This team is stacked, but how do we rein in Dak, use him in an efficient and safe way?

ok, great. lets do that. lets invest. I have never opposed it. but there is no gaurantee. and its a lottery. with small chance of winning. and I still don't hear a short term plan. reserve a couple of picks every year to pick a QB is a plan but doesn't necessarily replace Dak for a better player until you find one.

what FA QBs worth their dollars hit the market? usually older. not good enough. down side of career type. which is not better than Dak. my question is are you trying to just save money or win? if you want to save money, then I am going to ask if you are working for Jerry jones?
Would you have said the same about Romo before we replaced him with a 4th rounder in Dak?
Alto Sax (Bundy) in high school band after practice (i did not play football, I was not that stupid...played baseball).
I love music, the language of the world. I'm so glad that reality told me not to post my bands tunes here. But, still not sure why? Cannot even post it on the music forum or I will be eliminated from my music. lol
Hey I resemble that remark.. I played in high school and in college. I also played trumpet in band until right before 9th grade year the band director told me I had to choose between band and football.. So I handed him the trumpet and left his class. As it turns out I was a singer anyway.. sang in choir and fronted two R&B bands in college and one funk band, a jazz band, a rock band and a blues band after after graduation. Finally gave it up for good in my 30's.. but I went kickin and screamin.. You should hear me in the shower though! :cool:
and what would give you that impression? I consider myself pretty diverse in my music. I do like some rap but not much. Im a classic rock guy My favorite band is styx but I can be heard listening to anything from Mettallica to snoop dogg. Ive prbably been to more great music concerts than you can imagine. I do like jazz as well just not kenny g and yes I enjoy some blues as well.

Styx is brilliant, especially Dennis DeYoung.
Certainly, I would understand dak throwing the ball more often if the Cowboys were down by two TD's or more after the first half. They probably aren't going to catch up with a balanced attack, they have to gamble.

Do you know how many times that has happened in Dak's career? Six times.

And yet, Dak has thrown the ball 40 or more times in 21 games. The Cowboys are 7-14 in those games.

Just looking at last season, do you know how many times the Cowboys were down by more than a TD at halftime with Dak as the QB? Once. That was game #1 against the Bucs.

Do you know how many times Dak threw the ball 20 or more times just in the first half? Seven times. Why?

Why would Dak throw the ball 20 or more times in the first half when they are either leading or losing by less than a TD by the end of that half.

The simple answer could be that the running game was not effective. Hence, my reason for saying that, if McCarthy wants to run the ball more often then the Cowboys are going to need better than just a serviceable back to complement Pollard.

You and I are of one accord here. Moore (and possibly Dak's) desire to sling it around bit them in the arse more than once. I definitely want to see a more effective running game.. Still let's not lose sight of the fact that in a lot of times a QB will throw in 8-10 times in the two minute drill just before half which will give a deceptive view of how many times they actually threw the ball when they didn't have to. Not saying the Cowboys were not guilty of it.. but I remember more than a few games where Dak had less than 15 attempts when they got the ball just before half and he then slung it 7-8 straight times to try and get a score. Context matters.. I will go back and look it up and post my findings of how many times it was that last drive before half that pushed Dak past 20 first half attempts.. I'm actually curious enough to look it up.
I don’t know man when you have groups like the stones, zeppelin, skynard , doors , Floyd and Styx to name a few I can’t get to UFO as best classic rock album ever but I’m sure they gave you hours of enjoyment just as those I named above did me

Our generation I’ll stand by as the best time for music

MeatLoaf is always a solid option too.
You and I are of one accord here. Moore (and possibly Dak's) desire to sling it around bit them in the arse more than once. I definitely want to see a more effective running game.. Still let's not lose sight of the fact that in a lot of times a QB will throw in 8-10 times in the two minute drill just before half which will give a deceptive view of how many times they actually threw the ball when they didn't have to. Not saying the Cowboys were not guilty of it.. but I remember more than a few games where Dak had less than 15 attempts when they got the ball just before half and he then slung it 7-8 straight times to try and get a score. Context matters.. I will go back and look it up and post my findings of how many times it was that last drive before half that pushed Dak past 20 first half attempts.. I'm actually curious enough to look it up.
Here's the tally..

I omitted Tampa.. that game was too weird.

Detroit - 25 total attempts.. 14 in the first half. The Cowboys trailed 6-3 at the half.
Chi - 27 total passes 18 in the first half.. Cowboys led 28-17 at the half.
GB - 46 total attempts 21- for 28 with two TDs in the first half.. completed 7 straight passes to get a TD in a 1:22 TD drive. Game tied 14-14 at half. I cannot quibble with this.
MIN 30 total attempts. 17 in the first half.. 4 straight passes to get into FG range in under 30 seconds right before half. Cowboys 23-3.
NYG - 35 total attempts. 15 in the first half.. Cowboys trailed 7-13 at the half. Clearly needed the uptick in pass attempts in the second half of that one.
INDY - 30 total attempts.. 20 in the first half.. sitting on 16 until final drive with under a minute .. Cowboys up 20-13.
HOU - 39 total attempts 22 in the first half.. had 12 when they got the ball with just over 2 minutes left. 10 straight passes got him to 22. Cowboys trailed 20-17 at half.
JAX - 30 total passes 15 in the first half.. Cowboys led 21-7. Big lead.. not a lot of passing.. I'll take it.
PHI - 35 total passes 17 in the first half.. Cowboys trailed 17-20
TEN - 41 total passes 28 in the first half.. 8 of them on the final drive before the half I thin k we can all agree that the running game was nonexistent that night.. Cowboys led 10-6 at half.
WASH - 38 total passes 19 in the first half.. 12 of those on the final drive before the half! Geez. Cowboys trail 7-13 at half.

The first thing that jumps out at me here is that I only found four games with at least 20 first half attempts not 6. Were you including playoffs? The second thing that jumps out is that the Cowboys won 3 of those 4 games. The third thing was that the Cowboys were 6-3 in games where Dak topped the mythical 28 passes barrier. Again I think the bigger picture needs to focus on the team (and Dak) playing better and not these arbitrary magic numbers people keep throwing out there. I think cutting out all these "automatic" reads on option routes that the whole league knows will be a good start.
You and I are of one accord here. Moore (and possibly Dak's) desire to sling it around bit them in the arse more than once. I definitely want to see a more effective running game.. Still let's not lose sight of the fact that in a lot of times a QB will throw in 8-10 times in the two minute drill just before half which will give a deceptive view of how many times they actually threw the ball when they didn't have to. Not saying the Cowboys were not guilty of it.. but I remember more than a few games where Dak had less than 15 attempts when they got the ball just before half and he then slung it 7-8 straight times to try and get a score. Context matters.. I will go back and look it up and post my findings of how many times it was that last drive before half that pushed Dak past 20 first half attempts.. I'm actually curious enough to look it up.
You're right that does happen. Statistics can be irrelevant at times, especially when the circumstance of each individual game is different.

I'm not blaming Dak for anything. It is the responsibility of the coaches to place each player in positions that give them the highest opportunity for success. I have observed that, quite often, a Cowboys playing will be asked to do things out of character. It's almost as if the coach (or GM) will follow a specific agenda regardless of whether it is compatible with that player's skill set.

I love Dak, but he is not the 2nd coming of Bret Favre. He will never be the passer that Mahomes is. However, he can certainly help the team win if the gameplan allows him to play to his strengths which is ball management, opportunistic runs, and pushing the ball down the field.

I think McCarthy recognizes this, hence his new playcalling duties.
I did enjoy his Christmas album.. that was about it though..

Yes, I’m the Haters mod. And you’re high on my list. Now you go back to throwing darts at your Dak poster.
Speaking of Deek posters, I canna find your Deek posing in motorcycle garb or construction worker. But there is this poster of Deek throwing the ball shirtless. Laminated and 8'x3'.
Say, Rocky, to where do you disappear every time Deek ends games against the 49ers with a dumb play?
I have heard Branson and Cancún.
I love Dak, but he is not the 2nd coming of Bret Favre. He will never be the passer that Mahomes is. However, he can certainly help the team win if the gameplan allows him to play to his strengths which is ball management, opportunistic runs, and pushing the ball down the field.

I think McCarthy recognizes this, hence his new playcalling duties.
Yep, where we failed in recent years is the inability to win within the 2 minute warning, when needing a TD. Early on in his career Dak, with an outstanding running game (and without Mr Abandontherun(atthefirstopportunity) was able to continue a more balanced offense, which at least kept the defense honest.

Under Kellen, we were obviously going to abandon the run, so teams (especially your 9'ers, who's secondary isnt their defensive strength) are able to play a blanket zonal cover 7.

As has been mentioned, we need to be less predictable (id love a Gibbs/Spears that provide a dual RB/Slot threat with Tony).
Would you have said the same about Romo before we replaced him with a 4th rounder in Dak?
yes, as a matter of fact I did. we always have to have people in the pipeline. and we did invest, and even when Dak has been here. its just been small investements in the 6th and 7th round.

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