The Walking Dead

MichaelWinicki;4230046 said:
Yeah, I thought the pace was slow too.

Who knows, maybe they're setting us up a very fast paced episode.

Well like I said, from the previews, it looks like Michael Rooker is back next week. He always plays intense roles and it's obvious that last episode has to be setting up future episodes...
trickblue;4230069 said:
Well like I said, from the previews, it looks like Michael Rooker is back next week. He always plays intense roles and it's obvious that last episode has to be setting up future episodes...

Yeah something tells me ole Merle is gonna be a little PISSED :laugh1:
I love this show.

You're not going to have zombies running all over the place every show.

Sometimes you have to set things up.

Gotta love Zombie Bloat.
ConcordCowboy;4231610 said:
I love this show.

You're not going to have zombies running all over the place every show.

Sometimes you have to set things up.

Gotta love Zombie Bloat.

Excellent special affects for that sequence.

I re-watched the orginal "Dawn of the Dead" a few days ago and the difference in zombies is amazing... Still like the original "Dawn" though.
By the by... I see that season 3 has been given the go-head by the network.
ConcordCowboy;4231610 said:
I love this show.

You're not going to have zombies running all over the place every show.

Sometimes you have to set things up.

Gotta love Zombie Bloat.
They've been setting things up for a season in a half and nothing much has happened yet. No I am not talking about zombies but can you wrap some of these worthless storylines(the girl missing, etc) up and move on instead of dragging it out with cheap ploys setting up for the next show which then resolves nothing and then on to the next show which resolves nothing... and on and on.
I like the show, but I do am disappointed with how a lot of it is going (or not going). I hate when shows use some premise that people find interesting to garner viewers, but then the show primarily consists of the same stupid predictable drama BS that I can find in pretty much any other show that has nothing to do with the premise. I want the story and drama to come from and develop with the uniqueness of the premise.

The whole well thing was a big waste of time. The pregnancy thing I don't care about and have seen a million times before. I don't care if it's in a world filled with zombies, it's the same BS. Most of the characters are becoming less and less interesting.
I don't claim to have seen every zombie movie. I don't claim to have seen more zombie movies than every member on this forum. I do however claim that I am a big zombie movie fan and have probably seen more than the vast majority. Between high budget films to lowly B rated (and worse) ones.

Just a few things to consider.

Some people tune into zombie movies just to see the gore, to see how the zombies look, to see what new ways a zombie can be killed or to see new ways to see a zombie kill someone else. The same could be said of the multitude of Friday the 13th movies, Halloween movies and Nightmare on elm street movies. Most know going in that most of these movies are using the same basic story lines so not much new in that department but they love seeing the main bad guy and how he is going to destroy someone or how he gets destroyed. In the case of the nightmare on elm street series it turned into what new funny lines Freddy can make.

There is another factor that is truly at the heart of zombie movies that some people seem to miss and it is odd that they would miss it or marginalize it because for the most part it is, like I just said, the heart of zombie movies.

It is the story lines of how the living interact with each other during desperate and intense times under almost unbearable situations that seems to have little to no hope of changing.

The dead are walking, everyone that gets bitten by the dead wind up turning into the dead and the cycle continues until eventually nobody will be alive. However that does change in some films by either finding a cure or waiting until the zombies die from starvation (28 days later).

So the most important part, the main heart, the central theme of zombie movies is not really the killing of zombies. It is the survival of the living and the interaction with the other living. Who is the bad guy that might turn out to be a good guy. Who is the good guy that turns out to be a bad guy. The line that blurs between good and bad depending on the situations. The love or purely sexual nature that might develop between characters due to the stress involved and needing to feel some kind of hope or fellow human contact for reassurance even if it just be for a bit.

Zombies are just creatures driven by the need to feed. The living (in these films) are filled with the need to survive, some feel the need to help others even if it eventually puts them in danger. Others feel the need to survive by putting others in danger to save themselves.

Think of the original zombie movie by Romero. The old black and white version. It was not really about the zombies. It was about the interaction and action of the living that drove that movie and drives most of the other zombie movies.

The same will happen in this series.

Now sure a series and writers will sometimes draw things out longer than they need to do in order to fill a quota of episodes and keep things going longer.

Look at lost for a prime example as it was only set to be for so many seasons but the popularity of the series made the writers draw it out a few more the point of making some of the characters that were only originally meant to be side characters and turned into main characters. Some of these characters had no past originally but they eventually devoted episodes to creating pasts for them...Hurley (sp?) is a prime example of that.

So although this series might be drawing things out longer than normal. Although they are adding more characters or devoting them more than was in the graphic is something to do to extend a series. But at the same time it is doing what it set out to do and what the central them of the zombie genre (and many other genres for that matter) set out to do...Concentrate on the interactions of the people. The zombies themselves are just the catalyst that makes these people come together to try and survive. Take out the zombies and put in a monumental weather event, cosmic event, medical outbreak event, post atomic/nuclear war event, ship wreck in a deserted area and many other scenarios that would fit and you would get similar things.

It is all about the interactions of the people.

Think of a Quinton Tarrintino (sp?) and why many like them and they get a good deal of critical praise. It is rarely about the action, it is about the interactions between the people. He has made it an art form to have the most interesting, intense, funny and thought provoking scenes as nothing more than a few people talking instead of the action.
Good episode tonight.

I was pissed if that idiot woman had killed Daryl, he is my favorite character.

What could he possibly be keeping all the walkers for? Now I just want next week's to get here.
I was thinking the walkers were their family or people they knew who'd been bit. They could be saving them in case of a cure.

Didn't like being teased with the one handed guy. That was the main attraction for this episode. At this point I'm expecting him to show up with the little girl.
punchnjudy;4243744 said:
I was thinking the walkers were their family or people they knew who'd been bit. They could be saving them in case of a cure.

Didn't like being teased with the one handed guy. That was the main attraction for this episode. At this point I'm expecting him to show up with the little girl.

I sure hope the girl is alive, or it feels like a waste.

Shane becomes a bigger arse every episode.
Strong episode tonight. For me it was the second best episode this season.

I agree on the "Why" the Zoms are being kept... Folks they knew that had become infected. Either they're waiting for a "cure" or they don't believe it's morally right to kill them, considering them "still alive".

I can see that happening. A sorta constant theme in many of the zombie flicks. At the beginning of the original "Dawn of the Dead" the National Guard assualted a building where the living were keeping the dead locked in a basement because they thought they still needed to honor the dead.

Yeah, the "fake-out" in this episode was good. Had us all going.
MichaelWinicki;4244134 said:
Strong episode tonight. For me it was the second best episode this season.

I agree on the "Why" the Zoms are being kept... Folks they knew that had become infected. Either they're waiting for a "cure" or they don't believe it's morally right to kill them, considering them "still alive".

I can see that happening. A sorta constant theme in many of the zombie flicks. At the beginning of the original "Dawn of the Dead" the National Guard assualted a building where the living were keeping the dead locked in a basement because they thought they still needed to honor the dead.

Yeah, the "fake-out" in this episode was good. Had us all going.

The idea of them possible knowing the people in barn would fit something that Hershal (sp?) said earlier in the show that he did not want them killing any of the walkers that might stray onto the property.

At that time I thought he said that thinking they would use the guns and in doing so possibly drawing more walkers to their property but now with the walkers in the barn it is making more sense.

This also plays into not wanting the people to stay there because eventually they would find out if they stayed long enough.

When the girl got scared when she seen the note about the hay loft I thought the boy would go in there and find that the missing girl was in there as a walker.
As someone who has been reading the comic for almost 8 years ...... its fun seeing you guys try to figure out the storyline.
zrinkill;4244229 said:
As someone who has been reading the comic for almost 8 years ...... its fun seeing you guys try to figure out the storyline.

Just because you read the comic does not mean the story line will all be the same...especially considering the guy who wrote the comic and is doing the show has already said there are characters in the series that were not in the books and that some things will change because of that.

Now I am sure the main theme will be the same but with new characters and admitted changes who knows how it will go from here.

However I am curious what has been different so far with the books vs the show as I have not read the comics/graphic novels.

Care to talk about some of the differences or character changes (minus spoilers of course).
BrAinPaiNt;4244241 said:
Care to talk about some of the differences or character changes (minus spoilers of course).

Shane was not a main part of the story by the time they got to the Farmhouse.

Andrea was a young college girl in the comic.

Carol was younger and prettier and her abusive husband was never in the show.

Darrell, T-dog, and Darrell's crazy brother did not exist in the comic.

The whole second arc of the first season did not happen in the comics (one reason all those writers were fired)

The Zombies cannot run or think at all in the comics.
Im a little disappointed in this season....the missing girl thing is dragging on way to long.
Here is what I think.....

The Zombie in the well and now all the zombie's in the barn are probably all part of their farm community that have turned to zombie's

I think thats why the younger lady was disgusted when they beat the head in on the zombie in the well. She didnt have a problem beating a zombie head in riding horseback earlier.

I really hope the show picks just getting tired of the same drama dragging on. I still cant believe the little girl is missing this long.......
zrinkill;4244282 said:
Shane was not a main part of the story by the time they got to the Farmhouse.

Andrea was a young college girl in the comic.

Carol was younger and prettier and her abusive husband was never in the show.

Darrell, T-dog, and Darrell's crazy brother did not exist in the comic.

The whole second arc of the first season did not happen in the comics (one reason all those writers were fired)

The Zombies cannot run or think at all in the comics.


I havent read the comic's ......but I have a few friends that have and they stopped watching the show because it was so frustrating how it wasnt like the comic's
zrinkill;4244282 said:
Shane was not a main part of the story by the time they got to the Farmhouse.

Andrea was a young college girl in the comic.

Carol was younger and prettier and her abusive husband was never in the show.

Darrell, T-dog, and Darrell's crazy brother did not exist in the comic.

The whole second arc of the first season did not happen in the comics (one reason all those writers were fired)

The Zombies cannot run or think at all in the comics.

Darrell (sp?) seems to be the most interesting character in the series...hard to think of it with out him in it. On a side note, although a motorcycle would be good to get through cluttered highways, does anyone else think it is a horrible idea to have such a loud one that would draw walkers?

Was watching one of the Talking dead episodes...For those that don't know, some time after the shows this season they have a 1/2 hour talk show with guests that talk about the Talking dead episode or show in general.

The guy who is writing it was on one and they asked him his thoughts on slow walking vs running zombies.

He said they don't have super fast zombies but that some would be a little faster than others depending on the injuries before dying and the amount of decay the body/zombie might be in...which made sense (in a zombie world lol)
Mash;4244318 said:
I have a few friends that have and they stopped watching the show because it was so frustrating how it wasnt like the comic's

You cannot make a TV show just like the comics.

As long as it has the same "feel" I am happy.

The end of last years season was horrible with the whole exploding building thing.

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