Tiger woods in car accident due to argument with wife? *Update Post #52*

Big Dakota;3115317 said:
Wow, now his fellow golfers are throwing him under the escalade.

No matter what anyone here says, his image has taken a huge hit.

Elin was Parnevik's nanny when she met Tiger, it would appear that he still feels protective toward her...

Good for him...
Seems both of their parents were at the house when all of this stuff went down.

That's sad.
Poor Tiger...

The media and a good deal of the people I hear talking about this act as though he's the first man to ever cheat. Forget the fact that there's websites devoted to people who have tired of their marriages to hook up on, and that tons of married men go to "massage" parlors or use the services of "professionals." Throw all that out of the window, Tiger is supposed to be different.

It's like piranhas when you throw chum in the water...
KJJ;3116466 said:
Apparently Tigers wife went clubbing the night of the accident.



Tiger's new name is Cheetah.
BraveHeartFan;3115583 said:
I'm not saying it's right, or that he's not a real jerk for doing it, but I'm not at all shocked by it and i just find it funny that anyone, including his wife, is surprised by it.


When someone has indicated to you that, "you can trust me with your heart", by standing up in God's house, in front of family and friends, promising and vowing to be faithful to you and forsake all others, ... I can understand the surprise, .. and shock, disappointment, hurt, humiliation, embarassment, etc, etc.

I got no use at all for men who cheat on their wife. None.

In my eyes, and I'm sure I'm in the minority, but in my eyes, what Tiger did is worse than what Vick did.
Thatkidbob;3116556 said:


Because she didn't just sit back and take it. I hope she takes him for all she can and leaves his *** too.

I applaud all celebrity wives who don't just allow their famous husbands to walk all over them.

I thought the Kobe situation was despicable and was made worse by the fat *** rock he gave his wife over the deal.

Adultery is something I think is about as low as it gets. Lower than a salamander's belly.
ConcordCowboy;3116593 said:

Tiger's new name is Cheetah.

Tiger may be a cheetah but at least he's not lion. Sorry I couldn't resist! lol Here's Tigers new Music video titled "Take Your Name Of Your Phone."

Thatkidbob;3116554 said:
Poor Tiger...

The media and a good deal of the people I hear talking about this act as though he's the first man to ever cheat. Forget the fact that there's websites devoted to people who have tired of their marriages to hook up on, and that tons of married men go to "massage" parlors or use the services of "professionals." Throw all that out of the window, Tiger is supposed to be different.

It's like piranhas when you throw chum in the water...

I think both sides are being dumb.

People who want to defend Tiger need to realize that he needs no protecting, and people who want to throw a fit need to realize that in the end someone else's private life doesn't affect you in the least.
I have been a fan of Tiger and really that has not changed. The man is a great golfer and I enjoy watching him play the game I love to play myself. As for his personal life that is his life. He made mistake and he and his wife will deal with it. I never thought of Woods as a saint he is a man who has flaws like anyone else but unlike most of us his mistakes will be dragged through the mud and the media.
Vikings' Longwell caught up in Tiger Woods hysteria
Posted by Michael David Smith on December 4, 2009 3:04 PM ET

The ongoing saga surrounding Tiger Woods is affecting the life of an NFL player: Minnesota Vikings kicker Ryan Longwell.

When he's not in Minnesota, Longwell lives near Woods in Florida, and Longwell said the tabloid attention has made things tough on his family -- especially his wife, Sarah, who has been confused with Woods' wife.

"Sarah and the kids went down Monday after the game," Longwell said. "They said there's paparazzi everywhere at the gates, and the helicopters are overhead all day. My wife is a blonde that wears sunglasses in Florida, so every time she comes out of the gates, they're snapping pictures."

Longwell said he's eager for the story to get out of the headlines so his wife and kids can go back to normal.

"She's got to get the kids to school, so it's not like you can stay inside," Longwell said. "It's just one of those things that you just deal with it. Obviously, it will pass. But how quick it will pass, who knows?"
Neighbors Told Cops Woods Was Snoring


(Dec. 4) -- A shoeless Tiger Woods snored on their lawn while the golfer's wife stood silently by in the minutes after his SUV crashed into a tree, neighbors told Florida investigators.

The Florida Highway Patrol on Thursday released the audio recording of their interview of Wood's longtime neighbors who rushed out of their house in the early hours of last Friday to help Woods.

Troopers issued a careless driving citation to Woods for the crash, but he will not face criminal charges, police said Tuesday.

Woods, 33, struck a fire hydrant and a tree with his 2009 Cadillac SUV in his luxury neighborhood near Windermere, Florida, early Friday, police said.
Kimberly Harris said she was awake in her bedroom when she heard "a faint, continuous knocking sound for about 10 or 15 minutes."
It was unclear from the interview what Harris heard.
Harris eventually noticed headlights shining toward her house from a vehicle on the lawn, so she awakened her brother, Jarius Adams.

"It's Tiger, dial 911," Harris said her brother yelled after rushing outside.
"I saw Tiger lying on the ground," Adams said. "Elin was talking to him," he said, referring to Woods' wife, Elin Nordegren.
"'Can you please help me, can you please help me?' " he said she asked.
After that, she "wasn't very verbal," Adams said. "She was actually very quiet. Just kind of in shock, you know, just kind of sitting there."
Nordegren told investigators she used a golf iron to smash a rear window so she could unlock the door to get her husband out after the wreck.
Woods appeared to have a cut lip, but he wasn't bleeding much, Adams told the troopers.
"Maybe if you'd have bitten your lip, or something like that," he said. "Nothing on his shirt, nothing on his hands."
It was a cool morning, so Adams and Harris covered Woods with a blanket and put pillows under his head, Adams said.
"I tried to just keep everyone kind of calm," he said.
When a trooper asked if Woods was unconscious, Adams said, "At that point, he was, uh, he was snoring."
"He was snoring?" the investigator asked.
"He was actually snoring," he said.
Adams said he never smelled alcohol on Woods' breath.
Woods eventually was placed in an ambulance and taken to a hospital. He was released several hours later. The police report called his injuries serious, but a spokesman for Woods described them as minor.
Woods cited the injuries as the reason for his decision not to attend his own charity golf tournament this week.
Big Dakota;3117355 said:
Woods cited the injuries as the reason for his decision not to attend his own charity golf tournament this week.

It's the injuries to his reputation that's keeping him out of his charity tournament. He's not ready to face the media or fans right now.
KJJ;3117100 said:
Tiger may be a cheetah but at least he's not lion. Sorry I couldn't resist! lol Here's Tigers new Music video titled "Take Your Name Of Your Phone."


KJJ;3117373 said:
It's the injuries to his reputation that's keeping him out of his charity tournament. He's not ready to face the media or fans right now.
The guy who once bragged he wasn't afraid of anything is now terrified to show his face in public. Although, in his defense, I can't say for sure I would act any differently if the entire nation was laughing at me so maybe I am being too harsh.
Rogah;3117393 said:
The guy who once bragged he wasn't afraid of anything is now terrified to show his face in public. Although, in his defense, I can't say for sure I would act any differently if the entire nation was laughing at me so maybe I am being too harsh.

I think he may have more important things to deal with at home right now. I'm sure embarrassment is playing a part in Tiger not playing in this tournament but I also think like most people in this type of situation he needs to patch things up a home.
Doomsday101;3117398 said:
I think he may have more important things to deal with at home right now. I'm sure embarrassment is playing a part in Tiger not playing in this tournament but I also think like most people in this type of situation he needs to patch things up a home.
It's got nothing to do with him wanting to patch things up at home. It has everything to do with him refusing to be seen and photographed all banged up. He doesn't want any pictures to get out that will follow him the rest of his life.

So he'll just let other golfers face the media on his behalf and raise money for his charity while he stays safely hidden away and refuses to answer questions or address the media.
Rogah;3117393 said:
The guy who once bragged he wasn't afraid of anything is now terrified to show his face in public. Although, in his defense, I can't say for sure I would act any differently if the entire nation was laughing at me so maybe I am being too harsh.

Tiger's too busy paying hush money and trying to figure out how he's going to handle this scandal. He knows the next time he shows up for tournament no one is going to want to talk about his golf game. This entire mess has got to be tearing him up worse than his wife did with that 3 iron.
Rogah;3117429 said:
It's got nothing to do with him wanting to patch things up at home. It has everything to do with him refusing to be seen and photographed all banged up. He doesn't want any pictures to get out that will follow him the rest of his life.

From the people who saw him he didn't look banged up he just had some blood on his lip. He doesn't want to show his face right now because of the embarrassment of the situation he's in and the media hounds that will be all over him wanting answers. I'm sure Tiger and the people around him are forming a strategy on how they're going to handle this to help salvage what they can of his image. If I was in his shoes I wouldn't be showing up either for awhile until I know exactly what I'm going to say and how I'm going to say it. He's feeling more stress right now than any putt he's ever stood over. He just needs to be honest about his affairs.
BraveHeartFan;3115583 said:
It always makes me laugh when anyone is at all surprised by these type of things. I can't help but laugh anytime anyone is geniunely surprised when an athlete is found to be a cheater.

I even laugh that much more when people feel sorry for the women they cheat on and act like those women didn't know, right from the get go, that there was a great shot of that happening to them.

If you marry a celebrity, be it an athlete, actor, actress, rock star, whatever the case then you'd better be prepared to one day be in the news for being cheated on. Its a regular occurence for people in those positions because they've got so many oppurtunities to cheat.

I'm not saying it's right, or that he's not a real jerk for doing it, but I'm not at all shocked by it and i just find it funny that anyone, including his wife, is surprised by it.

QFT. Couldn't agree more.

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