If it wouldn't be too cumbersome, I'd appreciate the full URL. I'd like to take a peek!
before you read that please read extremeskins list of rules. Existing members are not banned unless they break one of these....
We have many respected opponents @ extreme....
Welcome Commanders fans! is one of the longest running and largest Commanders online community.
The owners and staff have always aspired to create and maintain the highest standards of any message board community. To uphold our expectations, it has become necessary to clearly outline and define them to the general membership.
Compliance is not an option and ignorance no excuse. We've taken the time and effort to compile this list of rules and guidelines for your benefit. Extend your courtesy by familiarizing yourselves with it and abiding by them.
Should a member be found guilty of breaking one or more of the rules listed below... we will make every effort to contact you via email and/or Private Message when you have been found in violation of a rule. Minor violations deemed harmless will just merit a warning. Repeat violations of the same rule will result in restrictions or even permanent bans.
Although the administrators and moderators of pledge to uphold all the Rules and Guidelines at all times, it is impossible for us to review every message. Therefore, we have empowered the general membership with the ability to assist us. The "Report this post to a moderator" function - available at the bottom right of every post - allows members to notify all staff of any particular violations with a direct link to the infraction.
Additionally, if a member has reason to contact a staff member concerning questions or matters regarding the forums, they are advised to contact Art, Buddha, Tarhog or Henry by private message. If the reason concerns site-related matters, members are advised to contact Blade, Die Hard or Om by private message. Members always have the option to use the Contact us link available at the bottom of every page.
We'd like to take a few minutes of your time and clear up a few lingering misunderstandings, myths, and notions.
First of all, this is a website created by Commanders fans, maintained by Commanders fans, and devoted, primarily, to Commanders football. While we enjoy having visitors... we didn't leave the door open because we are hoping to have someone drop in who will change our way of thinking.
We are quite happy - although some might argue "miserable" - being Commanders fans. We continue to believe that each Sunday marks a new beginning and that eventually we will return to our days of greatness. You, of course, can laugh at that notion, but if you do it here, it probably won't be taken too kindly.
We have a ton of knowledgable fans here who know quite a bit about Commanders football, particularly, and the NFL in general -- as well as a host of other topics. We do allow a lot of Commanders machismo here because that is part of the Commanders experience. More than likely you will also read critical, disparaging, mean-spirited, and callous statements about things related to your chosen football team.
Don't make the mistake of thinking this is a friendly environment. When you are here, your screen is burgundy and gold for a very deliberate reason. Nothing about this site should have suggested to you that we are remotely interested in being all things to all football fans.
We'll do our best to keep it as cordial as possible but bear in mind you are the unknown to us. You have obviously chosen to be a guest in our home so take the time to familiarize yourself with our guidelines and the environment of the boards.
You will usually be treated with the same respect you afford others. You might decide you don't like it here but we've worked hard to get it to this point and we like it an awful lot.
We, for the most part, allow light and good-natured "smack talk". However, if things become personal in nature it will be dealt with swiftly and decisively. Our bias lies with our members.
Enjoy your stay here -- just don't allow that to interfere with our ability to enjoy your stay here.
1. Each visitor may own a single registered account. Duplicate accounts are prohibited under any circumstances. If you experience any difficulty accessing your account (ie. lost password, forgotten username, etc) please contact
[email protected] to resolve the issue.
Do not create additional registered accounts to bypass an issued ban. Attempting to circumvent a ban by registering for a secondary account will result in a permanent banishment of all binding accounts from which you have created.
2. Use discretion in selecting an appropriate username. We strongly advise against registering an inappropriate username including, but not limited to racial slurs, swearing and vulgarity (ie. explicit and implicit). New user accounts with inappropriate usernames will not be activated. Existing members that "edit" their username to one that potentially violates this rule risk having the functionality to edit their usernames disabled. Offenders will be contacted by any of the ExtremeSkins staff and advised to select an appropriate username or risk having the account banned or deleted altogether.
3. Spam is strictly prohibited. Do not spam the message boards or other members through private messages. The following examples constitute spam:
* Very short posts that do not add value to the topic. Example: a post with only the words, "i dunno" or "lol cool" can be considered spam if that is the only contribution you make on the board.
* Double Posting. A double post constitutes back-to-back posts by the same member. The second post may be considered spam. If you submit a post and realize that you have made a mistake or would like to elaborate further, please use the "edit" button/function; the button is located at the top right of each post. An exception to the rule applies to a situation where a member wants to address the content of seperate individual posts from different members. For example, the first point addresses the content of member A's post; the subsequent post addresses the content of member B's post.
* Posts that serve no purpose other than to increase one's post count are considered spam. For example, if someone asks a question and you reply just to say you don't know the answer or "test", this will be considered spam. If you want to check your signature picture/text all you need to do is go to any thread where you have posted. Every time you edit and save a change... hit the browser "refresh" button in a thread in which you have posted. Your account is updated across every post you have ever written.
4. Please post your message in the appropriate forum. Familiarize yourself with each forum description. Please be considerate and respectful to our audience who frequent particular forums to gain knowledge on particular topics. Resist the temptation to post irrelevant topics on an inappropriate forum to achieve a wider audience. Moderators and administrators may move your post as appropriate if it becomes more relevant to another part of the forum.
5. Please be respectful to your fellow members. The foundation of any thriving community is the opportunity for members to express their opinion and the exchange of knowledge. It is the responsibility of each and every member to create an environment which encourages and fosters it. If your membership is in direct contrast to that end or your participation a detriment to it, we will simply revoke your privileges to utilize the site.
6. Please use the [Forum Search] to ensure the topic you wish to post about doesn't already exist. The "Forum Search" is located at the top right of every forum for your convenience. Multiple topics will be closed or merged.
If you are reporting any Commanders "news" or "rumors" that is older than 24 hours, please use the "Search Feature" before you post to ensure the news hasn't already been posted and the topic discussed. We have a very large community with sweeping media coverage and up-to-the-minute updates and newsbreaks; more than likely, if the news is older than a day old, someone has already posted the information. If you wish to discuss the topic you are encouraged to do so in the original thread.
We don't want to discourage members from sharing information. Therefore, we ask you make an effort to perform a search. We recognize the results to any search may not yield all the appropriate results. Therefore, this rule will serve more as a guideline.
7. Please use descriptive and accurate subject titles for your posts. Strict accordance with this rule allows visitors to utilize discretion when selecting content to read. It also serves to notify members if a particular topic has already been posted and discussed and potentially prevents multiple threads on the same topic.
If you are posting a published article from a news source... please follow the respective naming convention - "SOURCE SHORTFORM: HEADLINE" (ex. WP: Commanders sign Shawn Springs). Be respectful of the fact that some people come to ExtremeSkins explicitly for latest Commanders news and content without the editorials.
8. False posts or misleading subject titles are prohibited. Deception at the expense of the audience devalues the medium and the content it provides. Violation of this rule is regarded as a serious offense.
9. When posting news articles from outside sources include a direct link (ie. url) to the page/site the content originated from. Please paste the url directly atop the post and before the content. Such practice provides credibility and attribution to the source of the information and allows visitors the option to visit the respective websites.
10. No trolling. Do not post messages that are inflammatory and serve solely to incite people.
11. Please refrain from posting explicit pictures in posts. "Explicit" pertains to sexually explicit or implicit (ie. hardcore/softcore pornography, animated pictures, written language, etc) content. Use your discretion. A very significant quantity of our traffic visits during work hours or in public environments. Since pictures can be inserted at any interval within a thread without advanced warning it is unfair to the reader.
PLEASE NOTE: This rule shall be enforced strongly in every forum with the exception of the Tailgate forum. There is a disclaimer for the Tailgate on the forums description warning about the potential for questionable and offensive content in that particular forum. Even in the Tailgate forum, however, there shall be no full/partial frontal or full rear nudity.
12. Please refrain from posting explicit pictures in your signature. "Explicit" pertains to sexually explicit or implicit (ie. hardcore/softcore pornography, animated pictures, written language, etc) content. Use your discretion. There shall be no full/partial frontal or full rear nudity.
There will be more latitude given to photos in "signatures" for the following reasons: (1) each member has the ability to edit their options from their USERCP to visit the message board with/without "signatures" visible; and (2) should a particular member have an offensive photo or message within their signature users can also put those respective members on their "ignore list" via the USERCP or utilize the "ignore user" functionality at the bottom of every post.
Signatures should not contain any more than 10 lines of text. Pictures should not exceed 450 pixels in width and 300 pixels in height. An example is provided below:
13. Refrain from posting in capitals. On the internet, the posting in all capitals is the same as shouting and as such is considered rude and offensive. Further, capital letters strain eyesight and make it difficult to read the text. Caps should be used to show emphasis for only one or two words.
14. Do NOT create a new thread where the intention is to "call out" a particular member regarding subject matter unrelated to Washington Commanders football or football in general. The forums are not to be used as your medium for personal and private vendettas. Members are encouraged to pursue those types of matters via Private Messaging.
15. Identify yourself in your signature after editing your username. Please be considerate to the community when editing your username. We request that you add your former username in your signature so others can identity you. Example: "Formerly known as XXXXXXX". A username is a large part of your online personae and aids in developing familiarity with fellow members; it is difficult to foster a comfortable environment if members cannot identify each other.
16. Adhere to the advise and suggestions of the staff members. Staff members are volunteers. They were appointed to staff positions because they exemplify the characteristics, attitude and values consistent with the standards we've set for the site. Their motivations are simple: To always act in the best interests of the site. They have been entrusted and empowered with the ability and authority to achieve that standard. Therefore, their motives should never be challenged or second-guessed.