Tiger Woods "presser" is ridiculous

ajk23az;3282639 said:
How do you know he's not sorry? :confused:

Because common sense tells me he'd be whoring it up to this very day had he not been caught. Why is he issuing a public apology anyway? We're not his wife, and she's the only one it's owed to.
bbgun;3282679 said:
Because common sense tells me he'd be whoring it up to this very day had he not been caught. Why is he issuing a public apology anyway? We're not his wife, and she's the only one it's owed to.

Kobe issued an apology. Whenever one of the most recognizable athletes does something like this, they apologize. I'm not saying he had to, but its common practice. Tiger is/was the most recognizable athletes in the world and he wanted the world to know he was sorry.
really don't understand the obsession with peoples personal lives. do i care if my employer cheats on his wife? not so long as they keep paying me, so long as the bus driver gets me to and from where i need to go he can have all the mistresses in the world for all i care. what the guy selling me my groceries gets up to when his wifes away is between him and his wife nothing to do with me. just because sports stars or actors are well known and well paid i'm supposed to give a ****?
if i cheated or my girlfriend did i would be either devasted or disgusted with myself but since none of the previous scenarios are anything to do with me i really couldn't care less and nor should i in my opinion since its none of my business. if others want to hold people to their own moral standard and judge people then thats their prerogative but i'd rather just focus on my own life.

if he wanted to shag about he shouldn't have got married but as far i'm concerned thats between him and his wife. the only reason it impacts on his golf is because of the obsession with celebrity and the need to know every detail of their private (its called that for a reason) lives.

or in short no i never watched the press conference.
It was none of anyone's business and the only people who deserved an apology were members of his immediate family.

Tiger is still one of the best golfers in the world, similar to other great players who have had extremely embarrassing moments, I believe it would've all went away once he won his first Major, maybe even his first tournament.

Most of the people that say that don't like Tiger because of his infidelities, either bought into the "perfect person" hype he was selling or didn't like him anyway.
ajk23az;3282682 said:
Kobe issued an apology. Whenever one of the most recognizable athletes does something like this, they apologize. I'm not saying he had to, but its common practice. Tiger is/was the most recognizable athletes in the world and he wanted the world to know he was sorry.

He has to follow Kobe's lead? Ridiculous. Charlie Sheen has had just as many dalliances with women (not to mention scrapes with the law), but I don't remember any public mea culpas from him.
bbgun;3282701 said:
He has to follow Kobe's lead? Ridiculous. Charlie Sheen has had just as many dalliances with women (not to mention scrapes with the law), but I don't remember any public mea culpas from him.

Did I say he has to follow Kobe's lead? No. (Which I actually stated in my previous post but you declined to acknowledge it). I said Kobe did it too, did you say the same about Kobe when he issued his apology? I bet you think Charlie Sheen is as recognizable as Kobe and Tiger huh? Both Kobe and Tiger has had/has A LOT more influence on other people's lives than Charlie Sheen ever will.
ajk23az;3282709 said:
Did I say he has to follow Kobe's lead? No. (Which I actually stated in my previous post but you declined to acknowledge it). I said Kobe did it too, did you say the same about Kobe when he issued his apology? I bet you think Charlie Sheen is as recognizable as Kobe and Tiger huh? Both Kobe and Tiger has had/has A LOT more influence on other people's lives than Charlie Sheen ever will.

a serious question, what influence have either had on peoples lives? i mean other than winning at their chosen sport and giving the fans happiness because i really don't see what they do in their personal life influencing their ability to do that
ajk23az;3282709 said:
Did I say he has to follow Kobe's lead? No. (Which I actually stated in my previous post but you declined to acknowledge it). I said Kobe did it too, did you say the same about Kobe when he issued his apology?

You said Kobe established a precedent. Of course, Bryant was accused of rape, so if anyone had an incentive to clear the air, it was him. Tiger? Just a run of the mill philanderer. As such, no need for a press conference.

bet you think Charlie Sheen is as recognizable as Kobe and Tiger huh?

Absofrickinglutely he is. Far more people watch primetime programs like "Two and a Half Men" than golf or the NBA.

Both Kobe and Tiger has had/has A LOT more influence on other people's lives than Charlie Sheen ever will.

Some buffoon on ESPN commented that this was one of those moments where you would remember where you were when Tiger apologized to the world.

Good grief.

I'd rather he came out in a pair of shorts and Hawaian shirt, a Panama Jack hat...pulled up a chair and propped up his feet, opened a bottled beer and said "What's up?"

He owed nothing to this audience.

And while I'm here I'd like to apologize to everyone for my affairs with each female ADA on Law & Order.
bbgun;3282717 said:
You said Kobe established a precedent. Of course, Bryant was accused of rape, so if anyone had an incentive to clear the air, it was him. Tiger? Just a run of the mill philanderer. As such, no need for a press conference.

Absofrickinglutely he is. Far more people watch primetime programs like "Two and a Half Men" than golf or the NBA.


LMAO at you saying Charlie Sheen is more recognizable than Tiger or Kobe. There goes any credibility you had. What a pathetic statement.

And you laugh at me saying kobe and tiger has had influence on peoples lives huh?

Go google "Charlie Sheen Charity," you get NOTHING. Now go google the same for Tiger and Kobe. Both have charities that do things for kids and the needy. I'm not even counting the number of people Kobe and Tiger has inspired to take up basketball and golf. Golf in itself teaches invaluable things. The more people Tiger gets to start golf, the better.
jackrussell;3282722 said:
Some buffoon on ESPN commented that this was one of those moments where you would remember where you were when Tiger apologized to the world.

Good grief.

I'd rather he came out in a pair of shorts and Hawaian shirt, a Panama Jack hat...pulled up a chair and propped up his feet, opened a bottled beer and said "What's up?"

He owed nothing to this audience.

And while I'm here I'd like to apologize to everyone for my affairs with each female ADA on Law & Order.

now that i would have watched
bbgun;3282717 said:
Absofrickinglutely he is. Far more people watch primetime programs like "Two and a Half Men" than golf or the NBA.
Not a chance. Did you see the Olympics in Beijing? Kobe is the most popular athlete in that entire country. I bet most have never heard of Charlie Sheen.

No way any athlete is more widely known right now than Tiger. No way at all.
ajk23az;3282724 said:
LMAO at you saying Charlie Sheen is more recognizable than Tiger or Kobe. There goes any credibility you had. What a pathetic statement.

And you laugh at me saying kobe and tiger has had influence on peoples lives huh?

Go google "Charlie Sheen Charity," you get NOTHING. Now go google the same for Tiger and Kobe. Both have charities that do things for kids and the needy. I'm not even counting the number of people Kobe and Tiger has inspired to take up basketball and golf. Golf in itself teaches invaluable things. The more people Tiger gets to start golf, the better.

how does tiger cheating on his wife have any impact on his charity donations/work? other than obviously if she'd taken him to the cleaners and he'd been unable to give any more.
ajk23az;3282724 said:
LMAO at you saying Charlie Sheen is more recognizable than Tiger or Kobe. There goes any credibility you had. What a pathetic statement.

Why? He comes from a famous acting family and has been in the public eye for like 20+ years.

And you laugh at me saying kobe and tiger has had influence on peoples lives huh?

Go google "Charlie Sheen Charity," you get NOTHING. Now go google the same for Tiger and Kobe. Both have charities that do things for kids and the needy. I'm not even counting the number of people Kobe and Tiger has inspired to take up basketball and golf. Golf in itself teaches invaluable things. The more people Tiger gets to start golf, the better.

First you said "recognizable," and then you switched to "influential." Please make up your mind. BTW, Sheen has done PSAs for the Wounded Warrior Project and colon cancer screening, so let's stop pretending that a banger like Kobe has a monopoly on virtue.
daschoo;3282713 said:
a serious question, what influence have either had on peoples lives? i mean other than winning at their chosen sport and giving the fans happiness because i really don't see what they do in their personal life influencing their ability to do that


When I have children, one of the first lessons I will impart to them is celebrities are not role models. Examine their lives critically before you decide they're worthy of emulation.
ScipioCowboy;3282747 said:

When I have children, one of the first lessons I will impart to them is celebrities are not role models. Examine their lives critically before you decide they're worthy of emulation.

so what you're saying is tiger being a horny wee so and so has had a positive influence on your life :D
ScipioCowboy;3282747 said:

When I have children, one of the first lessons I will impart to them is celebrities are not role models. Examine their lives critically before you decide they're worthy of emulation.
How many African Americans are avid golf fans pre-Tiger versus now? How many young African Americans took up golf because of Tiger? Did you know several of the most prestigious country clubs in America did not allow African American membership until he actually burst onto the scene and they wanted him to play their courses?

I'm sorry, but Tiger Woods has had a huge impact. You don't get gigantic endorsement deals by being someone who does not stir the drink.

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