Those banned from Extremeskins

DallasCowpoke said:
-OM-, Henry, Art or whatever other mod from that site that posts here I'm unaware of.

I find it amazing, and somewhat amusing, that not ONCE, in the myriad of times I've mentioned this, not ONE of y'all have ever acknowledged it.

Yet you go on about how inclusive your site is, and the "hair trigger" banning syndrome ppl from here complain about, is purely a figment of their imaginations.

It's pretty clear why, there IS no defense for it.

I haven't answered because I'm not involved in approving new memberships, and therefore have no idea what the profiles were or why they were "rejected."

As I've mentioned previoulsy, with the volume of new memberships we get, and the high percentage of trollers from other teams we get, it's not impossible that some potential good contributors have been lost in our zeal to keep a handle on things.

If that's happened to anyone reading this, I apologize on our behalf, ask that you understand the reasoning, and ask you to PM me here. If you still would like to become a member of our forum, I'll do what I can to help.
I got banned for having a "Village Idiot" sig.

But I think this is what happens when you absolutely own someone.

Eventually, they just want you gone.

Out of site, out of mind.

I wouldn't worry about it guys. We are the owners - they are the ownees.

When we take it to the field, they do what we say.
Banned_n_austin said:
I got banned for having a "Village Idiot" sig.

But I think this is what happens when you absolutely own someone.

Eventually, they just want you gone.

Out of site, out of mind.

I wouldn't worry about it guys. We are the owners - they are the ownees.

When we take it to the field, they do what we say.
B_n_A was banned, oh the humanity :D
-Om- said:
I haven't answered because I'm not involved in approving new memberships, and therefore have no idea what the profiles were or why they were "rejected."

Well, I have read a number of posters in here who claim that they were denied registration because they had a pro-Cowboys screen name, or listed Texas as their home... CowboyPrincess offered a detailed summary of the things she had to alter or delete on her profile in order to get "approved"...

So, your board appears to routinely deny Cowboys fans a right to even make one post there... the weird thing is, before you guys got to know me, I could have gotten registered easily, because my online name is Silverbear, and I live in the Shenandoah Valley... I would have escaped the pathetic "profiling" that goes on in there...

I'm sorry, man, but the more I learn about how you guys run things, the more I learn about the mindset of SOME of your mods, the weaker your board appears to me...

Do me a favor, though, invite ol' Art to come over here and start up with me... about anything at all...

Pretty please?? I'd really love to get inside that blowhard's head, somewhere he isn't protected...

I have a notion I'd have the boy whining for Mommy inside of a week...
silverbear said:
Well, I have read a number of posters in here who claim that they were denied registration because they had a pro-Cowboys screen name, or listed Texas as their home... CowboyPrincess offered a detailed summary of the things she had to alter or delete on her profile in order to get "approved"...

So, your board appears to routinely deny Cowboys fans a right to even make one post there... the weird thing is, before you guys got to know me, I could have gotten registered easily, because my online name is Silverbear, and I live in the Shenandoah Valley... I would have escaped the pathetic "profiling" that goes on in there...

I'm sorry, man, but the more I learn about how you guys run things, the more I learn about the mindset of SOME of your mods, the weaker your board appears to me...

Do me a favor, though, invite ol' Art to come over here and start up with me... about anything at all...

Pretty please?? I'd really love to get inside that blowhard's head, somewhere he isn't protected...

I have a notion I'd have the boy whining for Mommy inside of a week...

I would pay to see that match-up. We could make it Pay Per View.
I got banned for saying that while good watches the Cowboys through the hole in the roof, he uses FedEx field as his toilet. And it was worth getting banned over :D
-Om- said:
Does anyone REALLY not see how this would read to someone who doesn't know Tuna from God?

The inference is pretty clear ... especiallly coming from someone we all know to be as etymologically aware as Madame T.

Still, it's possible she was misinterpreted the first time.

Hard to make a case she was misinterpreted the second:

Anyway, even knowing it won't matter here, I just wanted to get that on the record.

Fact is, LTN is a smart poster who "gets it," and someone we'd like to have around. Maybe once the silliness of the last week dies down, we can all act like adults again for a while.
Om, you know how much I respect you. Can you please address why Chopper Dave calling LTN a "piece of s***" is acceptable but "bimbo" is not?

I really do not get that.

I can't believe bimbo is that offensive to anyone.
-Om- said:
I haven't answered because I'm not involved in approving new memberships, and therefore have no idea what the profiles were or why they were "rejected."

As I've mentioned previoulsy, with the volume of new memberships we get, and the high percentage of trollers from other teams we get, it's not impossible that some potential good contributors have been lost in our zeal to keep a handle on things.

If that's happened to anyone reading this, I apologize on our behalf, ask that you understand the reasoning, and ask you to PM me here. If you still would like to become a member of our forum, I'll do what I can to help.
You and I talked about why I won't ever post there again. Talked with Henry about it too.

I wasn't in any way offensive. I just did not agree with Art's interpretation of our "bet." As I told you then, I had more evidence that he had agreed to that bet. There was no need to post it.

I don't think I've ever been disrespectful to a Commanders fan on any web site.

Posting again would mean I sanction people being treated the way I was, and frankly the way LTN was.

As you also know I had a similar experience to DallasCowpoke in trying to register. Not even reassurance by Henry and Bufford helped.

It's called branded.

Overall I really like that site. I've told you before it is the most impressive site for fans there is.
I got banned. I actually have stayed on the who off season. A good methof I used is typing what I wanted to say to them, then deleting it. However all the whining and trashtalking postgame pushed me over the edge. I said I didn't believe Art!:eek:
RW31 said:
I got banned. I actually have stayed on the who off season. A good methof I used is typing what I wanted to say to them, then deleting it. However all the whining and trashtalking postgame pushed me over the edge. I said I didn't believe Art!:eek:

Who would? That story was pure BS.
You guys probably didn't get the memo. Don't worry here it is....
"You're welcome here. But Art is a staff member. If Art says thats what happened, thats what happened.

Eric_Boyer said:
I couldn't even "read only".

I had to clear a cookie to even browse the site.

Prior to that I could post, but couldn't search or edit anything. That stemmed from laughing at a certain homer declaring Noble as a "blocker magnet". :rolleyes:

I went over and read the thread in question and they were soo off on what they did. You and I both know that we don't agree on much, but I agree w/ you 100% on everything you've said in this thread.

They talk about not allowing smack and using ban... IMO the avitar they gave you was rude, full of smack, a flame, demeaning, etc and by the mods of all people. It's hard to take them serious about the rules over there when they aren't leading by example... especially this Art character. by the looks of him, there aren't many men that couldn't make him squeal like a little piggy.

oh well... you don't need to go over there anyway... you're better than they are...
LMAO. So thats the secret? As soon as you become a staff member, your word is law? Interesting.....
CowboysPrincess said:
by the looks of him, there aren't many men that couldn't make him squeal like a little piggy.

If you listen very carefully you can hear the theme from Deliverence playing in the background. I'm sure glad that you posted this Princess because if one of your more testosterone laden members had it would have raised some serious questions!
Awww man, I'm feeling left out. As soon as I clock out I'm visiting that site and getting myself banned!
Banned_n_austin said:
I got banned for having a "Village Idiot" sig.

But I think this is what happens when you absolutely own someone.

Eventually, they just want you gone.

Out of site, out of mind.

I wouldn't have a problem with them banning somebody who'd stirred the fecal matter for a little while... but these babies are banning people before they do ANYTHING, and refusing to let folks register just because they MIGHT be Cowboys fans... this assumes that any Cowboys fan who goes over there only does so to start crap...

Well, THEY (the moderators) come over here, and for the most part THEY'RE not trying to pick a fight?? So how in God's name can they arrogantly assume that any Cowboys fan who goes to sign up is just looking to do that??

The answer, of course, is they don't know any such thing... they're just such cowards that they're not even willing to give a Cowboys fan a CHANCE... there's only one reason they'd act like that-- they're COWARDS...

I wouldn't worry about it guys.

Who's worried about it?? I never have tried to register for their board, and I never will... but I'm gonna call a spade a spade, and I've seen conclusive evidence-- repeated conclusive evidence-- that clearly demonstrates that they're gutless over there...

If they want to create a safe haven where they don't have to worry about hearing legitimate criticism of their team from other fans, I reckon they have a right to hold their daily circle jerks...

I'll bet Art insists on being the pivot man...
Monte51Coleman said:
If you listen very carefully you can hear the theme from Deliverence playing in the background. I'm sure glad that you posted this Princess because if one of your more testosterone laden members had it would have raised some serious questions!

I am from West Virginia....did someone say squeel? :p
Silverbear, keep in mind that our overall tolerance level is very low this week specifically. Not all the time. Here's a reason why:

Now, this is four days after the game and some of this stuff is STILL sneaking through. Generally Cowboy fans don't post this nonsense, so generally we don't make it too hard for them to get on board. But yes, Cowboy fans who tried to register THIS WEEK are under a big microscope.

We moderators who aren't trying to picka fight have been members of this board since it came online. We're not showing up right after a game. And there haven't been 600 of us trying to sign up this week ... have there?
Henry said:
Silverbear, keep in mind that our overall tolerance level is very low this week specifically. Not all the time. Here's a reason why:

Now, this is four days after the game and some of this stuff is STILL sneaking through. Generally Cowboy fans don't post this nonsense, so generally we don't make it too hard for them to get on board. But yes, Cowboy fans who tried to register THIS WEEK are under a big microscope.

We moderators who aren't trying to picka fight have been members of this board since it came online. We're not showing up right after a game. And there haven't been 600 of us trying to sign up this week ... have there?

I saw that thread earlier this morning and was going to post something along the lines of those types of cowboys fans ruining it for others that want to talk legit football.....but you had closed the thread already.

And I do not think you will find one person in here that will argue with you that the guy was a troll and needed banned.

Take care.

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