DT isn't a sexy pick to Booger and that's a load that they would have taken Donald, if they had the chance.
Booger wants a flashy team and honestly, I can't fault him for that for America's Team, it is a business first. He wants excitement and scoring because that's what those fans want. You can bet there were a lot of fans more focused on the stats Prescott was putting up than the 1-3 record.
I can tell you from my personal experience that Cowboys fans are the oddest ducks I've ever encountered. Too many Cowboys fans are not demanding. You think they're going to show up like Lions and Saints fans with sacks on their heads?
This site is not a microcosm of the real fandom. And how many do you see here complain right along with everyone else and then talk about the game they're attending and some are flying in for that? As fans, we get just what we're willing to accept.
I can also say that I would have been hard pressed to find a fan attending a game to agree with me about picking Lamb. He was also not a stranger to Cowboys fans or DFW.
In the entertainment part of the game that Booger does understand so well, Lamb was a home run.