Tiger woods in car accident due to argument with wife? *Update Post #52*

CliffnMesquite;3107639 said:
There will be ****** and rumors of ******...

Nicely played, Cliff... and don't you enjoy the fact that some readers won't get that reference?? :D
What do Tiger Woods and baby seals have in common?

They both get clubed by Norwegian's.

Hos, I must've received 10 emails with that picture yesterday! :laugh1:
Aikmaniac;3114933 said:
Hos, I must've received 10 emails with that picture yesterday! :laugh1:
It's hilarious. Love the golf ball in the ear.
nyc;3114603 said:
Lets be honest here. I'm sure he is guilty, but she WAS attempting a money grab by releasing the audio and texts. (I haven't heard or seen any of it)

Well, that's what happens when you date party planners, waitresses and trailer trash who have an economic incentive to sell their stories once the relationship is exposed or goes sour. He used them, and now they're using him.
bbgun;3115088 said:
Well, that's what happens when you date party planners, waitresses and trailer trash who have an economic incentive to sell their stories once the relationship is exposed or goes sour. He used them, and now they're using him.


Exactly right.
nyc;3114603 said:
Lets be honest here. I'm sure he is guilty, but she WAS attempting a money grab by releasing the audio and texts. (I haven't heard or seen any of it)
Well yeah. My point to him is that there are no innocent parties here... except maybe Elin.

All these broads were geeked about sexing it up with Tiger knowing he was a married man. But Tiger knew what he was doing when he approached them.

This guy I'm referring to is the kinda guy who will defend the scum of the earth saying, "there's no proof!" just because he didn't see it. He just kept saying, "They're trying to take my boy down." I'm like support the guy, but you gotta acknowledge his BS.

bbgun;3115088 said:
Well, that's what happens when you date party planners, waitresses and trailer trash who have an economic incentive to sell their stories once the relationship is exposed or goes sour. He used them, and now they're using him.
One of the rare times we agree.
bbgun;3115088 said:
Well, that's what happens when you date party planners, waitresses and trailer trash who have an economic incentive to sell their stories once the relationship is exposed or goes sour. He used them, and now they're using him.

Umm.. They don't have to be party planners or waitresses. Gold diggers come in many forms and from ANY background.

My wife has a friend who makes well into six a figure salary on her own. She won't even give a guy a second look if his salary isn't 7 figures and carries a position of power.
nyc;3115131 said:
Umm.. They don't have to be party planners or waitresses. Gold diggers come in many forms and from ANY background.

My wife has a friend who makes well into six a figure salary on her own. She won't even give a guy a second look if his salary isn't 7 figures and carries a position of power.

The greater the disparity between his education/income/station in life and theirs, the greater the risk. Were he dating a Fortune 500 exec or a married woman with a family of her own, he would have been much less susceptible to blackmail or breaches of confidentiality. Believe it or not, skanks, hos and fame-chasers are not known for their discretion. They'll eagerly/greedily sell their stories to the tabs and talk shows because they have no reputations to preserve. Unlike Tiger, who could lose his family and a number of endorsement deals, they lose nothing. This is a boon to them, not a burden or career changer.
WoodysGirl;3115119 said:
Well yeah. My point to him is that there are no innocent parties here... except maybe Elin.

All these broads were geeked about sexing it up with Tiger knowing he was a married man. But Tiger knew what he was doing when he approached them.

This guy I'm referring to is the kinda guy who will defend the scum of the earth saying, "there's no proof!" just because he didn't see it. He just kept saying, "They're trying to take my boy down." I'm like support the guy, but you gotta acknowledge his BS.

One of the rare times we agree.

Sounds as if your friend has a fantasy of being there to watch Tiger having sex. That is a dedicated fan.

It is possible that one or all of these women that have come forward are lying. That doesn't change the fact that Tiger has admitted to doing something in his statement. That essentially is Tiger's admission that there was some fire to the smoke that was circulating earlier in the week.
apparently the golfer who hitched the 2 up is upset about it

news said:
A few days ago, we told you how in 2001, golfer Jesper Parnevik and his wife introduced their nanny, Elin Nordegren, to an up-and-coming young go-getter by the name of Tiger Woods. With all the revelations of late, seems Jesper isn't particularly happy with how Tiger has handled his marriage.

"I feel really sorry for Elin," he told The Golf Channel on Wednesday. "I would be especially sad about it since I'm kind of ... I really feel sorry for Elin, since me and my wife were at fault for hooking her up with him. We probably thought he was a better guy than he is. I would probably need to apologize to her and hope she uses a driver next time instead of the 3-iron."

Parnevik noted the privacy issue at the heart of the story, but understands that the rules are different for Tiger ... and not always in his favor: "It's a private thing, of course. But when you are the guy he is, the world's best athlete, you should think more before you do stuff. . . And maybe not just do it, like Nike says." (Click here for edited video.)

Parnevik clearly is personally wounded by Woods' "transgressions," so it's understandable that he'd tee off on Tiger. It's not likely we'll see other golfers criticize Woods openly; why would they? Most of Woods' fellow players, as noted here, have expressed support for Elin and her children, regret that Woods made poor choices, and hope that the Woods family will be able to get past this drama. Most have noted the microscope that all celebrities live under; left unsaid was the point that perhaps one ought to remember that microscope doesn't just focus on good behavior.

So far, Woods' sponsors have continued to express support, either explicitly or tacitly, and it's in that fashion that Woods will be able to continue to rehabilitate his image. No matter what happens next, it's likely that we won't be seeing ads that can be in any way mocked or misinterpreted, like Accenture's "The road to high performance isn't always paved" campaign.

strong words
Bob Sacamano;3115267 said:
apparently the golfer who hitched the 2 up is upset about it

strong words
Wow, now his fellow golfers are throwing him under the escalade.

No matter what anyone here says, his image has taken a huge hit.
Big Dakota;3115317 said:
Wow, now his fellow golfers are throwing him under the escalade.

They dont' have to throw him under. Tiger is a bad enough driver that he could probably run over himself in the escalade.
What were Tiger Woods and his wife doing out at 2.30 in the morning?

They went clubbing.


Tiger Woods crashed into a fire hydrant and a tree. He couldn't decide between a wood and an iron.


Apparently, the only person who can beat Tiger Woods with a golf club is his wife.

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