The Walking Dead Season 6-Episodes 9-16 *SPOILERS*

I think Negan's victim will be Glenn for the reasons previously mentioned in the thread.

Here's a question for the comic's fans: Is Negan a given name? Or is it a nickname the character adopts to represent himself within the new world order? To me It seems like the character's name by itself carries more ominous weight due to reputation than simply being a badass lucky enough to have been born with a badass name.

Speaking of badass, I love this show pitting two against each other. Perhaps I'm wrong but I think Negan hasn't suffered the kind of losses Rick has. He seems like the kind of character who was coldblooded before the apocalypse happened and his true nature helped build a self-contained society that mirrors his internal self. He is a tyrant and loves it.

On the other hand, Rick has been tempered by profound losses of death and betrayal that he cannot run from because of the leadership others empower him with. Lori. Hershel. Shane. Rick has been repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt. He has literally lost touch with reality and fought his way back to it. He's intelligent, trained to deal with the worst humanity has to offer, and cunning. What I'm hoping the new season brings is an epic chess match between intractable foes. Naturally, my money's on Rick but I'm really interested to see how he puts Negan in his place.
I think Negan's victim will be Glenn for the reasons previously mentioned in the thread.

Here's a question for the comic's fans: Is Negan a given name? Or is it a nickname the character adopts to represent himself within the new world order? To me It seems like the character's name by itself carries more ominous weight due to reputation than simply being a badass lucky enough to have been born with a badass name.

Speaking of badass, I love this show pitting two against each other. Perhaps I'm wrong but I think Negan hasn't suffered the kind of losses Rick has. He seems like the kind of character who was coldblooded before the apocalypse happened and his true nature helped build a self-contained society that mirrors his internal self. He is a tyrant and loves it.

On the other hand, Rick has been tempered by profound losses of death and betrayal that he cannot run from because of the leadership others empower him with. Lori. Hershel. Shane. Rick has been repeatedly destroyed and rebuilt. He has literally lost touch with reality and fought his way back to it. He's intelligent, trained to deal with the worst humanity has to offer, and cunning. What I'm hoping the new season brings is an epic chess match between intractable foes. Naturally, my money's on Rick but I'm really interested to see how he puts Negan in his place.

Negan underestimates Rick and his group or overestimates his own depending on how you look at it. That's going to be a big focus during next season. I don't want to say too much because it will spoil what happens.

Rick was the one who overestimated his group this season and he was shown exactly what he's up against now. That was a mistake.
except that according to you if it's not been brought up in the storyline - it can't happen. a-la making your own crossbow bolts. since no one ever mentioned it can be done, to you, it can't. so since they've not said they have a doctor, they can't have one.

your logic, not mine.

Not feeding your trolling today, icehead. Misquote me all you want, it won't work.
Not feeding your trolling today, icehead. Misquote me all you want, it won't work.

like i said - your logic, not mine.

and it's a direct analogy. not my fault it makes you look like...

and passing on the note of how to make bullets - i can only think eugene is the one at this point. too much was really happening to him and his "goodbyes" were not just once but two to three times.

the flip side is GLEN / DARYL GLEN / DARYL...

oh - eugene...

makes you wonder if that's the case if there's a let down we waited 6 months for THAT.

I watched it again. It appears I dozed off in the middle.

The hints with Eugene are too obvious.
Carl. Nope.

I have no idea.

What I got in this episode and why I think it was good,

Mission failing.
Walls closing in so to speak.
From looking at reviews and "The Walking Dead" forums... the finale has been pretty much been given a big thumbs down.

It was a really bad decision. They should have known better. And their explanation on TTD was bad sophistry.

But I love the show, anyway. From the looks of things, I think it's either Abraham or Glenn that got it. I'll still stick with Glenn, because that's the most likely, but the fact that they're keeping it a cliffhanger has me doubting a bit.

If it's me writing the show, I'm taking out more than one main character on the season opener. Maybe start with it having been Abraham in the cliffhanger, get everybody to breath a sigh of relieve for Glenn, and then take Glenn out, too. And maybe a minor character too, just for fun.

The case for it being Abraham: one, he's to the Negan's left of Rick if we're to believe the head jerk when he suggests feeding Carl's eye to Rick. The other candidates are Michonne and Maggie, and it's less likely Negan takes out the women. Abraham makes a point of challenging him with a stare, so perhaps he takes him out to make a point and to weaken Rick, thinking Abraham is a chief lieutenant. Plus, if you're doing a cliffhanger, it would give the audience that 'oh, you blew it by not having the guts to take out Glenn' moment....right before you then take out Glenn.

The made the character connection between Abraham/Sasha and Glenn/Maggie this episode. Taking out both men would be a nice way of saying 'that's what you get for being hopeful in the zombie apocalypse' to the audience. Maybe as a bonus you have Sasha react to the bashing and take her out, too.

The best way to come out of the sour note of the cliffhanger is to up the body count with key characters. We've got a couple actors already who've outlived their character arcs from the comic book. I think I'd take them out and just leave the audience stunned and sad in week one next season.
I watched it again. It appears I dozed off in the middle.

The hints with Eugene are too obvious.
Carl. Nope.

I have no idea.

What I got in this episode and why I think it was good,

Mission failing.
Walls closing in so to speak.

Yeah, the Eugene stuff I consider a red herring. They gave it to us to make him a possibility. Just like they aired the commercial for Daryl's new show prior to the big scene: to put a bit of mud in the water as to who might have time on their hands next season. Too easy.

They've been baiting the Glenn killing forever. I still think he gets it. Only now I've talked myself into Abraham getting it, too. Son of a tit.
Yeah, the Eugene stuff I consider a red herring. They gave it to us to make him a possibility. Just like they aired the commercial for Daryl's new show prior to the big scene: to put a bit of mud in the water as to who might have time on their hands next season. Too easy.

They've been baiting the Glenn killing forever. I still think he gets it. Only now I've talked myself into Abraham getting it, too. Son of a tit.

then again, daryl on TTD would be a sure sign he bit the bullet as they bring on big names that die in the show. is that a tease?

somewhere along the way the clues are "real" but so many out there, they're all red herrings really at this point.

the only thing they said was there were clues as to who it is. now we'll be seeing this for 6 months and honestly, while i'll be back next season, this was ******** to the nth degree and killed all the love i put back into this show up to the point where they get too cute for their own good again.
then again, daryl on TTD would be a sure sign he bit the bullet as they bring on big names that die in the show. is that a tease?

somewhere along the way the clues are "real" but so many out there, they're all red herrings really at this point.

the only thing they said was there were clues as to who it is. now we'll be seeing this for 6 months and honestly, while i'll be back next season, this was bull**** to the nth degree and killed all the love i put back into this show up to the point where they get too cute for their own good again.

Oh, yeah. We're all just speculating here.

Come to think of it, what does Negan say after his first swing? It's something to the effect of 'he took it like a champ!' right? Anybody remember if he used the pronoun or not?
Negan underestimates Rick and his group or overestimates his own depending on how you look at it. That's going to be a big focus during next season. I don't want to say too much because it will spoil what happens.

Rick was the one who overestimated his group this season and he was shown exactly what he's up against now. That was a mistake.

This is an excellent reply and perfect in the explanation of what you see in the comic book.

Just like we've now seen in the show this season Rick underestimates Negan, and his power, quite a bit. He doesn't have the full picture until that moment last night to know what he's up against. A bit of arrogance on Rick's part. But we all know Rick. He learns.

Now you're going to see that Negan, and they hinted toward it some last night with his dialogue (As they do in the comic), is going to be the one to underestimate Rick and to overestimate his own ability to simply break people.

I can't wait to see the chess match play out. I feel like they're going to do a damn good job of it on TV.
Yeah, the Eugene stuff I consider a red herring. They gave it to us to make him a possibility. Just like they aired the commercial for Daryl's new show prior to the big scene: to put a bit of mud in the water as to who might have time on their hands next season. Too easy.

They've been baiting the Glenn killing forever. I still think he gets it. Only now I've talked myself into Abraham getting it, too. Son of a tit.

Agreed. I feel like the Eugene stuff was over done, and forced in, to make you believe that Eugene is a possibility.

I still believe the only two really viable options are Glenn and Daryl.
Oh, yeah. We're all just speculating here.

Come to think of it, what does Negan say after his first swing? It's something to the effect of 'he took it like a champ!' right? Anybody remember if he used the pronoun or not?

He says Look at that. Taking it like a champ.

Specifically done to not give it away. In the comic he says the same lines. Of course we already know who he chooses before he ever hits him in the comic.
Kirkman confirmed the character is a "fan favorite". At least that throws the minor character theory out the window. Aaron is safe.

Glenn, Daryl and Abraham are really the only options and I would rate the impact in that order. I know Eugene gave Rick the recipe for bullets, but that is quite a stretch to say that Rick could actually do something with it so Eugene is out in my book.
At this point does it even matter?

There is no end to their suffering as a group and now they have reached the slavery part of the story. They aren't the good guys anymore and they aren't bad guys.

They are the Warriors just trying to make it back to Coney Island, fighting every gang along the way. If they somehow beat the Saviors and Neegan there will just be someone else trying to take their stuff.
The ability to make bullets is a game changer. Eugene giving Rick the recipe to make bullets makes Eugene expendable. Eugene telling Rick that Abraham can show him where the bullet making place is makes Abraham safe. The bullet making plot will happen for the Alexandrians and this will give them and them alone of all the known groups a decided advantage in the grand scheme of things. This is Eugene's legacy. That's why I think he's the one that got Lucilled.
Kirkman confirmed the character is a "fan favorite". At least that throws the minor character theory out the window. Aaron is safe.

He didn't say that exactly... He said the character was "beloved to everyone." And I don't think he meant to the fans, but to the folks of the Alexandria community.
For who's killed, tree landmarks give a guide, but there's also breath direction and the seating arrangement in the van (all the POV scenes were of someone sitting in the van and the person who received the bat, so yes, van seating).

It's definitely someone on the left side of the group from Negan's perspective and to the right of Rick. And based on the interior view from the van already showing Daryl leaning over in front, with Michonne obviously sitting off to one side, it's probably Rosita or Glenn that gets it. Making an assumption based on reading hip direction has Glenn as the intended receiver, but it's ambiguous; Rosita could have been sitting in front of Glenn (or on his lap... ). No info on her seated location is shown other than it doesn't eliminate the van point of view being hers.

I also took a few minutes getting the video to my av editing machine, demuxed the audio, and looked at each audio channel and the gasping/moaning/groaning is more masculine than feminine and sounds like Glenn. The center channel is Negan/Lucille/external world/viewer, and the surrounding channels seems to belong to internal POVer.

Kirkman saying fan favorite also leans towards Glenn. Rosita is still hot enough to qualify for that, though.

Trying an audio upload service (language warning, there was a beaver dam nearby and Negan was temporarily distracted by it; Negan is not a swearer):

Center channel:
Front left:
Front right:
Surround left:
Surround right:
For who's killed, tree landmarks give a guide, but there's also breath direction and the seating arrangement in the van (all the POV scenes were of someone sitting in the van and the person who received the bat, so yes, van seating).

It's definitely someone on the left side of the group from Negan's perspective and to the right of Rick. And based on the interior view from the van already showing Daryl leaning over in front, with Michonne obviously sitting off to one side, it's probably Rosita or Glenn that gets it. Making an assumption based on reading hip direction has Glenn as the intended receiver, but it's ambiguous; Rosita could have been sitting in front of Glenn (or on his lap... ). No info on her seated location is shown other than it doesn't eliminate the van point of view being hers.

I also took a few minutes getting the video to my av editing machine, demuxed the audio, and looked at each audio channel and the gasping/moaning/groaning is more masculine than feminine and sounds like Glenn. The center channel is Negan/Lucille/external world/viewer, and the surrounding channels seems to belong to internal POVer.

Kirkman saying fan favorite also leans towards Glenn. Rosita is still hot enough to qualify for that, though.

Trying an audio upload service (language warning, there was a beaver dam nearby and Negan was temporarily distracted by it; Negan is not a swearer):

Center channel:
Front left:
Front right:
Surround left:
Surround right:

Based on what you posted– assuming they are all true, which is probably a leap at this point... I'd go with Glenn.
The director said he didn't think the cast was even present when they shot the final part of that scene. I assume that means they definitely weren't still seated at that point (or he has a really bad memory) so I wonder if negan's motions were even consistent with his target.

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