This season is partly on us fans (including me)

It's not on me.

I refuse to go to a game this year.

I refuse to buy merch this year.

I do not support this FO. I'll stream the games and love my team, but I'm not trying to pad Jerry's pockets any further.
My last cowboys merch purchase was a cap that I can no longer wear due to deterioration.
Back in May, I asked my mom for her company's Club Level seats to watch Dallas play Carolina again.

Called her yesterday to tell her thanks but no thanks. Continuing to fanatically follow this team around the country is the type of thing that causes mental illness.
If I was able to score some club seats in Jerry's stadium, I'd give them to a couple crack heads.......they'd make a nice impression on the gray poupon set
Yes, I agree you can be upset but there’s nothing you can do to make Jerry do anything different, he has to see it himself but yes voice your disapproval.
I get it and applaud you for what loyalty you have, now I have been a fan since 1964, so I have been through it all with the Boys and seen it all, I have learned that eventually things will work itself out. Now you say you have never seen success, well if you’re counting winning the SB as success, then you are missing all the success of winning along the way, every win counts towards the success of the Cowboys organization and we’re still the winningest franchise in the league 2 teams has 1 more trophy than we have but we have more overall wins. But I get it.
I am too old to waste my time and energy complaining about something I have no control over. I can see the good and the bad and watch them figure it out. I love watching the Cowboys play period even when we lose, oh I hate being blown out with a passion, I hate losing period but I understand in the ultimate team sport in order to win everyone has to be on the same page, learn that from playing myself and it being reinforced by my career in the military, but also I know that those guys are human and not perfect, just like in a marriage of two imperfect people in football you have a whole organization and 11 on the field at one time depending upon if it’s the offense or defense they are all imperfect and for whatever reason a lot of times you can’t get them to all pull together

I understand they're not perfect as well. I'm just frustrated because the last time we were in the NFCC or better, I was 3
You make some really good points, but you have to understand Jerry Jones gives a damn about one thing… money.
You go to a game and show your displeasure… great, but ultimately you are buying a ticket etc…
Which means some of that goes to line Jerry’s pockets.

You want Jerry to get the message?
Stop going to games, watching games and following this team.
Once that happens and Jerry’s team is no longer the most valuable franchise or is bleeding money like a stuck pig… Jerry will take note…
Only then will he take note, once it hurts in his pocket.

Otherwise, this is going to be more of the same year in and out. Jerry doesn’t care as long as he’s making money and the fans are going to rant and rave after every game…

Know what, I’m a cowboys for well over 50 years, heard the score last game and could care less… because although I follow this team from a distance it doesn’t bother me…
Now tell me who feels better? Me and people like me or fans who are speculating on how to fix this team.
Unless they are named Jerry Jones… not going to be worth much

Firstly, my passion for the team is probably a lot higher than it should be. Secondly, you may be right that he cares solely or mostly about money. However, he showed with his comments to the media that he's sensitive to criticism. If he's sensitive to it, then why not use that? Why not learn from our division rivals how to give brutally honest criticism to him? Sure, he'd make money, but this is about getting to his sensitivity. Or, if nothing else, the players may bring that message to Jerry that "Damn, since when did we play in Philly, New York, or Boston?".

Or at least, I can only hope that imitating our division rivals can bring about some much needed adjustments.
The season is all on Jerry, Stephen, the coaches and the players.. don’t blame me for any of this bull crap you are now watching. If you want to include yourself on the blame game, go at it. Strikes, protests, and other forms of this are irrelevant to what is on the field. They made their bed, best they lay in it.

Jerry is old.. and old enough to know his way does not work or will not work. Place your anger and blame all on the people involved. I am just taking this as entertainment. Enjoy the good with the bad. Right now it’s a horror flick, so enjoy.
Firstly, my passion for the team is probably a lot higher than it should be. Secondly, you may be right that he cares solely or mostly about money. However, he showed with his comments to the media that he's sensitive to criticism. If he's sensitive to it, then why not use that? Why not learn from our division rivals how to give brutally honest criticism to him? Sure, he'd make money, but this is about getting to his sensitivity. Or, if nothing else, the players may bring that message to Jerry that "Damn, since when did we play in Philly, New York, or Boston?".

Or at least, I can only hope that imitating our division rivals can bring about some much needed adjustments.
Look you hit the nail on the head with your initial comments. The difference between the cowboys and the other teams in the division is that they have true GM’s and owners.
So if the fans cause any issues someone will take note and changes will occur.

Jerry is the GM and owner of this team… he doesn’t care what you do or say cause he knows football!
I've been wise to Jerry since Bill Parcells left. Jerry doesn't even try to hide it anymore. We can argue about coaches and players but they take the lead from their boss. Jerry has destroyed a once great franchise and I'm glad more people see it now.

Look you hit the nail on the head with your initial comments. The difference between the cowboys and the other teams in the division is that they have true GM’s and owners.
So if the fans cause any issues someone will take note and changes will occur.

Jerry is the GM and owner of this team… he doesn’t care what you do or say cause he knows football!

But the players might.
I know this sounds ridiculous, especially since we are fans. Not to mention I seldom give credence to anything SAS says. However, he said something that made me think that was actually partly right. He stated that we are partly at fault for this season for putting up with this. And you know what? He's partly right. This season is partly on us fans (including me). But not in the way you might think. Let me explain.

What division do we play in? The NFC East, right? Do we not share a division with Philly and the Giants? Does anyone here think that the way the Joneses have run the team the last 29 years would be acceptable in Philadelphia or New York? Of course not! The teams know full well in Philly and New York that they had better perform, or the fans will make their experience hard. Does anyone here think that if Jerry owned either of them that the fans would be as passive as we have been with him and his family? Does anyone think they would accept the unacceptable effort from him this offseason? Does anyone think they would accept the gaslighting from him? If he owned the Giants, what do you think New York media would do to him? What do you think New York Fans would do to him? He wouldn't be allowed to just sit on his laurels. He wouldn't be allowed to just sit back and collect the money he does.

Maybe it's time we let certain aspects of our division rivals rub off on us. There is one Jerry Jones. There are millions of us. The former players like Irvin and Spears have been getting louder about the unacceptable play of late. Maybe it's time we show passion too. Maybe it's time we have an honest look at our team and understand we are at least 3 years (with a proper rebuild) away from even being close to competitive. Maybe it's time we become more passionate at Jerry about our displeasure. I'm not talking about not going to games and such. I'm talking about, if we go to games, maybe start treating the players, coaches, and ownership the way our division rivals treat their players, owners, etc. Maybe it's up to us, at this point, to demand more. Maybe it's up to us to show our passion to the Cowboys and say that this season is unacceptable. Maybe it's time we tell them and show them that they better not have this level of inactivity again. Jerry may have billions of dollars, but all that money in the world can't silence our fanbase. He may be taking the history of the team and dragging us to levels we don't want, but he should not take our passion away.

I've been criticised at times for being angry and not letting my anger consume me. I'm telling you all that my frustration and all that is BECAUSE I have passion for this team. Rather than just saying, "Woe is us" and such, maybe it's time we rekindle our passion in a different way.

Maybe it's time we all unite together to become a joined fan base demanding better. Demanding more from Jerry. Demanding championships. Maybe it's time we learn how to show the passion for our team that our division rivals have. Maybe, instead of saying we're going all the way, we demand better. Maybe we show our displeasure when Jerry is running the show in an unacceptable way.

I love the Cowboys. I always have, and I always will. I dream of the day that I can see us win a SB and not have been in preschool for it. I dream of the day that I see the Cowboys win one finally. I think we all do. It angers me so much to see us like this when I think we knew where the weaknesses were. Yet, it was allowed to fester.

As for Jerry, before, he could do what he wanted because we would just accept it and turn our passion elsewhere. Maybe it's time we understand something. Maybe it's time we understand this fact. Jerry runs the team and has billions of dollars. But, there are millions of us around the world. Without us, his team can't function. He might enjoy money, but, if we started imitating our division rivals at times and really turned our passion the way they do. If we really start showing that we are a passionate fanbase that demands better, who knows? Maybe he starts to realise that he has to change the way he operates.

To do this, instead of our infighting among us fans, let's be united. Let's come together as a fan base, and let's make it clear that what we are seeing being done to our beloved Cowboys is unacceptable. Make it clear we will not tolerate this anymore. We demand championships. We demand excellence. We demand effort. We demand that Jerry builds a team that can compete, and we will not let up on him in the media, in our conversations, and at the stadiums, until he gets teams that can compete. What's he going to do? Ban us from the stadium because we as fans are making life too uncomfortable for him? We have more power as fans than we think.
you are right, but why is it that the cowboys fans seem passive? that's how jerry has built the fandom....I have often argued he doesn't pander to you or me. the die hard fans. obvious from his rant on the call yesterday threatning the radio hosts. die hard fans of sorts. ...he pander to the average and fringe fans. he sells them an experience. he sells them a good time.

those fan may not be happy about losses, but they also don't get overly excited and invested in the wins. they love the experience of being cowboys fans, wearing jerseys, or going to games and the gathering of fans together....if we lose, oh well. Are they upset? do they want wins? yeah, but not bad that explains the past fe years of mediocrity and early exists and the fans still jam the stadium...its times like this when we really suck and the experience is really bad, that some may take action and it comes in the form of not going to the games or buying jersey's. it takes a while for those fans to get there,unlike the die hard fans. most of them don't even know its been 29 years and counting. they don't know about FA or cap, or the likes....

we die hard fans aren't going anywhere.. we may argue amongst ourself for this player or that player, but those are frustrations of lack of success. the casual and fringe fans are buying up the Jerseys (or at least prior to this year). its all about marketing, being in the news, just successful enough for those fans to continue to go to games and continue to buy jerseys.

we hear complaints from Jerry...."we couldn't afford henry)....well ********......we have 23M in cap room. we are middle of the pack in cap spent (would have been bottom of the league if not for signing Dak and CD).

what could we have gotten in FA with that 23M? so our complaints about lack of cap space is not reality of what it really is. I have been saying that too for a while, where we had 15M in cap space last year, 20M, the year before and 20M the year before that.

Jerry is panicking because he just didn't think it was going to be this bad. losing close games he could spin. three blow out losses at home. he can't. you hear it in how he tries to explain it away. excuses he gives.

this off season, he will sign a big name coach (bilicheck). and sign a big name FA...why? to bring those fringe fans back.
The season is all on Jerry, Stephen, the coaches and the players.. don’t blame me for any of this bull crap you are now watching. If you want to include yourself on the blame game, go at it. Strikes, protests, and other forms of this are irrelevant to what is on the field. They made their bed, best they lay in it.

Jerry is old.. and old enough to know his way does not work or will not work. Place your anger and blame all on the people involved. I am just taking this as entertainment. Enjoy the good with the bad. Right now it’s a horror flick, so enjoy.

Right, but what I'm trying to say is maybe it's time we learn to adjust our approach to the team. Gm aside, our rival fanbases would never let their teams be run like this. Maybe there's something we can learn from them.
you are right, but why is it that the cowboys fans seem passive? that's how jerry has built the fandom....I have often argued he doesn't pander to you or me. the die hard fans. obvious from his rant on the call yesterday threatning the radio hosts. die hard fans of sorts. ...he pander to the average and fringe fans. he sells them an experience. he sells them a good time.

those fan may not be happy about losses, but they also don't get overly excited and invested in the wins. they love the experience of being cowboys fans, wearing jerseys, or going to games and the gathering of fans together....if we lose, oh well. Are they upset? do they want wins? yeah, but not bad that explains the past fe years of mediocrity and early exists and the fans still jam the stadium...its times like this when we really suck and the experience is really bad, that some may take action and it comes in the form of not going to the games or buying jersey's. it takes a while for those fans to get there,unlike the die hard fans. most of them don't even know its been 29 years and counting. they don't know about FA or cap, or the likes....

we die hard fans aren't going anywhere.. we may argue amongst ourself for this player or that player, but those are frustrations of lack of success. the casual and fringe fans are buying up the Jerseys (or at least prior to this year). its all about marketing, being in the news, just successful enough for those fans to continue to go to games and continue to buy jerseys.

we hear complaints from Jerry...."we couldn't afford henry)....well bull****......we have 23M in cap room. we are middle of the pack in cap spent (would have been bottom of the league if not for signing Dak and CD).

what could we have gotten in FA with that 23M? so our complaints about lack of cap space is not reality of what it really is. I have been saying that too for a while, where we had 15M in cap space last year, 20M, the year before and 20M the year before that.

Jerry is panicking because he just didn't think it was going to be this bad. losing close games he could spin. three blow out losses at home. he can't. you hear it in how he tries to explain it away. excuses he gives.

this off season, he will sign a big name coach (bilicheck). and sign a big name FA...why? to bring those fringe fans back.

Well, he's panicking, and, in that panic, he showed he can't take criticism very well, so I'm saying maybe it's time we fans learn from our division rivals and crank up that criticism.
I know this sounds ridiculous, especially since we are fans. Not to mention I seldom give credence to anything SAS says. However, he said something that made me think that was actually partly right. He stated that we are partly at fault for this season for putting up with this. And you know what? He's partly right. This season is partly on us fans (including me). But not in the way you might think. Let me explain.

What division do we play in? The NFC East, right? Do we not share a division with Philly and the Giants? Does anyone here think that the way the Joneses have run the team the last 29 years would be acceptable in Philadelphia or New York? Of course not! The teams know full well in Philly and New York that they had better perform, or the fans will make their experience hard. Does anyone here think that if Jerry owned either of them that the fans would be as passive as we have been with him and his family? Does anyone think they would accept the unacceptable effort from him this offseason? Does anyone think they would accept the gaslighting from him? If he owned the Giants, what do you think New York media would do to him? What do you think New York Fans would do to him? He wouldn't be allowed to just sit on his laurels. He wouldn't be allowed to just sit back and collect the money he does.

Maybe it's time we let certain aspects of our division rivals rub off on us. There is one Jerry Jones. There are millions of us. The former players like Irvin and Spears have been getting louder about the unacceptable play of late. Maybe it's time we show passion too. Maybe it's time we have an honest look at our team and understand we are at least 3 years (with a proper rebuild) away from even being close to competitive. Maybe it's time we become more passionate at Jerry about our displeasure. I'm not talking about not going to games and such. I'm talking about, if we go to games, maybe start treating the players, coaches, and ownership the way our division rivals treat their players, owners, etc. Maybe it's up to us, at this point, to demand more. Maybe it's up to us to show our passion to the Cowboys and say that this season is unacceptable. Maybe it's time we tell them and show them that they better not have this level of inactivity again. Jerry may have billions of dollars, but all that money in the world can't silence our fanbase. He may be taking the history of the team and dragging us to levels we don't want, but he should not take our passion away.

I've been criticised at times for being angry and not letting my anger consume me. I'm telling you all that my frustration and all that is BECAUSE I have passion for this team. Rather than just saying, "Woe is us" and such, maybe it's time we rekindle our passion in a different way.

Maybe it's time we all unite together to become a joined fan base demanding better. Demanding more from Jerry. Demanding championships. Maybe it's time we learn how to show the passion for our team that our division rivals have. Maybe, instead of saying we're going all the way, we demand better. Maybe we show our displeasure when Jerry is running the show in an unacceptable way.

I love the Cowboys. I always have, and I always will. I dream of the day that I can see us win a SB and not have been in preschool for it. I dream of the day that I see the Cowboys win one finally. I think we all do. It angers me so much to see us like this when I think we knew where the weaknesses were. Yet, it was allowed to fester.

As for Jerry, before, he could do what he wanted because we would just accept it and turn our passion elsewhere. Maybe it's time we understand something. Maybe it's time we understand this fact. Jerry runs the team and has billions of dollars. But, there are millions of us around the world. Without us, his team can't function. He might enjoy money, but, if we started imitating our division rivals at times and really turned our passion the way they do. If we really start showing that we are a passionate fanbase that demands better, who knows? Maybe he starts to realise that he has to change the way he operates.

To do this, instead of our infighting among us fans, let's be united. Let's come together as a fan base, and let's make it clear that what we are seeing being done to our beloved Cowboys is unacceptable. Make it clear we will not tolerate this anymore. We demand championships. We demand excellence. We demand effort. We demand that Jerry builds a team that can compete, and we will not let up on him in the media, in our conversations, and at the stadiums, until he gets teams that can compete. What's he going to do? Ban us from the stadium because we as fans are making life too uncomfortable for him? We have more power as fans than we think.
I'm not reading all that and I'm not reading past that first paragraph fans have nothing to do with this season is no different in New York than it is in Dallas I remember all the way back to the Cleveland brown days when they were super bad and they're still bad they still fill up their stadiums they still have support people are still wearing the jerseys I don't see where you're getting this from there fans no matter what Phillips stadiums this is not back in the day when they were blackouts and they couldn't fill up the stadiums I I don't get where you think that we are somehow coddling and making Jerry think that what he does is OK what do you mean what he does is it OK I mean what teams in the NFL are consistently winning 12 games every year that would be 36 wins two division titles and they've been to the playoffs 5 out of the last eight years that makes the league put us in prime time that makes the league more accountable than fans but fans are still filling up the stadium because we are relative it may just be in the regular season but we are winning games we are having winning seasons more than about 20 other teams or more we are better than 20 other teams on a regular basis and I know we should expect more and want more but nothing the fans do is allowing Jerry to be Jerry or whatever it is that you're insinuating that word created a monster no this happens all around the league you show me any team in the last decade that have been bad on a regular basis and aren't generally filling up their stadiums and having fans show up wearing the hats and the jerseys and cheering on their teams they're buying food and beer they're all doing it!!

So I don't even know where you're getting this from there is no protest there is no amount of this fan base unless it truly hits rock bottom you guys think three and three and being one game out of division league is hitting rock bottom how about you do that the next five years how about you finish the bottom 2 and never win a division title how about you be the Cleveland Browns who haven't even won a division title since the 90s it may even be 1986 is the last time the Cleveland Browns won a division that's the difference it's not the fans the fans are gonna come anyway it may not be the ******** fans but there are fans lining up to buy tickets to see games so when some of these season ticket holders let go of their licenses other people are gonna scoop them up and buy them there will always be Dallas Cowboys fans and I gotta say this just like any other fan base there will always have people interested in what they're doing fans do not at all in this day and age can affect with protest and changing the way they cheer or not cheer on their team or show up for games or talk about their team it's gonna change anything you don't think it doesn't the whole thing with the fire the GM did that work no Jerry just firing it back and he'll dig in his heels and prove he will and allow you to move the needle.

You let me know when we actually hit rock bottom and I'll let you know if I agree it ain't right now you can't just come off a 36 win campaign where you win two division titles inventor the playoffs three straight years and act like this is rock bottom have you looked around the league?.
I mean in terms of us as a fan base. I know this forum isn't the entirety of Cowboys Nation, but we can be an engine that starts delivering what the rest of our fanbase needs. Maybe those of us here that live in Dallas can start calling into radio shows, and conversing like they would in Philly. Maybe it's time we use radio stations and such to educate other Cowboys fans.
You’re funny, the money is guaranteed, the seats are sold out before the season, you think Jerry cares what anyone thinks, he doesn’t, you saw 2 beat down embarrassing games one to end a season and last week so what does Jerry do tell everyone he has a great roster and threats to have a couple of working guys fired from a radio station. Probably the only thing that might effect him is 90000 fans wearing bags and chanting Jerry sucks, but I doubt that would change anything
I'm not reading all that and I'm not reading past that first paragraph fans have nothing to do with this season is no different in New York than it is in Dallas I remember all the way back to the Cleveland brown days when they were super bad and they're still bad they still fill up their stadiums they still have support people are still wearing the jerseys I don't see where you're getting this from there fans no matter what Phillips stadiums this is not back in the day when they were blackouts and they couldn't fill up the stadiums I I don't get where you think that we are somehow coddling and making Jerry think that what he does is OK what do you mean what he does is it OK I mean what teams in the NFL are consistently winning 12 games every year that would be 36 wins two division titles and they've been to the playoffs 5 out of the last eight years that makes the league put us in prime time that makes the league more accountable than fans but fans are still filling up the stadium because we are relative it may just be in the regular season but we are winning games we are having winning seasons more than about 20 other teams or more we are better than 20 other teams on a regular basis and I know we should expect more and want more but nothing the fans do is allowing Jerry to be Jerry or whatever it is that you're insinuating that word created a monster no this happens all around the league you show me any team in the last decade that have been bad on a regular basis and aren't generally filling up their stadiums and having fans show up wearing the hats and the jerseys and cheering on their teams they're buying food and beer they're all doing it!!

So I don't even know where you're getting this from there is no protest there is no amount of this fan base unless it truly hits rock bottom you guys think three and three and being one game out of division league is hitting rock bottom how about you do that the next five years how about you finish the bottom 2 and never win a division title how about you be the Cleveland Browns who haven't even won a division title since the 90s it may even be 1986 is the last time the Cleveland Browns won a division that's the difference it's not the fans the fans are gonna come anyway it may not be the ******** fans but there are fans lining up to buy tickets to see games so when some of these season ticket holders let go of their licenses other people are gonna scoop them up and buy them there will always be Dallas Cowboys fans and I gotta say this just like any other fan base there will always have people interested in what they're doing fans do not at all in this day and age can affect with protest and changing the way they cheer or not cheer on their team or show up for games or talk about their team it's gonna change anything you don't think it doesn't the whole thing with the fire the GM did that work no Jerry just firing it back and he'll dig in his heels and prove he will and allow you to move the needle.

You let me know when we actually hit rock bottom and I'll let you know if I agree it ain't right now you can't just come off a 36 win campaign where you win two division titles inventor the playoffs three straight years and act like this is rock bottom have you looked around the league?.
I'm not saying we are at rock bottom. But, we may have allowed this situation to fester a bit. The fact that the weaknesses were as obvious as they were entering this season and weren't addressed is why I've been angry. And I'm basically saying, we play in the NFC East, let's act like it. Let's not let it get to rock bottom. Unlike Jerry, let's show some initiative as fans.
You’re funny, the money is guaranteed, the seats are sold out before the season, you think Jerry cares what anyone thinks, he doesn’t, you saw 2 beat down embarrassing games one to end a season and last week so what does Jerry do tell everyone he has a great roster and threats to have a couple of working guys fired from a radio station. Probably the only thing that might effect him is 90000 fans wearing bags and chanting Jerry sucks, but I doubt that would change anything

Well, what I saw in his comments on Sunday and yesterday is a man who can't take criticism well. I see a man who is desperate knowing that Death's Whistle is starting to become louder in his ear. So, I'm saying it may be time to give him the Philadelphia or New York treatment.
I know this sounds ridiculous, especially since we are fans. Not to mention I seldom give credence to anything SAS says. However, he said something that made me think that was actually partly right. He stated that we are partly at fault for this season for putting up with this. And you know what? He's partly right. This season is partly on us fans (including me). But not in the way you might think. Let me explain.

What division do we play in? The NFC East, right? Do we not share a division with Philly and the Giants? Does anyone here think that the way the Joneses have run the team the last 29 years would be acceptable in Philadelphia or New York? Of course not! The teams know full well in Philly and New York that they had better perform, or the fans will make their experience hard. Does anyone here think that if Jerry owned either of them that the fans would be as passive as we have been with him and his family? Does anyone think they would accept the unacceptable effort from him this offseason? Does anyone think they would accept the gaslighting from him? If he owned the Giants, what do you think New York media would do to him? What do you think New York Fans would do to him? He wouldn't be allowed to just sit on his laurels. He wouldn't be allowed to just sit back and collect the money he does.

Maybe it's time we let certain aspects of our division rivals rub off on us. There is one Jerry Jones. There are millions of us. The former players like Irvin and Spears have been getting louder about the unacceptable play of late. Maybe it's time we show passion too. Maybe it's time we have an honest look at our team and understand we are at least 3 years (with a proper rebuild) away from even being close to competitive. Maybe it's time we become more passionate at Jerry about our displeasure. I'm not talking about not going to games and such. I'm talking about, if we go to games, maybe start treating the players, coaches, and ownership the way our division rivals treat their players, owners, etc. Maybe it's up to us, at this point, to demand more. Maybe it's up to us to show our passion to the Cowboys and say that this season is unacceptable. Maybe it's time we tell them and show them that they better not have this level of inactivity again. Jerry may have billions of dollars, but all that money in the world can't silence our fanbase. He may be taking the history of the team and dragging us to levels we don't want, but he should not take our passion away.

I've been criticised at times for being angry and not letting my anger consume me. I'm telling you all that my frustration and all that is BECAUSE I have passion for this team. Rather than just saying, "Woe is us" and such, maybe it's time we rekindle our passion in a different way.

Maybe it's time we all unite together to become a joined fan base demanding better. Demanding more from Jerry. Demanding championships. Maybe it's time we learn how to show the passion for our team that our division rivals have. Maybe, instead of saying we're going all the way, we demand better. Maybe we show our displeasure when Jerry is running the show in an unacceptable way.

I love the Cowboys. I always have, and I always will. I dream of the day that I can see us win a SB and not have been in preschool for it. I dream of the day that I see the Cowboys win one finally. I think we all do. It angers me so much to see us like this when I think we knew where the weaknesses were. Yet, it was allowed to fester.

As for Jerry, before, he could do what he wanted because we would just accept it and turn our passion elsewhere. Maybe it's time we understand something. Maybe it's time we understand this fact. Jerry runs the team and has billions of dollars. But, there are millions of us around the world. Without us, his team can't function. He might enjoy money, but, if we started imitating our division rivals at times and really turned our passion the way they do. If we really start showing that we are a passionate fanbase that demands better, who knows? Maybe he starts to realise that he has to change the way he operates.

To do this, instead of our infighting among us fans, let's be united. Let's come together as a fan base, and let's make it clear that what we are seeing being done to our beloved Cowboys is unacceptable. Make it clear we will not tolerate this anymore. We demand championships. We demand excellence. We demand effort. We demand that Jerry builds a team that can compete, and we will not let up on him in the media, in our conversations, and at the stadiums, until he gets teams that can compete. What's he going to do? Ban us from the stadium because we as fans are making life too uncomfortable for him? We have more power as fans than we think.
Ur right...Philly and New York would have run Jerry out of town 15 years ago.

Our fan culture is very laid back (i.e. soft, and easily dominated by a monarch like Jerry)



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