand has had so many fake-out deaths... him getting whacked wouldn't affect viewership.
Alright...first time posting in this thread but I have read every post after having watched the latest episode. First thing I'd like to say to all the people saying how bad the season finale was, how they're done with the show & how dumb the ending worked and is doing exactly has they had hoped. EVERYONE is talking about it. See 5 pages of posts just talking about this ONE episode. ;)

Secondly, I'm going w/ Carl as the one who's bell was rung. Saw this pic on another forum so I went back and checked for myself. I'm most likely a sucker but I'm ok with it. LOL


Is there a black haired poodle attacking the guy?

That would ruin one of the more interesting sub-events throughout the arc.

In addition there's a difference between making Rick feel mentally beaten by overwhelming odds and pushing him over the edge into a crazed lunatic bent on Negan's death.

Lol yup

The son is not even an option... "If he moves feed his other eye to his father"
I just don't see Abraham getting it... Could he? You bet. But he's become some a "character" on the show, even more so than in the graphic novel, I think it would hurt the show as far as viewership.

Glenn on the other hand has had so many fake-out deaths... him getting whacked wouldn't affect viewership.

Based on Negans comment after first hit ... Paraphrasing - oh look at that.. Taking it likely man/warrior etc....I'm guessing a big guy... Eugene or Abraham.

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