This has got to Stop... Media downplaying Romo's play from the pocket


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ringmaster;1249531 said:
:bow: You never complain right!

I need to take what you're taking because that's the biggest lie ever it human nature for everyone to complain.

Another thing is that some can be so damn cynical too.

we all complain, dude. that in itself isn't the point.

when you act as if what you love is beyond reproach and others who don't share that love are being unfair, *that* is what's not being realistic.

there's plenty of teams out there and plenty of people who make a living trying to tilt views one way or another. by simple common sense you'll know that the bigger the story, the more the controversy and potential for "gold" in other stories.

the cowboys are hot right now and all 1 analyst did was say how he thinks you can beat romo.

you went ape-caca on the man and started crying like a hurt school girl who's jumprope got cut in 1/2 by the schoolyard bully. when called on it, you tried to tell others they're not being realistic.

but to you it seems the world should love the cowboys and that's a realistic request.

how would i beat romo?

pressure the hell out of him and hope i have the people to do it right. our OL is still hammered moose manure and it forces all the movement romo has to do. i'd stay in his face and bust my tail to throw stuff at him he's not seen before and i'd start by exploiting the OL and then contain the outside. it's not to say keeping him in the pocket makes him ineffective, but he's sure easier to catch and bring down than when he's running around, now isn't he?

pressure the outside to contain and attack up the middle. sound familiar?

however, if i were out to beat the cowboys i'd focus on the passes in the flat that for some reason we refuse to cover. i've seen how to beat us more easily on defense in the last month than focusing on romo.


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Ozzu;1249562 said:
Good info there. :D

Thanks, and I fixed it since you quoted it.

Also, Romo has a 100.9 rating for passes over the middle, so he ain't too shabby when he's in the pocket.


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theogt;1249563 said:
Threads whining about the media get old and often draw a bad reaction like this. Now you know.
But when these posters attack they better be ready because I will strike hard yeah now I do know.

But yet the same stuff gets tossed around here all the time and some of the same ones who attacked me about the media are some of the same ones who are always in the same boring threads about T.O., ect.

So no one should say anything when just about every time I surf this forum some of the same old threads are there.

But you're right though.


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iceberg;1249571 said:
we all complain, dude. that in itself isn't the point.

when you act as if what you love is beyond reproach and others who don't share that love are being unfair, *that* is what's not being realistic.

there's plenty of teams out there and plenty of people who make a living trying to tilt views one way or another. by simple common sense you'll know that the bigger the story, the more the controversy and potential for "gold" in other stories.

the cowboys are hot right now and all 1 analyst did was say how he thinks you can beat romo.

you went ape-caca on the man and started crying like a hurt school girl who's jumprope got cut in 1/2 by the schoolyard bully. when called on it, you tried to tell others they're not being realistic.

but to you it seems the world should love the cowboys and that's a realistic request.

how would i beat romo?

pressure the hell out of him and hope i have the people to do it right. our OL is still hammered moose manure and it forces all the movement romo has to do. i'd stay in his face and bust my tail to throw stuff at him he's not seen before and i'd start by exploiting the OL and then contain the outside. it's not to say keeping him in the pocket makes him ineffective, but he's sure easier to catch and bring down than when he's running around, now isn't he?

pressure the outside to contain and attack up the middle. sound familiar?

however, if i were out to beat the cowboys i'd focus on the passes in the flat that for some reason we refuse to cover. i've seen how to beat us more easily on defense in the last month than focusing on romo.
Yeah whatever Icey.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
percyhoward;1249558 said:
Passes deflected at LOS
Romo (6'2") 6 passes deflected (once every 46 attempts)

Rivers (6'5") 9 passes deflected (once every 45.1 attempts)

All these stats prove is that BSPN and I don't know what the hell we are talking about!



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If most of you is so tired of this thread leave alone it's over with next thread.


rock music matters
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ringmaster;1249585 said:
Yeah whatever Icey.

i'm sorry - is this better?

<memo to all of espn analysts>
From this point forward, Romo and the Cowboys are unbeatable. It's come to our attention that several unbiased fans out there have called us on our blind hatred and have been good enough to let us know that any talk of beating romo is premature and will result in massive amounts of stupidity spilled onto the web in a manner that would make even the valdeez proud. So please when talking about the Cowboys simply let the audience know we feel they are unbeatable and we should simply award them the Lombardi trophy every year to avoid the stupidity spills.

some people who have microphones don't care for the cowboys. get over it.
some people who have microphones love the cowboys and still can be unbiased. get used to it.
some people who have microphones are homers deluxe. send irvin a xmas card and some slightly used papers.

the whole world isn't going to revolve around your views and certainly isn't going to report according to them.


Here comes the Sun...
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CowboysZone LOYAL Fan
ringmaster;1249604 said:
If most of you is so tired of this thread leave alone it's over with next thread.

Now, this is your best post in this thread! Really, it is...



rock music matters
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ringmaster;1249604 said:
If most of you is so tired of this thread leave alone it's over with next thread.

it's times like this i'm convinced english is a 2nd language for you.


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Romo is 6'2 and has kind of a side-arm throwing motion. It's alot better for other teams to have him stay in the pocket as opposed to out in open space with no arms to bat balls. Batted balls will happen with Romo


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ringmaster;1249604 said:
If most of you is so tired of this thread leave alone it's over with next thread.
Slow news day...people need something to have a little fun. This thread is great. :)


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NextGenBoys;1249621 said:
Romo is 6'2 and has kind of a side-arm throwing motion. It's alot better for other teams to have him stay in the pocket as opposed to out in open space with no arms to bat balls. Batted balls will happen with Romo
He throws side arms at times and straight over the top at others. He typically adjusts his throwing motion to fit the lane he's throwing through, as many QBs do. As others have pointed out, his passes aren't batted down more than any other QB.


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ringmaster;1249448 said:
I'm watching NFL Live and they ( Wingo, Schlerath, and Golic) were talking about the upcoming game between on Monday.

Schlerath, made a statement about how the Eagles, will attack Romo, making him stay in the pocket and stopping him from going to the edges.

Why do some people insist that Romo, can't operate from the pocket is utterly ridiculous like the piece Len Pasquerelli, wrote on how Romo, struggles from the pocket against Atlanta, the last time I checked he was 22-29 278 yds 2 TDs, 1 INT now how can he complete all of those passes outside the pocket.

From what I see Romo, can operate from pocket better than some people give him credit for.

What do you guys think?

Um, you do realize that that will be our strategy against Garcia, right? Neither QB has prototypical height for the position, so you try to keep him in the pocket and make him throw over the behemoths. It's not a matter of "anti-Romo prejudice"


Proud Native Texan, USMC-1972-79, USN-1983-2000
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Ozzu;1249463 said:
It has a lot less to do with Romo than it has to do with the fact that our OL has a hard time protecting when he stays in the pocket. He buys a ton of time for our receivers to run their routes when he just rolls out.

Don't know where that "nail on the head" icon is, but it applies to your post!


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I think Romo sees the field better from outside the pocket, maybe because of his height. But rolling outside the pocket also buys him more time, and covering our WRs for 4, 5, 6 seconds or longer becomes flat out impossible.

But to say he can't play well from the pocket is ********. True, he's BETTER outside the pocket, but he's still a top QB inside the pocket. He's a darn good QB and I'm happy to have him. Even his "bad" games so far have been better than most of "good" games this year from some of the top name QBs like Favre, Delhomme, Roth, etc....
I firmly believe that Romo is playing like a top 5 QB in the league right now, but its pretty relative because there just aren't a lot of QBs playing well consistently. Peyton, Palmer, Brady, Brees, Rivers..Mcnabb before injury...and Romo and that's about it as far as QBs playing well consistently this year.


Zone Scribe
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Theoretically all QB's are better "outside the pocket", because all "outside the pocket" really means is he's bought more time for his WR's to get open and forced the opposing defense to cover longer. Its just that not every QB has the feet, the instincts or the accuracy on the run to pull it off.

Bob Sacamano

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ringmaster;1249448 said:
I'm watching NFL Live and they ( Wingo, Schlerath, and Golic) were talking about the upcoming game between on Monday.

Schlerath, made a statement about how the Eagles, will attack Romo, making him stay in the pocket and stopping him from going to the edges.

Why do some people insist that Romo, can't operate from the pocket is utterly ridiculous like the piece Len Pasquerelli, wrote on how Romo, struggles from the pocket against Atlanta, the last time I checked he was 22-29 278 yds 2 TDs, 1 INT now how can he complete all of those passes outside the pocket.

From what I see Romo, can operate from pocket better than some people give him credit for.

What do you guys think?

it's the same 'ole, a myth that the media perpetuates because of one instance of what they're discussing, happens, such as only 1 game, out of 8, where Romo wasn't too hot passing in the pocket

so now the media has a myth about Romo, keep him in the pocket, and he'll screw up cuz of one game


rock music matters
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summerisfunner;1249923 said:
it's the same 'ole, a myth that the media perpetuates because of one instance of what they're discussing, happens, such as only 1 game, out of 8, where Romo wasn't too hot passing in the pocket

so now the media has a myth about Romo, keep him in the pocket, and he'll screw up cuz of one game

oh i understand and agree it's stupid, but my point is simply that with only 8 games, you're probably gonna hear a lot of the same stuff simply cause there's not a lot to go on.

the media needs something to critisize - it's the nature of the beast. getting upset about it is a side effect you can only really grow out of.

Bob Sacamano

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iceberg;1249946 said:
oh i understand and agree it's stupid, but my point is simply that with only 8 games, you're probably gonna hear a lot of the same stuff simply cause there's not a lot to go on.

the media needs something to critisize - it's the nature of the beast. getting upset about it is a side effect you can only really grow out of.

I'm not upset at all, it's actually quite funny

and you're right