Things you don't hear or see anymore

I don't remember the radio ever signing off. Must've been before my time.
There still are AM daytimers that have to sign off as they can impede the 50K clear channel blowtorches that can cover several states overnight.

My hometown of Little Rock had a pretty famous AM station, KAAY, that had one of the most popular overnight shows in the south, Beaker Street. They could be heard in every neighboring state and beyond after sundown when the daytimers had to go off air. This was before FM became something viable for more than elevator music and the only place one could hear deep album rock cuts. Funny thing happened when FM album rock showed up and KLAZ hired Clyde Clifford, the host of the show. All of the albums belonged to him, not one of them belonged to the station because of the arrangement he'd made to lease the air time and pay them a flat fee. He walked out and they could not continue the show nor could they keep the sponsors like The Warehouse in New Orleans or Stan's Record Shop in Ville Platt, LA.
There still are AM daytimers that have to sign off as they can impede the 50K clear channel blowtorches that can cover several states overnight.

My hometown of Little Rock had a pretty famous AM station, KAAY, that had one of the most popular overnight shows in the south, Beaker Street. They could be heard in every neighboring state and beyond after sundown when the daytimers had to go off air. This was before FM became something viable for more than elevator music and the only place one could hear deep album rock cuts. Funny thing happened when FM album rock showed up and KLAZ hired Clyde Clifford, the host of the show. All of the albums belonged to him, not one of them belonged to the station because of the arrangement he'd made to lease the air time and pay them a flat fee. He walked out and they could not continue the show nor could they keep the sponsors like The Warehouse in New Orleans or Stan's Record Shop in Ville Platt, LA.
Talk about sticking it to the Man!
No. I left it on even with the test screen going.

are you kidding. I remember as kid waiting for teh test screen to go off so the cartoons and Roy Rogers could come on. at the same time I remember the National Anthem being played at night before the test screen came back on.

I remember wishing I had a TV that could pic up any station in the US. Then about five years later cable came in with WGN Chicago and WTBS. I can remember reading the news because the cable had a channel dedicated to scrolling the news and sports. I would watch that for hours to keep up with the Mets game. Then about five years after that I paid $4000 for one of those monster TV dishes where I could watch any football game and any baseball game that was broadcast. Then about two weeks later the size of the dish shrunk to a frisbee size and the cost dropped to free. Progress. If I knew then what I know now.
They still do this by law in Oregon and I think New Jersey.

Been years since I’ve seen one. They did everything for you. Filled you up, checked under your hood and wiped your windshield. Now everything is self-serve and you’re paying a lot more for gas.
Can't speak for Oregon, but Jersey is mandatory. Last I knew, they don't even offer self serve.

Same way in Oregon. I drove there one time and got out of my car to fill up with gas and the young woman there stopped me and said, "May I help you?" She looked at my out of state plates and then explained that it was full serve by law in Oregon. She filled it up, checked my tire pressure, and washed my windows. It was cool. Then I went shopping at the local Walmart and there was no sales tax. Oregon was full of surprises.
Same way in Oregon. I drove there one time and got out of my car to fill up with gas and the young woman there stopped me and said, "May I help you?" She looked at my out of state plates and then explained that it was full serve by law in Oregon. She filled it up, checked my tire pressure, and washed my windows. It was cool. Then I went shopping at the local Walmart and there was no sales tax. Oregon was full of surprises.
It's funny when a Jersey driver who's never pumped his/her own gas before stops for gas here. Some of them will sit in their cars for several minutes, until someone explains that they have to do it themselves.
It's funny when a Jersey driver who's never pumped his/her own gas before stops for gas here. Some of them will sit in their cars for several minutes, until someone explains that they have to do it themselves.

That's pretty funny. I think I like the Oregon/Jersey way of doing things. I did seriously consider moving to Oregon at one point.

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