Think the NFL is happy the Cowboys missed the playoffs?

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No kidding, the texts blow up on mine during DAL and AR games and there's no recording them because I can't avoid knowing up to the minute events, mostly the ones that suck.
Sure you can...don't look at your phone until after you've watched the game. :)
I don't send/receive texts and anybody I know knows that, so I don't have that problem. They also know not to call me to talk about the game. I generally have no problem recording the game and start watching about 45 minutes into it so that I can watch commercial free.
Of course the NFL’s happy we’re staying home, CC... don’t you know there’s a Roger Goodell-led, league-wide conspiracy afoot in order to keep a perennial top-5 TV-ratings franchise from playing in the po$t$ea$on?
I’m 99% sure it won’t happen but could you imagine if it’s Jax-Tenn for the AFC Championship? Talk about a snooze fest and probably one of the lowest ratings ever for a championship game.
That is their biggest fear and CBS might just not pay Romo and Nantz to do the game and make them do it as a community service. That NE-PIT is their only hope and they will probably get it and while I am not a fan of either team, I don't think I would waste my time watching JAX-TEN and would pass the SB unless Zimmer's Vikes are in it. That's my adopted team since we didn't make it.

I gotta have a horse in the race or a team I despise to create any energy to watch. And best thing that I can hope for in the NE-PIT match up is that Rothliesberger takes Brady in one of this sideline tents and rapes him.,,,,,,,,,,and gets caught.
I wish I could not watch the game live, but I have to many friends that would love to message me during that 30 minute span to ruin it for me anyways
God, I hate that. I had to work Sundays for about 2 years, and every coworker knew not to talk to me in specifics about the game because I was recording it to watch it later. But of course, there were always those select few who thought it was hilarious to drop little hints about what's happening. I wanted to choke them
Take a look at this from this past weekend:

Wild Card Weekend Overnights Roundup:
TEN-KC: 14.7 HH -11% YOY vs. 16.6 (OAK-HOU)
ATL-LAR: 14.9 HH -10% YOY vs. 16.5 (DET-SEA)
BUF-JAX: 17.2 HH -10% YOY vs. 19.2 (MIA-PIT)
CAR-NO: 20.4 HH -21% YOY vs. 25.9 (NYG-GB)

That is almost a 15% drop from 2017, which was a drop from 2016. The bleeding continues and they don't have the answer.

Last year there were 2 playoff games that actually had an increase over 2016, DAL-GB and NE-PIT, and that was it. Not even the SB had an increase. And that game had 1 of the 4 ratings locks, NE. The other 3 are DAL, GB and PIT.

Now, there are various explanations, beginning with the Presidential debates last year but that proved to be false as it did not recover.

Then we get the anthem kneeling but that is avoidable and even the league started doing that by keeping players in the locker room.

So, why are so many turning it off? Wanna hear my reason? Oh, sure you do, don't be that way.

First of all, do you think attention spans have been on the rise or decline? Experts tell us not only on the decline but it is a sharp one. How long does it take to watch a game? 3.5 hours most of the time if we're lucky when games back in the 70's were completed at about 2:45. Now, how much action is there? The exact same amount of action allotted, 4 15 minute quarters but how many stops in today's games?

It takes too long and too much energy to stay involved, it is a passive medium and they're asking viewers to be active. I have a reason for my challenge staying involved but I think it is a chore for "normal" viewers as well. They created the Red Zone Channel for ADD's like me.

The NFL must look within for the reasons why they're losing interest and the Golden Geese, those networks, are nervous and they sure would like the Cowboys and Packers in the playoffs.
just google nfl reddit streams.

when i was in college in lubbock texas the cowboys were winning super bowls and were on regular tv every week but i still had cable because that's basically what you did.
i have two teens in a house with Directv and neither of them uses it.
they literally could care less that we have it.
they use netflix, hulu, amazon and my youngest mostly uses whatever that youtube crap is called.

there are probably more than 15% of the homes having a jail broken firestick.

again the NFL ratings decline has matched or been less than TV overall.

ESPN starts their streaming service in about 3 months.
And fwiw, I streamed 2 Tech games htis year on the Fox sports app.
I streamed it to my large TV and it was just as high quality as directv and better than the cheesy lower tier sports channel my moribund Tech team normally played on.
I’m 99% sure it won’t happen but could you imagine if it’s Jax-Tenn for the AFC Championship? Talk about a snooze fest and probably one of the lowest ratings ever for a championship game.

Well that game already happened in 1999. Not sure the ratings on it back then. But the teams were much better than these versions. Jags were 14-2 and Titans were very good with Steve McNair and their defense.

But the AFC has had god awful matchups so far this year. Its what happens when you have 2 good teams and a pile of trash from seeds 3-6. People tried to prop up and talk themselves into the Jags and Titans being good. They aren't. Same as the Bills and Chiefs. They aren't either. And get ready for 2 more terrible matchups. Steelers/Jags and Pats/Titans. Did anyone watch Bortles last week? One of the worst QBs I have seen at this level. He couldn't even throw simple dump offs and screens. And yet he won the game. He is Tim Tebow 2.0.

NFC has better matchups throughout the entire playoffs. I am interested in both this weekend. Interested in neither of the AFC matchups.
Buffalo? Jacksonville? Tennessee? The Rams? Last year's WC weekend included Pittsburgh, Green Bay, the Raiders and Giants. I would expect last year's ratings to be higher, if for no other reason than the popularity of the participants.

It doesn't help that the games take forever to play.

Forever? They finish in a crisp 3 hours or a little over. NFL is very good about getting the game into that window. Unlike college where 4 hour games and 30 minute halftimes are the norm.
Take a look at this from this past weekend:

Wild Card Weekend Overnights Roundup:
TEN-KC: 14.7 HH -11% YOY vs. 16.6 (OAK-HOU)
ATL-LAR: 14.9 HH -10% YOY vs. 16.5 (DET-SEA)
BUF-JAX: 17.2 HH -10% YOY vs. 19.2 (MIA-PIT)
CAR-NO: 20.4 HH -21% YOY vs. 25.9 (NYG-GB)

That is almost a 15% drop from 2017, which was a drop from 2016. The bleeding continues and they don't have the answer.

Last year there were 2 playoff games that actually had an increase over 2016, DAL-GB and NE-PIT, and that was it. Not even the SB had an increase. And that game had 1 of the 4 ratings locks, NE. The other 3 are DAL, GB and PIT.

Now, there are various explanations, beginning with the Presidential debates last year but that proved to be false as it did not recover.

Then we get the anthem kneeling but that is avoidable and even the league started doing that by keeping players in the locker room.

So, why are so many turning it off? Wanna hear my reason? Oh, sure you do, don't be that way.

First of all, do you think attention spans have been on the rise or decline? Experts tell us not only on the decline but it is a sharp one. How long does it take to watch a game? 3.5 hours most of the time if we're lucky when games back in the 70's were completed at about 2:45. Now, how much action is there? The exact same amount of action allotted, 4 15 minute quarters but how many stops in today's games?

It takes too long and too much energy to stay involved, it is a passive medium and they're asking viewers to be active. I have a reason for my challenge staying involved but I think it is a chore for "normal" viewers as well. They created the Red Zone Channel for ADD's like me.

The NFL must look within for the reasons why they're losing interest and the Golden Geese, those networks, are nervous and they sure would like the Cowboys and Packers in the playoffs.

Don't be too sure that the NFL will continue to fall off the map in viewership Coach. Yes, the networks are taking a hit and folks now watch netflix, TMN and other sources for entertainment. Heck who wants to watch Kim Kardassian and Brucie Jenn Jenner and all that reality. The NFL just signed a $2 billion dollar deal with Verizon to live stream games, not to mention a deal with Amazon Prime. The networks are not where it's at anymore, live streaming is
The NFL must look within for the reasons why they're losing interest and the Golden Geese, those networks, are nervous and they sure would like the Cowboys and Packers in the playoffs.
for me

bad season for my team
anthem drama
Goodell bs
I know commercials help fund the game we love, but sometimes they go overboard. For example, when a play is under review or being challenged, the networks will often squeeze in a commercial. Much more interesting to see the re-plays from different angles, and hear a discussion about the relevant rules. The maximum possible number of commercials is not the optimal number.
But to your point, the Cowboys viewership in games is probably higher than any other NFL team. We continue to be the most talked about, most tweeted, most hated, most loved, most relevant, most valuable team in sports.
Take a look at this from this past weekend:

Wild Card Weekend Overnights Roundup:
TEN-KC: 14.7 HH -11% YOY vs. 16.6 (OAK-HOU)
ATL-LAR: 14.9 HH -10% YOY vs. 16.5 (DET-SEA)
BUF-JAX: 17.2 HH -10% YOY vs. 19.2 (MIA-PIT)
CAR-NO: 20.4 HH -21% YOY vs. 25.9 (NYG-GB)

That is almost a 15% drop from 2017, which was a drop from 2016. The bleeding continues and they don't have the answer.

Last year there were 2 playoff games that actually had an increase over 2016, DAL-GB and NE-PIT, and that was it. Not even the SB had an increase. And that game had 1 of the 4 ratings locks, NE. The other 3 are DAL, GB and PIT.

Now, there are various explanations, beginning with the Presidential debates last year but that proved to be false as it did not recover.

Then we get the anthem kneeling but that is avoidable and even the league started doing that by keeping players in the locker room.

So, why are so many turning it off? Wanna hear my reason? Oh, sure you do, don't be that way.

First of all, do you think attention spans have been on the rise or decline? Experts tell us not only on the decline but it is a sharp one. How long does it take to watch a game? 3.5 hours most of the time if we're lucky when games back in the 70's were completed at about 2:45. Now, how much action is there? The exact same amount of action allotted, 4 15 minute quarters but how many stops in today's games?

It takes too long and too much energy to stay involved, it is a passive medium and they're asking viewers to be active. I have a reason for my challenge staying involved but I think it is a chore for "normal" viewers as well. They created the Red Zone Channel for ADD's like me.

The NFL must look within for the reasons why they're losing interest and the Golden Geese, those networks, are nervous and they sure would like the Cowboys and Packers in the playoffs.
I believe this also. Games take way too long. Too many timeouts, too long for instant replay (which has gotten a little better). Announcers flat out suck most of the time. And the refs are terrible. I am not saying the refs are out to get the Cowboys specifically; I am saying that some calls are flat out ridiculous on any given week that seems very suspicious at times within any game.
the games are to long, the officiating is really bad because the encourage the outcome of games that they want, these are mostly small market teams and the games are borderline unwatchable most team have trouble getting out of their own way
Of course the NFL’s happy we’re staying home, CC... don’t you know there’s a Roger Goodell-led, league-wide conspiracy afoot in order to keep a perennial top-5 TV-ratings franchise from playing in the po$t$ea$on?
Welcome to zone bro
The bottom line is the NFL is still #1. It’s not like they’re losing the viewers to other programs .

The NFL has blame to take with their issues but it’s finally catching up to the downward trends we’ve seen in tv viewership overall .

The NFL will need to look to other streams for revenue like they did with Yahoo for their first game broadcast only online this year from London.

I have friends and family who don’t even use cable or satellite anymore streaming everything online. That appears to be the wave of the future.

What fans hearts are broken the NFL won’t recieve as big of TV contracts next time . Booohooo
the games are to long, the officiating is really bad because the encourage the outcome of games that they want, these are mostly small market teams and the games are borderline unwatchable most team have trouble getting out of their own way
My biggest complaint is basically reviewing every play.

Instant Replay was implemented to correct blatantly obvious calls that changed the outcome of the game not to instill that every catch, tip toe down the sideline or breaking the plane were absolute perfection .
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