Ticket Prices Increased

Just got my STH invoice and these greedy buttholes raised prices again. I paid 6400 last year for four tickets and this year it’s 7300. Preseason went from 100 to 115 and regular season from 175 to 190. I’ve never sold tickets for profit but it’s becoming pretty clear that’s what this is all about with this franchise so I think it’s time to get with the program.
Also should have said Congratulations! Very nice that you can afford this luxury for your family, lots to be said for that!
lol please stop giving these idiots your hard earned money. observe from a distance. Oxnard needs to be empty this year to send a message.
This thread is pathetic. Not the OP, but way too many people judging STRANGERS on how they spend their money. Why are y'all worried about another man's money?
A Dallas Cowboys fan board with the majority of posters calling the OP an idiot for buying tickets to see the team. People rooting for 0-17 season. Board is overrun by haters and losers.

Might as well be yelling at the clouds trying to take money out of Jerry's pockets. Completely pointless.
Just got my STH invoice and these greedy buttholes raised prices again. I paid 6400 last year for four tickets and this year it’s 7300. Preseason went from 100 to 115 and regular season from 175 to 190. I’ve never sold tickets for profit but it’s becoming pretty clear that’s what this is all about with this franchise so I think it’s time to get with the program.
Mine went up $5 per game from $65-$70 for Pre-season, and $115-$120 for Regular Season. It doesn't seem too outrageous given how everything else in this country has increased.
Brother you have lost track of prices. Lol.

Go back and look at your ticket invoices. Tickets are up 50 percent within the last couple of years.
Maybe in other areas. but not where mine when I had them.
So show us where all the prices went from and the history of each areas.
WTH???? $7300 for just 4 tickets? That's $1825 a ticket. Where are the seats?
I honestly don't know who is paying for those tickets in large numbers. Sure there are people that can afford them, but enough to pack an NFL stadium every Sunday?

I think I make a pretty decent living and can't even stomach $300+ tickets to a game, which would be considered pretty cheap seats. I can't imagine trying to bring a family of 4 to one of these games.

I've been to one game at AT&T, and honestly that is enough for me.
If soblue128 doesn’t buy the season tickets, someone else will, no matter the cost. That’s the problem with Americans, we won’t stick together for anything and the powerful win and continue to rape us in every way
If soblue128 doesn’t buy the season tickets, someone else will, no matter the cost. That’s the problem with Americans, we won’t stick together for anything and the powerful win and continue to rape us in every way
Thats why it’s comical when people say “don’t buy merch” “don’t buy tickets” … well. Somebody else will lol
Thats why it’s comical when people say “don’t buy merch” “don’t buy tickets” … well. Somebody else will lol
Even if they didn't it wouldn't really matter. There's profit sharing in the NFL. They'd just be slightly less filthy rich.
stay at home and watch them lose this season. the rest of the nfc east have improved no cake walk this year. dak will be on the sideline looking at his little i-pad wondering what he did wrong when those 1st place schedule teams come to play woe to the people spending those big dollars to sit there and watch the trash team dumb and dumber put on the field
So when they are back to 8 games does anyone really expect the prices to back down? Starting to wonder if this was one reason they chose to expand to 17 games.
They went down last year from the year before so yes.....No one is making anyone buy tickets so getting on here and complaining about it does nothing.. Jerry makes most of his money via TV contracts. It is an escape for me. I don't live my life for them like most on this site do. I have a family and a job and going to those games have been entertainment for me. None of you are better GM's than Will McClay and none of you have a clue about coaching so just keep some perspective
“He likes to suck you guys in. Consider yourself sucked” - Bill Parcells

Just as relevant for this
You are lost if you think people that go to games is only negate we are "Sucked in," by anything. I go to games because they are damn fun. What we win at the end of the season or not will not increase or take away from that fact.
Jones boys got you right where they want you.

Spending upwards of 10 grand a year on Cowboys related activities. Even got a nice picture of Stephen in your avatar there.

Some of you fans are way better than me.
For many fans that money is no big deal. Like going to the movies. Why any of you worry about how purges spend their money is something ill never understand.
Thankfully I sold my PSLs after the 2022 season. That year they raised ticket prices according to how well tickets resold on the 3rd party sites. I was hit with close to a 20% increase. That was it for me.
I just paid 5.60 for a bag of Fritos that has a 3rd less than before.....higher ticket price, crappier team

Enjoy the status quo on both things
Just got my STH invoice and these greedy buttholes raised prices again. I paid 6400 last year for four tickets and this year it’s 7300. Preseason went from 100 to 115 and regular season from 175 to 190. I’ve never sold tickets for profit but it’s becoming pretty clear that’s what this is all about with this franchise so I think it’s time to get with the program.
Seen and heard more of you guys than ever before who are locals with season tickets admit that you are or will be moving on to spend that money differently.

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