Things we should be learning from Pats


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I suppose technically Belichick didn't accomplish much without Brady, but I think you've got me confused with someone else.

I don't see how NE was "controlling the game" with a 3-3 tie until 7 minutes to go. You can control time of possession, but if you're tied that late you haven't controlled the game.
Let's see, Lombardi was nothing without Starr, Landry was nothing without Staubach, Noll was nothing without Bradshaw, Walsh was nothing without Montana, Levy was nothing without Kelly, Johnson was nothing without Aikman, those are as absurd as holding any HC's QB against him.

What about every year Brady won a ring, he had a top 10 run game and D? You move Brady to any other team and he doesn't come close to 6 rings.


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Let's see, Lombardi was nothing without Starr, Landry was nothing without Staubach, Noll was nothing without Bradshaw, Walsh was nothing without Montana, Levy was nothing without Kelly, Johnson was nothing without Aikman, those are as absurd as holding any HC's QB against him.

What about every year Brady won a ring, he had a top 10 run game and D? You move Brady to any other team and he doesn't come close to 6 rings.

Now you're just running with your confusing me with someone else.


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Same could have been said about the 90s cowboys, Dan Marino's Dolphins, Jim Kelly's Bills, Mannings colts, Rodgers packers
uhmmmm..... thats my whole point. It is amazing how great coaches get when they have a great QB. I always use Seifert as my example. He had the highest winning % in NFL HISTORY having Montana and Young as his QBs. Then, he went to Carolina and on that flight Im positive he hit his head and forgot how to coach.


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Brady didn't need a coach. He could've got drafted by any team and had the same career??? lol What the Pats did is an unprecedented run. There's been many great QBs and none of them were able to maintain a 20 year dynasty like this. Cowboys could've drafted Brady and he'd be run out of the league by now. Specially in 2000 when the team was absolutely pathetic. But I'm sure he would've pulled Jerry and Campo from the ashes.
Didnt the masterful Bill coach prior to Brady? What was his win% prior to Brady coming into his world? Go ahead, Ill wait for those amazing numbers.

The great Jimmy Johnson was nothing more than Ok when he was in Miami, and I love me some Jimmy Johnson.

here... he was 36-44 and made the playoffs one time. Minus Brady, Bily has been avg... with Brady.. he is super coach. Thats a FACT, not an opinion.


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Didnt the masterful Bill coach prior to Brady? What was his win% prior to Brady coming into his world? Go ahead, Ill wait for those amazing numbers.

The great Jimmy Johnson was nothing more than Ok when he was in Miami, and I love me some Jimmy Johnson.

here... he was 36-44 and made the playoffs one time. Minus Brady, Bily has been avg... with Brady.. he is super coach. Thats a FACT, not an opinion.

Yeah he was a 2x Super Bowl winning coordinator who took over a team that just finished 3-13. You could spin that how you want like coaching had nothing to do with the Tom Brady we see today. Learning to read an NFL D from one of the best defensive minds in the game didn't help him at all? Or how to control the tempo of a game or exploit weaknesses? I'm sure he had all that down on day 1.

And Jimmy Johnson was saddled with an aging QB. Marino was great at one time, but not during those 4 years. The Fins owner wouldn't let JJ replace him.

You continue to undermine quality coaching to build up Jerrys boy toy. It's kinda sad. The greatest dynasty in the history of the sport and the coach had nothing to do with it? LOL


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Yeah he was a 2x Super Bowl winning coordinator who took over a team that just finished 3-13. You could spin that how you want like coaching had nothing to do with the Tom Brady we see today. Learning to read an NFL D from one of the best defensive minds in the game didn't help him at all? Or how to control the tempo of a game or exploit weaknesses? I'm sure he had all that down on day 1.

And Jimmy Johnson was saddled with an aging QB. Marino was great at one time, but not during those 4 years. The Fins owner wouldn't let JJ replace him.

You continue to undermine quality coaching to build up Jerrys boy toy. It's kinda sad. The greatest dynasty in the history of the sport and the coach had nothing to do with it? LOL
I know, I know... the great Phil Jackson is responsible for the BUlls Dynasty also, and Pat Riley was the Genius behind winning some rings with what.... 3 players on the greatest 100 players in nba history list? bahahahhahahahhahahaha. Oh, I forgot, Jackson did it twice.. he went from coaching possibly the greatest player ever in the nba to coaching two of the top 10 players in the past 30 years in the NBA... damn, that jackson is amazing.


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What we should’ve learned from the Pats and 49ers is that your chances of winning a SB (even if you aren’t a great team) go through the roof if you play in the worst division in football every year for decades and get home field every playoffs.
But when everyone realigned Jerry wanted market/money over SBs and went east instead of west. Sure the hawks and rams are good now but that’s an anomaly in the big scheme of things.


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I know, I know... the great Phil Jackson is responsible for the BUlls Dynasty also, and Pat Riley was the Genius behind winning some rings with what.... 3 players on the greatest 100 players in nba history list? bahahahhahahahhahahaha. Oh, I forgot, Jackson did it twice.. he went from coaching possibly the greatest player ever in the nba to coaching two of the top 10 players in the past 30 years in the NBA... damn, that jackson is amazing.
Look Reid, I am really getting fed up with your dropping the w from bwhahahahahahahahahaha.


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Yeah, we try to copy them, but we try to copy their 2 TE sets and obsession w/ CB's. Here's some of the things that really make them successful.

1. Continuously draft OL and DL.
2. Make sure to have replacements in place for players who will want a huge salary.
3. Do the opposite of what most of the NFL is doing. This allows you to find useful players all over the draft. Belly's 3-4 wasn't everywhere, so he was getting players who fit his system all over the draft. When the NFL switched to the 3-4, Belly went back to the 4-3, so he's still finding useful players all over the draft. He was doing that 2 TE set, so when everyone started switching, he's now going for WR's and is using a pass catching RB profusely.
4. Even if they don't play more than half the time, make sure to have a huge dude for the middle, to put a stop to O's like the Rams. Stop that run up the middle, and it's going to be a bit more difficult.
5. Always have a good stout OL in place. Always.
6. Don't overpay players. It kills you pretty quick.

Anything I missed? I know, I know, it helps tremendously to have a top 5 all time HC and QB, I get that. And that's a huge part of why they win. However, there are other things that can be done.
The only team that has a great QB with a wife that makes significantly more than the highest paid QB is Brady.


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I know, I know... the great Phil Jackson is responsible for the BUlls Dynasty also, and Pat Riley was the Genius behind winning some rings with what.... 3 players on the greatest 100 players in nba history list? bahahahhahahahhahahaha. Oh, I forgot, Jackson did it twice.. he went from coaching possibly the greatest player ever in the nba to coaching two of the top 10 players in the past 30 years in the NBA... damn, that jackson is amazing.

LOL comparing basketball to football. Where the same 5 guys basically stay on the court. Like Bellichicks D didn't just stifle a running game on the NFLs biggest stage. That same running game that made Garrett's team look absolutely ridiculous. That was all Tom Brady???!!! If we only had Tom here, that's all Garrett needs!!! LOL That was another infamous Garrett record by the way. You need to take your argument back to the drawing board, it's as ridiculous as it gets. It doesn't just undermine great coaching. It undermines every single great coach ever in every sport. Like scheme and preparation mean nothing. Maybe you should ask one of the hundreds of players under belichick who has earned a ring what he brings to the table. The guy is as meticulous and prepared as it gets.

What's funny is you actually think if the Cowboys drafted Brady he turns any coach here into Bill Bellichick. Or players walk into their first camp great right off the bat!! That's not delusional?? That includes Michael Jordan, Joe Montana, Roger Staubach, on and on it goes. You see the great player they became while not giving one ounce of thought to the coach and organizations that helped get them there. It's a strawmans argument and again… pretty sad.


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LOL comparing basketball to football. Where the same 5 guys basically stay on the court. Like Bellichicks D didn't just stifle a running game on the NFLs biggest stage. That same running game that made Garrett's team look absolutely ridiculous. That was all Tom Brady???!!! If we only had Tom here, that's all Garrett needs!!! LOL That was another infamous Garrett record by the way. You need to take your argument back to the drawing board, it's as ridiculous as it gets. It doesn't just undermine great coaching. It undermines every single great coach ever in every sport. Like scheme and preparation mean nothing. Maybe you should ask one of the hundreds of players under belichick who has earned a ring what he brings to the table. The guy is as meticulous and prepared as it gets.

What's funny is you actually think if the Cowboys drafted Brady he turns any coach here into Bill Bellichick. Or players walk into their first camp great right off the bat!! That's not delusional?? That includes Michael Jordan, Joe Montana, Roger Staubach, on and on it goes. You see the great player they became while not giving one ounce of thought to the coach and organizations that helped get them there. It's a strawmans argument and again… pretty sad.
I know staubach was just a total fluke out of college. I mean that Heisman was no indicator of the player he would become. That Payton Manning guy, same thing, good thing he had the great coaching with the Colts. Had he went to the Chargers Im sure he would have went the way of Leif. My argument has always been that all of those guys coaching in the NFL are good. SAre there degrees of good? Sure, but to say that player x would never have become the player he became without his coaches is total crap. So you think that Aikman would have been a bust had he played in SF?I do believe there are circumstances that allow a player to flourish. The right qb with the right wr helps both players flourish..........but to think that Brady only becomes Brady because he got to play with Belichek is a joke. All of the "Great," coaches had a great qb. Dont go back to the 60s and bring up examples as the game is not even close to the same game. Starting in the 70s and going forward, all of the "Great," coaches likely had a HOF QB for a good chunk of their "Greatness."

None of those coaches are QB Whisperers.


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It really doesn't have to be one or the other. 6 rings is what happens when a great coach meets a great QB. Neither sniffs 6 rings w/o the other.


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I suppose technically Belichick didn't accomplish much without Brady, but I think you've got me confused with someone else.

I don't see how NE was "controlling the game" with a 3-3 tie until 7 minutes to go. You can control time of possession, but if you're tied that late you haven't controlled the game.
They were not dominating the game, but they were definitely controlling it. What was the time of possession? Over 40 minutes for NE. The Rams O looked inept vs Belicheat’s D.


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s Brady much better then other QB's that have played? LOL

Did you really ask that question?

I did not. I asked this question. "Does anyone think Brady is that much better than every other QB that ever played?" Aaron Rodgers and Dan Marino went to one Super Bowl, Brady to 9. Do I think Brady is that much better than them? Absolutely not. I think Brady is the best. I just think most elite QBs could have had similar success under Belichick.


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I did not. I asked this question. "Does anyone think Brady is that much better than every other QB that ever played?" Aaron Rodgers and Dan Marino went to one Super Bowl, Brady to 9. Do I think Brady is that much better than them? Absolutely not. I think Brady is the best. I just think most elite QBs could have had similar success under Belichick.

Yah, that is where you are missing the greatness of Brady. They could not have. There is something very very special about Brady.

Marino had Shula. One of the best coaches of all time. Rogers clearly has amazing talent, but he is nowhere the leader of Brady. Not as much of a likeable leader as some have pointed out.

But surely Rogers wins more championships then he has with Belli. And vice versa.


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Yeah he was a 2x Super Bowl winning coordinator who took over a team that just finished 3-13. You could spin that how you want like coaching had nothing to do with the Tom Brady we see today. Learning to read an NFL D from one of the best defensive minds in the game didn't help him at all? Or how to control the tempo of a game or exploit weaknesses? I'm sure he had all that down on day 1.

And Jimmy Johnson was saddled with an aging QB. Marino was great at one time, but not during those 4 years. The Fins owner wouldn't let JJ replace him.

You continue to undermine quality coaching to build up Jerrys boy toy. It's kinda sad. The greatest dynasty in the history of the sport and the coach had nothing to do with it? LOL
Underestimating Belicheat’s coaching ability after this year? Did you watch his D in the Super Bowl?
I would rather have Belicheat than Brady. Coaching in the NFL Matters a lot! Some fans will never understand that.


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Underestimating Belicheat’s coaching ability after this year? Did you watch his D in the Super Bowl?
I would rather have Belicheat than Brady. Coaching in the NFL Matters a lot! Some fans will never understand that.

Specially after watching this team consistently underperform. If there are some who still don’t value coaching at this point, they never will. Bill is brilliant on game day, you just don’t know what to expect. Game plan and prep is what separates them. While some think 20 years of success is on one player?? Sad and a slap in the face to great players everywhere who broke their backs beside that guy and the coach who put it all together! The pats are playing chess. The Cowboys have been playing checkers. Still waiting for a seat at the big table!