Tiger woods in car accident due to argument with wife? *Update Post #52*

Big Dakota;3112663 said:
Sounds like your little tiger world has come crashing down.

Burm does appear to be taking this a bit to personal. I wonder if he and Tiger are buds or something. :D
Big Dakota;3112651 said:
Tiger Woods -- New Woman Surfaces

TMZ has learned a woman has come forward to Us Weekly, claiming she had a 31-month affair with Tiger Woods and has a voicemail recording and texts to prove it.


The woman -- Jaimee Grubbs, claims she met Tiger in Las Vegas in April, 2007. The woman -- a cocktail waitress who was 21 at the time -- began what she says was a long-running affair with Tiger.

According to Us Weekly, Grubbs has more than 300 text messages from Tiger -- who married Elin Nordegren in 2004.

The magazine, which comes out tomorrow, claims Grubbs had 20 sexual encounters with Tiger. Us Weekly has photos, racy texts from Tiger, as well as a voicemail from November 24, in which Tiger suggests his wife might be on to the alleged affair.

Grubbs has appeared recently on VH1's "Tool Academy."

an uglier Paula Abdul

if I'm Tiger, I run with the story that I banged that other brunette

she was smokin'
Rogah;3112089 said:
I don't think the 5th amendment "trumps all police".

It does. It's a right that by law (Constitution) the government can't infringe upon.

Sure, someone accused of a crime can certainly plead the 5th
You just admitted that it's a right.

but in some states a spouse can be compelled to testify when domestic violence is involved
It's a subpoena to appear in court, it doesn't force you to testify against yourself. Any questions that could be used to make them a witness against themselves, they don't have to answer. BTW, that scenario is under the court's playground, which is basically the law, not the police, which are not. Police do not have anywhere near the power that a court does.
Danny White;3107638 said:
When I was in high school, I had a girlfriend who later (a couple years after we were no longer dating) became a stripper.

Through this line of work, she ended up meeting Tiger and he took a liking to her and started flying her out to various tournaments he was playing at for some quality time together.

This was years ago, of course, long before he was married, but I think it kinda speaks to the fact that despite his squeaky clean image, he does have a bit of a wild side when it comes to the ladies.

Mostly I just like telling this story because I think it's cool that I dated the same girl as Tiger Woods! :D

Do you know this woman?

Big Dakota;3112651 said:
Tiger Woods -- New Woman Surfaces

TMZ has learned a woman has come forward to Us Weekly, claiming she had a 31-month affair with Tiger Woods and has a voicemail recording and texts to prove it.


The woman -- Jaimee Grubbs, claims she met Tiger in Las Vegas in April, 2007. The woman -- a cocktail waitress who was 21 at the time -- began what she says was a long-running affair with Tiger.

According to Us Weekly, Grubbs has more than 300 text messages from Tiger -- who married Elin Nordegren in 2004.

The magazine, which comes out tomorrow, claims Grubbs had 20 sexual encounters with Tiger. Us Weekly has photos, racy texts from Tiger, as well as a voicemail from November 24, in which Tiger suggests his wife might be on to the alleged affair.

Grubbs has appeared recently on VH1's "Tool Academy."
interesting how you guys automatically believe the rags on something like this. I hate that garbage and that is why I am glad to see Tiger sticking it to them by giving them SQUAT. And by the way there is already a fair amount of doubt being shown about the US rags BS. Considering how some of you defend who you like its interesting I get called names because I am defending Tiger.
wow, tiger is being taken apart.

If you want to be married get married.

If you dont. Don't.

now he has to have his legacy destroyed because he is bored with having sex with one woman. All the texts and phone calls are going to destroy him.
theebs;3113530 said:
wow, tiger is being taken apart.

If you want to be married get married.

If you dont. Don't.

now he has to have his legacy destroyed because he is bored with having sex with one woman. All the texts and phone calls are going to destroy him.

No it won't. Not even close. This guy is bigger than Kobe and Kobe was charged with rape.

The media is going to make a huge fuss. After a while their readers will stop caring so they will stop publishing garbage about it and Tiger will walk away and continue to make hundreds of millions of dollars.

Cheating is so freaking common these days that it practically means nothing to most people except those on the losing end of it. (which is a major shame)

This is nothing but reality tv and like all reality tv shows. The end up dying off. So will this one.
nyc;3113542 said:
No it won't. Not even close. This guy is bigger than Kobe and Kobe was charged with rape.

The media is going to make a huge fuss. After a while their readers will stop caring so they will stop publishing garbage about it and Tiger will walk away and continue to make hundreds of millions of dollars.

Cheating is so freaking common these days that it practically means nothing to most people except those on the losing end of it. (which is a major shame)

This is nothing but reality tv and like all reality tv shows. The end up dying off. So will this one.

well of course it will die off and his golf play will keep him loved.

But because of the phone calls and texts people will make fun of him forever.

Unlike kobe, no one had phone messages or text messages to the girl he was with.

its a different ballgame when people have the calls and texts....pat obrien comes to mind....remember those crazy phone calls!!!!
hairic;3112971 said:
It does. It's a right that by law (Constitution) the government can't infringe upon.

You just admitted that it's a right.

It's a subpoena to appear in court, it doesn't force you to testify against yourself. Any questions that could be used to make them a witness against themselves, they don't have to answer. BTW, that scenario is under the court's playground, which is basically the law, not the police, which are not. Police do not have anywhere near the power that a court does.
No no no... I am not talking about self-incrimination. I agree that no individual accused of a crime can be forced to speak, either to the police or in court. I am talking about some states where in cases of domestic violence, a spouse can be forced to testify against his/her abusive husband/wife even without wanting to file charges. These laws are in place because of the number of abused spouses who do not want to testify against their spouse.

I don't know if Florida is one such state and it is a moot point because the police have let the whole matter drop. But if there was probable cause to investigate domestic violence, then in some states the victim cannot legally plead the fifth or exercise the right to remain silent. So there is a chance that if the police had probable cause to believe Elin beat Tiger senseless over the head with a golf club, then they very well could have forced an interview with him as a victim of domestic violence - not as the one accused of the crime.
burmafrd;3113416 said:
interesting how you guys automatically believe the rags on something like this. I hate that garbage and that is why I am glad to see Tiger sticking it to them by giving them SQUAT. And by the way there is already a fair amount of doubt being shown about the US rags BS. Considering how some of you defend who you like its interesting I get called names because I am defending Tiger.
I didn't "automatically believe the rags" when the story first broke. But as the events of the past week have unfolded, I sure as heck believe the rags much more than I believe Tiger.

I've said it before in this thread and I'll say it again: I am not saying that every single detailin "the rags" is true, but when it comes to the basic point of whether or not Tiger was cheatin', then AFAIC there is no longer any reasonable doubt.
theebs;3113530 said:
wow, tiger is being taken apart.

If you want to be married get married.

If you dont. Don't.

now he has to have his legacy destroyed because he is bored with having sex with one woman. All the texts and phone calls are going to destroy him.
It won't destroy him, and I doubt he will lose any of his biggest endorsement deals. But what it will do is forever tarnish his legacy.
He's pretty much issued a non-denial now on his website, but he's still pretty gutless for hiding out in the corner like a frightened puppy while his own charity tournament is going on.


I have let my family down and I regret those transgressions with all of my heart. I have not been true to my values and the behavior my family deserves. I am not without faults and I am far short of perfect. I am dealing with my behavior and personal failings behind closed doors with my family. Those feelings should be shared by us alone.

Although I am a well-known person and have made my career as a professional athlete, I have been dismayed to realize the full extent of what tabloid scrutiny really means. For the last week, my family and I have been hounded to expose intimate details of our personal lives. The stories in particular that physical violence played any role in the car accident were utterly false and malicious. Elin has always done more to support our family and shown more grace than anyone could possibly expect.

But no matter how intense curiosity about public figures can be, there is an important and deep principle at stake which is the right to some simple, human measure of privacy. I realize there are some who don't share my view on that. But for me, the virtue of privacy is one that must be protected in matters that are intimate and within one's own family. Personal sins should not require press releases and problems within a family shouldn't have to mean public confessions.

Whatever regrets I have about letting my family down have been shared with and felt by us alone. I have given this a lot of reflection and thought and I believe that there is a point at which I must stick to that principle even though it's difficult. I will strive to be a better person and the husband and father that my family deserves. For all of those who have supported me over the years, I offer my profound apology.

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