News: There is a reason Dak Prescott might be in a ‘slump’ and it’s not his calf injury


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This one was evaluated by someone who actually played QB, not a crooked finger ex lineman.

Thanks that was really interesting. Although many of his comments were kind of alarming. You'd think Dak was a rookie judging by how basic most of his mistakes sound. Really illustrates a lot of his problem is mental, and if he hasn't learned these things by now, why would we expect he'll ever learn them. Good grief this contract is going to suck.


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Well I can't speak on that, because the Dak supporters I've seen here post, win, lose, or draw. But maybe you can explain why the Dak haters, especially the cowards on the board don't post when Dak is on his game.

Dak has been on his game more often than not, so the hatin cowards are rarely seen. Another thing I find hilarious is how Dak haters hate without any consistent stats to back up their weak @$$ arguments. You'll have NFL Hall of Famers say Dak was playing at top 5 qb levels before he got injured.... then You'll have some Dak hatin coward spewing out that Dak is average.

Now who should I believe, my eyes, stats, and the word of Hall of Famer players coaches and GMs???? Or the word of some weak coward @$$ hater who has never played past pop Warner and wasn't even good at a kids level???

I think I'll rely on my eyes, stats, and the opinions of people who've been there on the highest level of the sport.

"He can win you a championship if you've got really good players around him... You better get the running game back." - Jimmy Johnson...on Dak Prescott


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There is very old adage in the NFL which goes something like this "If you're not getting better you're getting worse." Teams have made an adjustment to Dak and the Kellen Moore offense which is giving them problems. It's up to Moore and Dak to make the counter adjustments to get back on track. I'm not interested in any "expert" claiming that "Dak can never get any better." That's just stupid. QBs continue to get better well into their 30's because the more experience they get the less able defense are to fool them and they process what they see faster every year .. Dak is far from a finished product. He CAN get through this and I believe he will. If you choose to believe he can't that's on you. You're probably one of those people who never wanted him to succeed in the first place and didn't want the Cowboys to re-sign him. People in that camp are in for a miserable next three years..

CT Dal Fan

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The more articles I read about people "figuring out" what's wrong with Dak and the offense in general the more I simply shrug and move on.

Dak is no longer putting up stats but as long as he's winning who really cares? Would we rather have Dak pass for 472 yards, 4 TD's, and lose or have him throw for 211, one TD, and win?

It can't be denied that he's in a slump and aside from the Atlanta game it's been happening post calf-injury, or post line injuries, or post-Zeke injury. I believe Prescott will figure it out. At any rate, having this problem when you're on a 9-4 team that is breezing towards the division title makes it a lot easier to work on trying some new things. Maybe this is part of what's been happening too.


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The more articles I read about people "figuring out" what's wrong with Dak and the offense in general the more I simply shrug and move on.

Dak is no longer putting up stats but as long as he's winning who really cares? Would we rather have Dak pass for 472 yards, 4 TD's, and lose or have him throw for 211, one TD, and win?

It can't be denied that he's in a slump and aside from the Atlanta game it's been happening post calf-injury, or post line injuries, or post-Zeke injury. I believe Prescott will figure it out. At any rate, having this problem when you're on a 9-4 team that is breezing towards the division title makes it a lot easier to work on trying some new things. Maybe this is part of what's been happening too.
Well that’s the funny thing. The same people ragging on Dak claimed they didn’t care as long as the team is winning. And now. The true colours come out. It’s never about wins. It’s about Dak. Always has been.


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Personally, I'm not a "Dak Basher" I do call it like I see it. I'm more worried about what the coaches are seeing and not seeing and what they hell they're not adjusting or do we have the personnel to adjust. Is it the lack of the run? etc etc.
How he didn’t see Holland on the pick 6 is beyond me.


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"I hope all teams play us like Denver did" - Dak after the Denver game.

That's exactly what's been happening. Dak has got his wish.

Dak is clearly better against the blitz, so teams just aren't blitzing him, making him think more, and it's making him look horrible.

The blueprint is 100% out. Don't blitz and make Dak think and make difficult throws. Until he consistently shows that he can play well then teams aren't going to stop doing it.


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"I hope all teams play us like Denver did" - Dak after the Denver game.

That's exactly what's been happening. Dak has got his wish.

Dak is clearly better against the blitz, so teams just aren't blitzing him, making him think more, and it's making him look horrible.

The blueprint is 100% out. Don't blitz and make Dak think and make difficult throws. Until he consistently shows that he can play well then teams aren't going to stop doing it.

He'll figure it out.. He's too smart a kid not to. I do think the lack of a running game is hurting him though because when defenses can pressure with 4 and drop 7 the passing game is going to find tougher sledding. But there are route combinations that can defenses pay for doing that. Dak and Moore just need to find them and oh by the way when they do dial up the right play the damn receivers need to catch the ball. It's not rocket surgery. They're all good enough to do it.. They just gotta do it.


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"He can win you a championship if you've got really good players around him... You better get the running game back." - Jimmy Johnson...on Dak Prescott

I dont think I've ever seen any quarterback in history win a championship without really good players around him. So Jimmy is absolutely correct!!


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Dak doesn't look that sharp, but neither does the whole offense. Zeke is what, averaging like 3 yards? Teams have adjusted to our offense. I'm glad we see this before the playoffs because it iwll given kellen moore time to create something fresh for the playoffs. Kellen Moore is a fairly new OC, so he's finally getting a taste of what it's like when defenses adjust. Time to adjust back. He's a smart guy and I think he will figure it out.


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I dont think I've ever seen any quarterback in history win a championship without really good players around him. So Jimmy is absolutely correct!!
Yeah the whole "so and so carried a bad team to a championship" is a BS narrative people write after the fact. The fact is it has never happened. No one person has ever won or lost a single game in NFL history let alone a championship.


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Dak is playing the worst he's ever played with the most weapons he's ever had.

He's being exposed and it's no coincidence that this started after that Broncos embarrassment. They saw something. Dak knew they saw something. That's why he said "I hope teams play us like that every game". They were doing something specific and Dak knew that. The problem is Dak doesn't seem good enough to overcome that, because teams that can, have been playing them like that and he looks completely horrible. The hubris is real with Dak and his arrogance back fired.

We just have to hope that Kellen Moore can work some magic and get the best out of what he's got. Because, although the defense is improved, it's not going to carry us through 4 playoff games.
You didn’t read the article.


Here comes the Sun...
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Yeah the whole "so and so carried a bad team to a championship" is a BS narrative people write after the fact. The fact is it has never happened. No one person has ever won or lost a single game in NFL history let alone a championship.

That's the way the ball bounces...awesome. Keep your eye on the ball...make you rich...and do it right...Represent!

Dallas Cowboys on three...




Mr. Fixit
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My point is about accountability which is key to success. A successful team can't have any passengers.

What kind of accountability are you suggesting?

Dock his pay?

Wind sprints after practice??

30 lashes????

There is no QB on roster better than Dak, so benching him or removing him from team is ridiculous.

Talk about cutting off your nose to spite your face.


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How he didn’t see Holland on the pick 6 is beyond me.

Well there was a small matter of the 320 pound dude blocking his view. Not excusing the pick. You don't throw blind into the middle of defense.. but the big guy leaping in front of him obscured his view of the LB floating into the passing lane. It was a rookie mistake and he needs to cut that crap out.


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Dak is playing the worst he's ever played with the most weapons he's ever had.

He's being exposed and it's no coincidence that this started after that Broncos embarrassment. They saw something. Dak knew they saw something. That's why he said "I hope teams play us like that every game". They were doing something specific and Dak knew that. The problem is Dak doesn't seem good enough to overcome that, because teams that can, have been playing them like that and he looks completely horrible. The hubris is real with Dak and his arrogance back fired.

We just have to hope that Kellen Moore can work some magic and get the best out of what he's got. Because, although the defense is improved, it's not going to carry us through 4 playoff games.
I seriously don’t trust him to be consistent enough for 4 games.

He looks so much more likely to put up a 1-2 TD & 1-2 INT game than a clean 3TD+& 0-1INT GAME when it matters