Think the NFL is happy the Cowboys missed the playoffs?

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Good work there, but as far as the length of the game being an issue, that's all about utilizing the modern tools you have available.
The DVR ... on game day, I usually set it to record the Cowboys game, and I purposely avoid watching the game for about 30 minutes,, fast forward through most of the commercials.
God Bless the DVR.
I do this sometimes for NBA NHL MLB since there is so many games during the season.
I love the live broadcast . The commercials give me time to look down check my phone, look over at other games which I have several tv’s on at the same or relieving myself, retrieving nourishment and refreshments .

I have 5 TV’s going at the same time usually pending how many games are on in my cave. Two are on Sunday Ticket and other 3 on what I call Free TV. I’m doing all I can to help the ratings. That doesn’t include the TV my wife watches in living room and one I keep on in bedroom so I can listen while in bathroom .
Bad product
Ungrateful players
Concussion overkill
Catch rule idiocy

The NFL is dying.

And other sports are doing even worse.
College Football hasn’t been effected as much.

But this all goes back to live sports finally catching up with the current downward trend of the tv viewers.

What else are these viewers tuning in to? No, it’s about the choices and streaming, etc.

TV broadcast are dying not just the NFL which is still #1 show broadcast on TV.

I’m not disputing your contributing facts but that’s not all of it. Americans habits and how they view programming and entertainment is evolving .
Oh yah, and that was all because the Cowboys werent in the playoffs. LOL
All? No but they were in only one of the two games last season that eclipsed the previous year's ratings. I think they would have done better, in the ratings, against the Rams or Saints than the Falcons and Panthers. I would think the NFL and nets would take any wins they can get.
Goodell should not have let his poisonous petty personal politics submarine the Cowboys. Karma is a ***** and I am glad he's getting it all back.
IMO it's partly fans missing the Cowboys and partly fans angry at how bad Goodell is running the league.
I know commercials help fund the game we love, but sometimes they go overboard. For example, when a play is under review or being challenged, the networks will often squeeze in a commercial. Much more interesting to see the re-plays from different angles, and hear a discussion about the relevant rules. The maximum possible number of commercials is not the optimal number.
And now they've gotten cute with the split screen for a :15.
College Football hasn’t been effected as much.

But this all goes back to live sports finally catching up with the current downward trend of the tv viewers.

What else are these viewers tuning in to? No, it’s about the choices and streaming, etc.

TV broadcast are dying not just the NFL which is still #1 show broadcast on TV.

I’m not disputing your contributing facts but that’s not all of it. Americans habits and how they view programming and entertainment is evolving .

This is a big part of it.

Question, do people viewing the games through streaming services like YouTube tv, PlayStation vue and sling, show up on ratings?

Also, the fact is. People have limitless access to shows, and movies and music like they never have before. The truth is, there are many more things people have to do, to pass the time. Then they used to. I think the number of game slots the nfl shows during the week is part of the problem. Thursday night, Sunday night, Monday night. Too much.
CC, you may be right, but my take on the reason why they've slowly been losing viewers is because they ruined the game when they introduced parity with salary cap and free agency. Instead of the teams that weren't getting the share of the market becoming better, like they thought would happen, the opposite happened to many teams. They got worse and the bad teams didn't improve. Sure there are teams that overcame parity, but I don't think the fans of those top teams, and we all know who they were, lost interest because their team is now average.

It's sad when a division winner is 9-7 and makes the playoffs but a team that went 11-5 doesn't because they were edged out for the wildcard. That's my take on why fans are losing interest.
This is a big part of it.

Question, do people viewing the games through streaming services like YouTube tv, PlayStation vue and sling, show up on ratings?

Also, the fact is. People have limitless access to shows, and movies and music like they never have before. The truth is, there are many more things people have to do, to pass the time. Then they used to. I think the number of game slots the nfl shows during the week is part of the problem. Thursday night, Sunday night, Monday night. Too much.
Best of my knowledge those don’t show up on TV Networks ratings. How could they?

I don’t even think the TVs I use with Rabbit Ears show up?
Once again we are ignoring the elephant in the room. We all know the reason for tanking ratings but can't talk about it.
We can talk about other reasons until we are blue in the face. But until the problem is solved with honesty the problem will only get worse.
This season I only watched Cowboys games. Next year it might not even be that.
But back to the OP. No, the NFL as a whole can’t be happy the Cowboys are out because they drive interest and ratings. Individually I’m sure there are some who are thrilled.

IMO I think it’s time the NFL needs to scale back or a correction is in order. It’s been running on record number increases for years.

So they make a few billion a year less. Ticket prices go down. Shoot, I used to pay $59 a year for Sunday Ticket. My Direct TV Bill is over $150 a month not counting the add ons.

It’s time for a roll back. TVs have dropped in prices why shouldn’t the services?

Who cares if A QB makes only $10 million instead of 20 million. And god forbid if Cowboys didn’t make 400 zillion a year.
Good grief!!!
With the Cowboys out, I kneel to the NFL, much in the same way that the NFL teams allow kneeling....there is your ratings drop right there
the nfl could care less if the dallas cowboys make the playoffs. The cowboys haven't had a deep playoff run in over twenty years there are young fans who don't understand what the big deal is over the cowboys the team they see in the playoffs year after year is the pats and steelers and packers
So, the other elephant in the room is will the refs "steer" the games in a direction guaranteeing a NE vs Pitt game?

And because I live out in BFE and am glad to have electricity much less internet capability to stream games(I have limited data). I don't really know if the live streaming is the main culprit in dropping ratings. Can someone enlighten me? Is this the theory or is it the combination of the live streaming, loss of interest, no Cowboys to hate and pull against? Remember, I'm a newbie and might need some Zone schooling!
I sat down this weekend and decided to watch the Jaguars-Bills game, figuring it would be interesting since those are two teams I basically never see.

By the time the second quarter began I was looking for something else to do.
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