Things you don't hear or see anymore

I remember when bike radios were a thing. I had one. It was a radio attached to the handle bars on my bike so I could ride around listening to music. I probably annoyed people with it.
:lmao2: I remember buying a Schwinn 5 speed bicycle with the shifter mounted right up there on the top frame bar,with the banana seat, ape hanger handlebars and it had a headlight that you flipped a lever & the spring tensioned little generator dropped down parallel to the sidewall of the rear 'racing slick' tire, that farmer kid had to have $35 for it as he'd just put a new racing slick tire on it,I'd tried to chisel him down, as weeding soybean fields @ $1 per hour tended to make me want to hang on to as much of it as possible,but he was firm and didn't care while he was tooling around on his Honda 70,,:lmao:

Man, you really had to peddle hard&fast for " hi-beam"o_O
Exactly, I hadn't seen this done as an actual design, I.E. actually seen somebody try to achieve this look. I didn't realize that, "THAT" was a thing.

Anyway, yeah. Still in style here! :laugh:

:lmao:, I've a .40 cent concrete block( there close to $3 now) behind my bedroom door,why? I don't know,,:huh:,,,unless I'd planned to sling it through the window to escape a fire or something:omg:,,,it's still thereo_O
You can still find those, I'd bought it kinda recently, the classic bomb timer of an electrical initiated bomb,with the insulated circuit contacts mounted between hammer&bell,,,er,,,o_O
Carter's Little Liver Pills, do they still make those? I remember the TV ads, what a weird name. Were they little pills, pills for people with little livers and just who was this cat Carter to name such a product after himself. Or were they only for people named Carter with little livers?

20 Mule Team Borax, they sponsored Death Valley Days when I was a kid and I loved them for it. But we didn't own any mules so I never bought any.

How about Lava soap, you could skin a person with that crap. The sell line was "only one soap to get these hands clean" and they showed a guys hands that looked like he'd been working on an old car down a mineshaft. He'd scrub his hands and have skeleton fingers.

Ipana toothpaste with Bucky the Beaver. Did they think we were stupid kids? The damned beaver only had two teeth, what happened to the other 30?

But in my youth, I thought the center of the universe was Battle Creek, MI where the cool decoder rings were made and submarines that ran on baking soda and other wondrous creations that preyed on a young moron's mind. I think the CIA should be located in Battle Creek instead of Langley and they'd have cooler stuff and not get in so much trouble. Ya know the gadget guy for James Bond? Battle Creek native.
20 mule team borax detergent is still in bizness& available, I use it as part a hide curing solution on like a deer,rattlesnake or badger skin, I deem worthyo_O ( ya,I've skins on the wall & most Chick's don't dig it:lmao:)
I worked/ ran a full service station a time or two,,,but I remember the trading stamps the big name stations used to give out and you'd fill out a book with them for some kind of sundry item, mom always fueled at Phillips 66(it was well before I was 10 years old when they stopped giving out stamps,I remember being disappointed cuz' there was a rocketship or dinosaur or something I was angling for with that 1/3rd of a book I'd put together):lmao2::lmao::lmao2:
My parents paid my tuition with those stamps.
Although S&H Green Stamps were discontinued in the late 80s oddly enough they can still be redeemed online if you still have a few laying around. They’re called S&H green points now.


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