The Walking Dead-Season 8, Episodes 1-8

I remember virtually those same "people" who lived in Woodbury under the Governor. After their "saving" by Rick and Co, they were quickly and conveniently disapatched during that "virus" storyline. Get out that eraser!

Essentially yes. They're simply fodder to show that Rick has compassion and heart where the more evil rulers, The Governor and Negan, don't or didn't seem to.

Unfortunately they're extras that serve no purpose and will likely simply be people who are killed in the next big arc by the next big threat. The problem here is the TV show does a far more terrible job of showing Rick as a truly good person, caught in a really bad situation/world with what he has to do compared to the comics. Not to mention the show seems to go out of it's way to make Rick look incredibly dumb when in the Comic he's actually quite smart.
Essentially yes. They're simply fodder to show that Rick has compassion and heart where the more evil rulers, The Governor and Negan, don't or didn't seem to.

Unfortunately they're extras that serve no purpose and will likely simply be people who are killed in the next big arc by the next big threat. The problem here is the TV show does a far more terrible job of showing Rick as a truly good person, caught in a really bad situation/world with what he has to do compared to the comics. Not to mention the show seems to go out of it's way to make Rick look incredibly dumb when in the Comic he's actually quite smart.

. Not to mention the show seems to go out of it's way to make Rick look incredibly dumb when in the Comic he's actually quite smart.


That's a valid point.

I never came away from the graphic novel thinking, "You know Rick's really a *******"... Now on the TV show...

Rick comes off as smug quite often on the TV show, which is something we don't get in the graphic novel.
Remember last time they went away from the comic the writers gave us the hospital storyline.
Exactly.....That is the whole is the moment when the fans know the show will never be as good again.......not that it is the end of the show

The new Arnold, too much Joanie and Chaci, Richie leaving, Mork...... it was never the same
Mork was actually pretty good. Good enough to get his own show.
Fear is the path to the dark side.
Fear leads to anger.
Anger leads to hate.
Hate leads to suffering.
I sense much fear in you

Well, that is what Yoda would tell Eugene if there was ever a Star Wars/The Walking Dead crossover :rolleyes: I held some reservation that Eugene would eventually stop walking his coward's tightrope and do the right thing but he is a petrified fart through and through. Not sure when his end will come but it will come eventually. That will be a must see episode for me. His confession to Gabriel was as pathetic as they come. Cannot wait for his character to get eaten alive.

I think the clock is ticking for Tara too. Daryl I understand. He is strictly on an eye for an eye revenge kick to pacify his survivor's remorse in my opinion and he will accept nothing less than as many Saviors as possible dead by any means necessary. On the other hand Tara wants revenge for Denise but she is 'haunted' by her past decision to not immediately tell Rick about Oceanside and their weapons. She is clear headed enough to not 'want to make the same mistake again' so what does she do? Totally support Daryl's decision and create another terrible situation. That is strike two and it feels like the third strike is just around the corner.
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Okay...last nights episode....obviously not a whole lot as they really were just setting up the finale for the mid-season.

1) The plan Darryl and them's a half assed version of part of the entire plan from the comic. In the comic they didn't leave the walkers trapped outside to try and wait them out, they drove a vehicle in like they did on the show last night to kill everyone. Obviously they've strayed from that for the show. Only to have Darryl, Tara, and Morgan decide it's a great idea and let them in. Now what? They cleared the yard and *** up the entire plan apparently.

This obviously leads to the Saviors ability to get out and lead to their attacks on Alexandria and The Hilltop. I'm certain the show will get to those parts, much like the comic, but the rest of this War so far has strayed a pretty good deal away from how it went in the comics.

2) Rosita suddenly wanting to put full faith in Rick....***? Am I watching the same chick that just last season was all "I'm doing this!! I must avenge Abraham!!! MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!"

Now because of the other idiot like that last year, Sasha, getting herself killed I'm to believe that Rosita suddenly has full faith that Rick will take care of it all? Of all the people in that little group who I thought would most definitely remain reckless and stupid it was her. Makes absolutely zero sense to me for her to suddenly 180 like that with no real build as to the fact that she's now done a 180.

3) I get Darryl's pain here. I understand that he wants not only revenge for the death of Glenn but I really, truly, feel that the way he's going is a man whose actually ready to die. He wants to die doing these things as he believes he deserves to die for 'getting' Glenn killed.

I know a lot of people like to lay that death on him. I don't. I actually applauded the fact that Darryl was willing to stand up to Negan and fight when he was bullying Rosita.

Yes it led to Negan having to show his dominance again but it showed that Darryl would not be bought. He would not be broken and forced to be your little....well you know. I hate that he's now turned inside out with himself here and gives off the impression, to me at least, that he's a guy who believes he now deserves to die.

4) Dwight....***!!! Why? Why are you being an idiot? You shot the plane down? The plane!!!! Shoot Eugene you ignorant hack!!!! Goodness. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm digging the Dwight character (I feel for him, I do) but that just really irritated me. Don't threaten Eugene and then not follow through.

5) Eugene....goodness gracious do I ever HATE this guy. I mean absolutely HATE this character. I didn't think it would be possible to dislike him more then I did in the comic up to this point....but the show has made me hate him. I want him to die so freaking bad it's not even remotely funny. My hope is that this is one area where they continue to go completely away from the comic and kill him off. He is a coward in the comic as well but he was never to this degree such a useless sack of crap.

I can not stand this guy in the least and I hope he is killed. Preferably by Rick.

6) Okay so I liked that Rick got to beat some garbage pale idiots, while tied up, but for the love of goodness...really? That's all it took was an unarmed man getting a walker head, talking the idiot leader of your crew, and you're more than glad to now make another deal with him? What leverage did Rick hold here exactly to even make this deal?

Why the hell does Rick want idiots like this working with him? I mean, really? They allowed a tied up, unarmed man to force them into a deal that just last week they wanted absolutely nothing to do with.

And Janice, or whatever her stupid name is, has to be the worse negotiator of all time. Why do these people follow her? She has yet to EVER get a deal to go the way she wants. With Negan last year, and now Rick, she was forced to take exactly what they offered and backed down after asking for more.

She's an awful leader. Who the hell follows people like that?

Now with that it might seem like I didn't like the episode but I did. It was fine for what it was which was a filler show to get to the mid-season finale. Which I'm looking forward to.

Now I know they're bad about over hyping things which is probably what they did with the hyping of next weeks episode but it's an extended one and if they follow the comic, at all, in the attacks on Alexandria and Hilltop they could actually finish the war at mid-season.

I say this because the attack on Alexandria is basically nothing. It's a quick knock down the gates, and set stuff on fire, kind of thing. They can do that quickly and move onto the hunkered in, final battle, at Hilltop to end it off.

Now, possible spoiler coming up here for those who don't read the comic so read no further if you don't want to know any possibility of that....

What I believe they are hyping is the big decision. Will Rick kill Negan or won't he? I think next weeks episode will end with the moment from the comic where Rick has the chance to kill him and leave you wondering if Rick did or didn't kill him. Thus setting up the second half to be the aftermath of the decision and the lead into the two year time skip, which I believe is where next season will kick off.

I think the second half of this season is going to be the show giving you some of what Rick did, and was doing, to set up what you see going on after the time skip. You're going to see how Maggie, and Darryl, and others deal with Rick's decision, if they in fact follow the comic. If they do all those people waiting for the death of Negan will be sadly disappointed. Which, I believe, the show is going to follow that. Rick won't kill him. He'll imprison him, just like in the comic, to show that he's not Negan. To show that the vision he has for the world can, and will, work without being a ruthless, blood thirsty, dictator of a leader.

There simply isn't a way that I see that they can drag whats left of the War into the entire second half of this season. It's basically one battle left is all there is. That's an awful lot of filler if that's how you go.

The second half of this season can be about showing you what the comic didn't in terms of how Rick sets up what he does and what the world is after the time skip.
I think Rick wants to use the garbage people as a meat curtain. After losing the Kingdom I bet he is looking for a way to not get his people killed. Use them, get most of them killed, and then feed Janis to a walker.
Okay...last nights episode....obviously not a whole lot as they really were just setting up the finale for the mid-season.

1) The plan Darryl and them's a half assed version of part of the entire plan from the comic. In the comic they didn't leave the walkers trapped outside to try and wait them out, they drove a vehicle in like they did on the show last night to kill everyone. Obviously they've strayed from that for the show. Only to have Darryl, Tara, and Morgan decide it's a great idea and let them in. Now what? They cleared the yard and *** up the entire plan apparently.

This obviously leads to the Saviors ability to get out and lead to their attacks on Alexandria and The Hilltop. I'm certain the show will get to those parts, much like the comic, but the rest of this War so far has strayed a pretty good deal away from how it went in the comics.

2) Rosita suddenly wanting to put full faith in Rick....***? Am I watching the same chick that just last season was all "I'm doing this!! I must avenge Abraham!!! MEEEEEEEEE!!!!!"

Now because of the other idiot like that last year, Sasha, getting herself killed I'm to believe that Rosita suddenly has full faith that Rick will take care of it all? Of all the people in that little group who I thought would most definitely remain reckless and stupid it was her. Makes absolutely zero sense to me for her to suddenly 180 like that with no real build as to the fact that she's now done a 180.

3) I get Darryl's pain here. I understand that he wants not only revenge for the death of Glenn but I really, truly, feel that the way he's going is a man whose actually ready to die. He wants to die doing these things as he believes he deserves to die for 'getting' Glenn killed.

I know a lot of people like to lay that death on him. I don't. I actually applauded the fact that Darryl was willing to stand up to Negan and fight when he was bullying Rosita.

Yes it led to Negan having to show his dominance again but it showed that Darryl would not be bought. He would not be broken and forced to be your little....well you know. I hate that he's now turned inside out with himself here and gives off the impression, to me at least, that he's a guy who believes he now deserves to die.

4) Dwight....***!!! Why? Why are you being an idiot? You shot the plane down? The plane!!!! Shoot Eugene you ignorant hack!!!! Goodness. Now, don't get me wrong, I'm digging the Dwight character (I feel for him, I do) but that just really irritated me. Don't threaten Eugene and then not follow through.

5) Eugene....goodness gracious do I ever HATE this guy. I mean absolutely HATE this character. I didn't think it would be possible to dislike him more then I did in the comic up to this point....but the show has made me hate him. I want him to die so freaking bad it's not even remotely funny. My hope is that this is one area where they continue to go completely away from the comic and kill him off. He is a coward in the comic as well but he was never to this degree such a useless sack of crap.

I can not stand this guy in the least and I hope he is killed. Preferably by Rick.

6) Okay so I liked that Rick got to beat some garbage pale idiots, while tied up, but for the love of goodness...really? That's all it took was an unarmed man getting a walker head, talking the idiot leader of your crew, and you're more than glad to now make another deal with him? What leverage did Rick hold here exactly to even make this deal?

Why the hell does Rick want idiots like this working with him? I mean, really? They allowed a tied up, unarmed man to force them into a deal that just last week they wanted absolutely nothing to do with.

And Janice, or whatever her stupid name is, has to be the worse negotiator of all time. Why do these people follow her? She has yet to EVER get a deal to go the way she wants. With Negan last year, and now Rick, she was forced to take exactly what they offered and backed down after asking for more.

She's an awful leader. Who the hell follows people like that?

Now with that it might seem like I didn't like the episode but I did. It was fine for what it was which was a filler show to get to the mid-season finale. Which I'm looking forward to.

Now I know they're bad about over hyping things which is probably what they did with the hyping of next weeks episode but it's an extended one and if they follow the comic, at all, in the attacks on Alexandria and Hilltop they could actually finish the war at mid-season.

I say this because the attack on Alexandria is basically nothing. It's a quick knock down the gates, and set stuff on fire, kind of thing. They can do that quickly and move onto the hunkered in, final battle, at Hilltop to end it off.

Now, possible spoiler coming up here for those who don't read the comic so read no further if you don't want to know any possibility of that....

What I believe they are hyping is the big decision. Will Rick kill Negan or won't he? I think next weeks episode will end with the moment from the comic where Rick has the chance to kill him and leave you wondering if Rick did or didn't kill him. Thus setting up the second half to be the aftermath of the decision and the lead into the two year time skip, which I believe is where next season will kick off.

I think the second half of this season is going to be the show giving you some of what Rick did, and was doing, to set up what you see going on after the time skip. You're going to see how Maggie, and Darryl, and others deal with Rick's decision, if they in fact follow the comic. If they do all those people waiting for the death of Negan will be sadly disappointed. Which, I believe, the show is going to follow that. Rick won't kill him. He'll imprison him, just like in the comic, to show that he's not Negan. To show that the vision he has for the world can, and will, work without being a ruthless, blood thirsty, dictator of a leader.

There simply isn't a way that I see that they can drag whats left of the War into the entire second half of this season. It's basically one battle left is all there is. That's an awful lot of filler if that's how you go.

The second half of this season can be about showing you what the comic didn't in terms of how Rick sets up what he does and what the world is after the time skip.

I'm betting the War is dragged out to 8-16... As much as it pains me to think that.

I mean my gosh the attack on the Sanctuary has lasted what... 7 episodes?

They can certainly draw out a couple more battles until 8-16.

I mean 8-15 will be a prep for 8-16.

8-9, will be a clean-up episode from 8-8.

So you've got 5 episodes left to fill up. No doubt in my mind they (the writers) can chew up the 5 episodes with a bunch of meaningless fill.

As a side note, I'm thinking we're going to get a main character death here soon.
I'm betting the War is dragged out to 8-16... As much as it pains me to think that.

I mean my gosh the attack on the Sanctuary has lasted what... 7 episodes?

They can certainly draw out a couple more battles until 8-16.

I mean 8-15 will be a prep for 8-16.

8-9, will be a clean-up episode from 8-8.

So you've got 5 episodes left to fill up. No doubt in my mind they (the writers) can chew up the 5 episodes with a bunch of meaningless fill.

As a side note, I'm thinking we're going to get a main character death here soon.

That's definitely true. They could do this.

I'm hoping they do not. But it's definitely a possibility.
That's definitely true. They could do this.

I'm hoping they do not. But it's definitely a possibility.

I hope not too.

But if someone had told me prior to the start of this season, "Well you know the Saviors are going to be holed up in the Sanctuary against the walking dead for 7 episodes" I'd say they were nuts!
I think Rick wants to use the garbage people as a meat curtain. After losing the Kingdom I bet he is looking for a way to not get his people killed. Use them, get most of them killed, and then feed Janis to a walker.
Pretty sure the walker would pass
Rick should have just smoked the saviors out of the plant. Movtov coctails. Old cars filled with old tires and rubber. Lots of diesel fuel etc.

Smoke them out and then kill em all

We used to call it "flushing"
It took them a whole episode to drive a truck into a door.

You could move this story line along faster in real time.
It took them a whole episode to drive a truck into a door.

You could move this story line along faster in real time.

Decompressed storytelling. A stall tactic to milk something for more than it's actually worth.

Anyone have any ratings information?

I can't believe they would be as good right now as they have been in the past.
Decompressed storytelling. A stall tactic to milk something for more than it's actually worth.

Anyone have any ratings information?

I can't believe they would be as good right now as they have been in the past.

For a Sunday night cable show the numbers are very good... but relatively speaking the numbers are down in the area of season 2 range before it really became a huge hit.

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