Tiger woods in car accident due to argument with wife? *Update Post #52*

joseephuss;3110652 said:
Where is his tournament played? Does he have to get there by plane? I have heard that guys with concussions or some types of head trauma are better off not traveling by air for some time after they suffer their injury. His excuse is plausible if there is air travel involved even if you don't believe it is probable.

I read he was unconscious when the ambulance arrived and they did some pressure point stuff on him to wake him up and he opened an eye and then fell back unconscious again.

Poor Tiger

All of this because some flippin fire hydrant got in the way.
Dallas;3110655 said:
I read he was unconscious when the ambulance arrived and they did some pressure point stuff on him to wake him up and he opened an eye and then fell back unconscious again.

Poor Tiger

All of this because some flippin fire hydrant got in the way.

I think the whole thing is a cover up because Tiger doesn't want to admit to the whole world that he doesn't know how to drive. We all knew the Tiger driving a Buick commercials were fake. We just didn't know how fake they were.
joseephuss;3110666 said:
I think the whole thing is a cover up because Tiger doesn't want to admit to the whole world that he doesn't know how to drive. We all knew the Tiger driving a Buick commercials were fake. We just didn't know how fake they were.

:lmao2: :lmao2:

Whoaaaa Fire Hydrant Cop !!!

State law says Tiger has no obligation to say anything to anyone as long as he pays for damage to the hydrant and makes no insurance claim. I would laugh so hard if he gave all the media the middle finger. Stick this BS "right to know" Garbage. I listened today as the NE's garbage picker tried to defend his story (a lot tougher now that the so called woman in question has publicly denied everything). THeir so called evidence was nothing but hearsay and so called text messages. NOTHING else.
burmafrd;3110683 said:
State law says Tiger has no obligation to say anything to anyone as long as he pays for damage to the hydrant and makes no insurance claim. I would laugh so hard if he gave all the media the middle finger. Stick this BS "right to know" Garbage. I listened today as the NE's garbage picker tried to defend his story (a lot tougher now that the so called woman in question has publicly denied everything). THeir so called evidence was nothing but hearsay and so called text messages. NOTHING else.

This doesn't apply when there is an injury in an auto accident. Why do you think FHP is seeking a warrant to speak to him and his wife? There has to be a police report if there is injury.
joseephuss;3110652 said:
Where is his tournament played? Does he have to get there by plane? I have heard that guys with concussions or some types of head trauma are better off not traveling by air for some time after they suffer their injury. His excuse is plausible if there is air travel involved even if you don't believe it is probable.
And it looks like we have someone interested in some prime Florida swampland! I can start you at $10,000 an acre. Just let me know how much you want. I accept cash only, please.
burmafrd;3110683 said:
State law says Tiger has no obligation to say anything to anyone as long as he pays for damage to the hydrant and makes no insurance claim. I would laugh so hard if he gave all the media the middle finger. Stick this BS "right to know" Garbage. I listened today as the NE's garbage picker tried to defend his story (a lot tougher now that the so called woman in question has publicly denied everything). THeir so called evidence was nothing but hearsay and so called text messages. NOTHING else.
As soon as he breaks off the affair, she'll come clean. And there is nothing BS about the "right to know" when it comes to domestic violence, which there well could be here. I think it will all come down to what the hospital report says to determine if we have probable cause to investigate further.
Dallas;3110689 said:
This doesn't apply when there is an injury in an auto accident. Why do you think FHP is seeking a warrant to speak to him and his wife? There has to be a police report if there is injury.

Actually, it always applies (at least by law, it should, being the Constitution/supreme law).

5th amendment trumps all police, and spanks their bums as a display of dominance. Also protects the spouse.

The police can do all the investigating that they want, but they can't compel Tiger or his wife to speak a single word, beyond simple identifying info (whatever Florida state law is, like name).

Random talk ("Don't Talk to the Police"): http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4097602514885833865#
Just about every "legal" expert talking head has said the same thing: the cops have no cause for doing anything unless someone signs a complaint. There is not going to be any search warrant or anything like that. There is not going to be a grand jury since the local DA wants to run for office (just like most of them do) and he knows that Tiger is VERY popular and he would lose a lot of votes if he tried anything.
hairic;3111189 said:
Actually, it always applies (at least by law, it should, being the Constitution/supreme law).

5th amendment trumps all police, and spanks their bums as a display of dominance. Also protects the spouse.

The police can do all the investigating that they want, but they can't compel Tiger or his wife to speak a single word, beyond simple identifying info (whatever Florida state law is, like name).

Random talk ("Don't Talk to the Police"): http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=-4097602514885833865#
I don't think the 5th amendment "trumps all police". Sure, someone accused of a crime can certainly plead the 5th, but in some states a spouse can be compelled to testify when domestic violence is involved. This is because of all the times a woman is a victim of domestic violence and then refuses to say anything. However, I don't know the laws in Florida so I don't know if this applies there.
burmafrd;3111909 said:
Just about every "legal" expert talking head has said the same thing: the cops have no cause for doing anything unless someone signs a complaint. There is not going to be any search warrant or anything like that. There is not going to be a grand jury since the local DA wants to run for office (just like most of them do) and he knows that Tiger is VERY popular and he would lose a lot of votes if he tried anything.
That isn't what the legal experts I have heard have been saying. It all gets back to the fact that laws are different when it comes to domestic violence because it is often difficult to get an abused spouse to formally file a complaint. In many states, domestic violence has its own separate set of laws for precisely that reason.
It's true. Here in NM, if an officer is called in on a domestic violence deal, the offender automatically get arrested and goes to jail. The person who called it in doesn't have to want to press charges or even testify against the offender. The officer has the authority to investigate and arrest once they respond regardless.
Whats the difference between a Cadillac Escalade and a golf ball?

Tiger can drive a golf ball 300 yards.
CowboyWay;3112613 said:
Whats the difference between a Cadillac Escalade and a golf ball?

Tiger can drive a golf ball 300 yards.

CowboyWay;3112613 said:
Whats the difference between a Cadillac Escalade and a golf ball?

Tiger can drive a golf ball 300 yards.

That is pretty funny.

You can also say something about Tiger usually keeps the golf balls out of the trees.
Tiger Woods -- New Woman Surfaces

TMZ has learned a woman has come forward to Us Weekly, claiming she had a 31-month affair with Tiger Woods and has a voicemail recording and texts to prove it.


The woman -- Jaimee Grubbs, claims she met Tiger in Las Vegas in April, 2007. The woman -- a cocktail waitress who was 21 at the time -- began what she says was a long-running affair with Tiger.

According to Us Weekly, Grubbs has more than 300 text messages from Tiger -- who married Elin Nordegren in 2004.

The magazine, which comes out tomorrow, claims Grubbs had 20 sexual encounters with Tiger. Us Weekly has photos, racy texts from Tiger, as well as a voicemail from November 24, in which Tiger suggests his wife might be on to the alleged affair.

Grubbs has appeared recently on VH1's "Tool Academy."

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