Tiger Woods "presser" is ridiculous

"Little by little the look of the country changes because of the men we admire."

Melvyn Douglas
Hud- 1963
I lost all respect for Tiger... not that I had any in the first place. My favorite golfer is Tony Romo.
Hostile;3282727 said:
Not a chance. Did you see the Olympics in Beijing? Kobe is the most popular athlete in that entire country. I bet most have never heard of Charlie Sheen.

No way any athlete is more widely known right now than Tiger. No way at all.

Tiger isn't an athlete, he's a golfer. And his behavior is disgusting. The guy not only cheated on his wife, but he cheated on his kids too. He let them down big time. He will forever be a loser in my eyes.
ScipioCowboy;3282747 said:

When I have children, one of the first lessons I will impart to them is celebrities are not role models. Examine their lives critically before you decide they're worthy of emulation.

Doomsday101;3282446 said:
I really do not know why this is such as issue for some? He cheated on his wife, news flash the same could be said for many in the entertainment world (actors, musicians and athletes) I'm not justifying what he did but then this is really an issue between a man and his wife.

Why the media feels they need to know I don't quite understand he is not using tax payer dollars to fund his sexcapades like a politician he is just a man who messed up but he took nothing away from anyone did no harm to anyone other than his wife. If she forgives him or does not forgive him that is between him and her.

I think it is kind of pathetic we live in a national enquirer’s bubble where the public feels they need to know every dirty secret about a person. Is it because we have a feel the need to tear down a person because he has accumulated wealth or recognitions? Tiger stood up today and said he was sorry as far as I'm concerned he does not owe me any apology he did not wrong me in any way shape of form he wronged his wife and kids let them work it out.

I agree this should not be being played out in public
I fully understand this "need to know" should be kept in balance.

On the other hand I understand why some folks want to know what's going on with his personal life. And Tiger owes some revelation (IMO) based upon the fact that he has heavily leveraged his "image" for financial gain to this point. If you choose to walk that path, be ready for the good and bad of it. This is the hard part of it.

I also don't think it's nuts for people to look to athletes or celebrities as role models. I think its quite natural. Got good role models around you in your family life? Good for you. Focus there. Some don't or for whatever reason are stirred by the life of a celebrity. That's no sin. I don't think folks need to be looked down upon for that.

As in most things... balance is key.
Tiger derailed and people love to watch a train wreck. And that's natural. That's how society is.

It is also not unexpected that many guys who are constantly exposed to high temptation situations would ultimately succumb. That's rather natural too.
ZeroClub;3283740 said:
Tiger derailed and people love to watch a train wreck. And that's natural. That's how society is.

It is also not unexpected that many guys who are constantly exposed to high temptation situations would ultimately succumb. That's rather natural too.

My guess is this behavior was going on before he got married and he should have just not got married.

That is what I never understand about most of Hollywood they get married then go out and cheat on each other all the time they know they are going to why don't they just not get married.
One girlfriend got knocked up twice by Tiger. Supposedly, the first was a miscarriage, the second was an abortion.

And now there are rumors about the gay Tiger.

It just keeps getting worse for him.
ninja;3283988 said:
One girlfriend got knocked up twice by Tiger. Supposedly, the first was a miscarriage, the second was an abortion.

And now there are rumors about the gay Tiger.

It just keeps getting worse for him.

Hostile;3282727 said:
Not a chance. Did you see the Olympics in Beijing? Kobe is the most popular athlete in that entire country. I bet most have never heard of Charlie Sheen.

No way any athlete is more widely known right now than Tiger. No way at all.

I bet Yao Ming and a billion chinamen would disagree with you.
CowboyWay;3284016 said:
I bet Yao Ming and a billion chinamen would disagree with you.
According to the Olympics Kobe was the biggest draw.

Certainly bigger than Charlie Sheen.

I certainly struck a nerve with the Charlie Sheen reference.
ninja;3283988 said:
One girlfriend got knocked up twice by Tiger. Supposedly, the first was a miscarriage, the second was an abortion.

And now there are rumors about the gay Tiger.

It just keeps getting worse for him.

Joe Rod;3284536 said:

I was just curious about the gay sources... I already know he's a sleazebag. It would exacerbate the sensationalism if he were gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.

I sort of enjoy watching this. I don't like golf anyway. I'm sort of an Eddie Haskel when I drive by someone mid-swing.



I think I've watched too many Jackarse episodes.
CowboyMcCoy;3284610 said:
I was just curious about the gay sources... I already know he's a sleazebag. It would exacerbate the sensationalism if he were gay. Not that there's anything wrong with that.


Right, .. I'm so tired of reading this.

Everyone can make their own choice when it come to who you are intimate with, .. but stop picturing two guys holding hands and skipping through a field of daises, and take a second and picture them doing what they actually do to, and with each other, and then tell yourself that that is normal.

(Waiting for this post to be deleted, ... and three, and two and one.)
WV Cowboy;3284717 said:

Right, .. I'm so tired of reading this.

Everyone can make their own choice when it come to who you are intimate with, .. but stop picturing two guys holding hands and skipping through a field of daises, and take a second and picture them doing what they actually do to, and with each other, and then tell yourself that that is normal.

(Waiting for this post to be deleted, ... and three, and two and one.)

Conversely, two women sharing a bath can be a beautiful thing.

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