Time for us to Abandon the Cowboys

Never happen, that's like telling me to abandon beer, its bad for me, gives me a headache and makes me do minor stupid stuff but I like it too much.
if you only do minor stupid stuff, then you aren't drinkin enough, pal. Get to it!
Never happen, that's like telling me to abandon beer, it’s bad for me, gives me a headache and makes me do minor stupid stuff but I like it too much.
Read, watch, post…fine. Just don’t give that bum a nickel of your money.
. So the least we can do is just leave this team with the Jones family. They deserve it
No Can do. As I always say- we can trade in wives, GFs, cars, jobs, boats, houses etc. Two things we cannot trade in: our sports teams and our pets (especially dogs).
I’m hear to see the train wreck. I love me a good crash when narcissism and arrogance is behind the wheel.

It’s surely unfortunate that my favorite team since I was seven years old and little old me watched and cried as it suffered a defeat to the 49ers in the 1982 NFC “The Catch” championship game and its fans has to suffer though too.
The Dallas Cowboys as we knew them are dead. Dead buried and gone. It’s far past time for us to all just leave. This is why Jerry wants? Then have at it big boy. Jerry’s legacy is and will forever be known as the man who completely destroyed the greatest franchise in NFL history. What a buffoon. So the least we can do is just leave this team with the Jones family. They deserve it
Nope. It is time, however, to withdraw emotions and bring forth laughter at the ineptitude. And whiskey!!!!!!!!!!
I won't give up the Cowboys, but I might have to find a next to favorite team.
Exactly what I'm doing. Just going to more casually keep up with Dallas and pick an AFC team to start watching some. Might just put football on the backburner a bit in general instead. Too depressing.

Can't just quit being a fan of the only team I really cared about rooting for my entire life though.
Football Cardinals fans, Cleveland baseball fans, Lions fans, Cubs fans and Bosox fans (just to name a few teams) have to roll their eyes when listening to the whining that goes on with Cowboys fans. THOSE people know true suffering. To THEM - we are a bunch of spoiled neophyte crybabies.
The Dallas Cowboys as we knew them are dead. Dead buried and gone. It’s far past time for us to all just leave. This is why Jerry wants? Then have at it big boy. Jerry’s legacy is and will forever be known as the man who completely destroyed the greatest franchise in NFL history. What a buffoon. So the least we can do is just leave this team with the Jones family. They deserve it
Ok, bye?
OK you first that includes you deleting all your Dallas cowboy accounts and never breathing another word about the Dallas Cowboys because when you post in Dallas cowboy areas where their content and their name are included it is still helping Jerry in advertising and keeping the Dallas Cowboys name relevant so you first delete this account delete all your Dallas Cowboys accounts give away all your Dallas gears and never mention the Dallas Cowboys ever again so start there if not how about this you let us decide..

I remember during last offseason everyone tried that with the whole fire GM posters the hashtag fire the GM they tried to embarrass Jerry and where did it lead us nowhere the stadium was still just about as full as it normally is it didn't have much effect on ratings people still watch the games we still had some of the most highest rated games in viewership it literally there I can't even count there's at least 75 Facebook accounts group pages that have the Dallas cowboy name in it there's probably five of these types of forms with the Dallas Cowboys name on them you all are still contributing to the Dallas Cowboys even if you're not going to the games or buying gear there's there's more to this than that it's what the league sees the Cowboys as and the league sees the Cowboys as a rating grab so we'll see how many primetime games they have this year if they're ever removed from the Thanksgiving game we'll see when the Cowboys are dead when they actually are dead not in your mind this is all in your head..

If the Dallas Cowboys were dead we wouldn't be here discussing them I mean look at Twitter and Facebook it's on fire with the Dallas Cowboys even if it's negative it does not matter there is no bad publicity you're carrying this torch for Jerry if you're simply just talking about the Dallas Cowboys that's how the Internet works when you even say the word Dallas Cowboys on your Google or your Cortana or anywhere you're Siri all of a sudden your content increases how is that we all know how that is it's an algorithm and you are helping that movement stay at the top and that's a win for Jerry so if you guys think all these little temper tantrums the Internet protests the signs the poster boards selling all your tickets it isn't gonna work unless it is done over A5 year. You're gonna have to half empty that stadium and convince people not to go not to buy gear and not to talk about the Dallas Cowboys ever like completely ignore them and that includes ESPN I mean you know almost every one of their shows at least one segment mentions the Dallas Cowboys why is that they're the ones fueling this fire I know they're being negative but that doesn't matter to Jerry..​
But lastly and I'm gonna finish where I started if you believe all that nonsense that happened in the offseason with the angry Internet protest in at the game and the bags on your head and the poster boards a lot of that went away when they went on a little winning streak it's kind of weird that way right when they had a chance to possibly make the playoffs and all of a sudden they were forgiven it was that fast and that easy but did it affect Jerry did all those signs all those protests and all those negative segments all across social media and ESPN did it change no because he hired Brian schottenheimer anyway he did not go out and get a fan favorite he decided to just keep doing what he's always done and that will probably be the case...​
So there you go lower your expectations watch football for football follow the Dallas Cowboys because they're the team that you follow and support not because of who the owner is or who the coach is who the quarterback is because of the star that logo is why I'm a die hard Cowboys fan and I always will be and there's no protest that I know of that's gonna change the popularity of the Dallas Cowboys whether it's good bad or indifferent they will always be prominent they will always be relative and you don't like it that's OK you get to delete and stop talking about them all you want...​
i choose not to but thank you very much.. And we'll see how dead they are this coming season when the game start and the ratings.. so until then ..se ya BYE!
You do realize every team’s fanbase feels as strongly about their favorite team as Cowboys fans feel about their’s, right? The hundreds of fan forums, like this one, maintains and solidifies teams’ fans. You lament the Cowboys’ current posture with exceedingly long posts. Allow others to show their frustrations as they allow you.

You are not more of a Cowboys fan than anyone else.
You do realize every team’s fanbase feels as strongly about their favorite team as Cowboys fans feel about their’s, right? The hundreds of fan forums, like this one, maintains and solidifies teams’ fans. You lament the Cowboys’ current posture with exceedingly long posts. Allow others to show their frustrations as they allow you.

You are not more of a Cowboys fan than anyone else.
HM you find his posts kind of long? :)
That's not something new. It's been true for years.
It's not true though they'll never be totally dead because you guys keep talking about them you moderate a forum that holds their name it draws attention to the Internet they call it an algorithm anytime somebody's talking about the Cowboys good bad or indifferent you're keeping the fire lit..

And as long as that happens they will continue to fill up stadiums whether it be with the right kind of fans or not they're going to be at the stadium and no it won't be 75% the enemy people wanna try to exaggerate it's not happening it happens at all stadiums though when it does happen occasionally their games that you're going to have an unusual amount of other people's fans and it happens with the Cowboys that other people's stadiums,,

don't we use the word dead,

I don't see where that fits they literally are talked about almost daily not just on social media ESPN finds a way to talk about them the league finds a way to put them in more primetime games that are still getting ratings and I said good that or indifferent this team is so far from dead I mean how is it a team like the Browns isn't considered dead they haven't even won a division title since 1989 and they have actually in fact done all these things that the fans say are the right way to do it you know spending money in free agency firing their coach firing their GM health they even had their team leave started a new team so they've had new owners new GMs they've had so many first round picks you know say tank everyone says do that let's tank that's the answer no there's still a dozen teams at minimum that do it the way fans think it needs to be structured and they're not considered dead but they are far more dead than the Cowboys cause the Cowboys are constantly talked about there are more group pages and social media pages like this forum than any other team hell it might be any other team combined other than the popular 5 or 6 teams that we always seem to be in competition with..

But you better talk to the NFL and ESPN and contact creators because I don't think they realize that Cowboys are dead because they get most of their clicks and their ratings from talking about the Dallas Cowboys...​
So they're no longer considered a football power but that way that Jerry's been saving our team from becoming dead or irrelevant is just doing enough to stay in the top ten in regular season win percentage they've been to the playoffs 5 out of the last eight seasons so they get there their winning divisions they're literally doing more than most teams who are really considered dead are doing and I'm not saying that's enough I'm just saying stop acting like the Dallas Cowboys are not relative and they're forgotten because they're far from that it's a complete other spectrum...​
And again I'm not agreeing with what Jerry does or says I'm just saying stop using the word dead and everybody in here gets so riled up out of control threatens to leave threatens to not be a fan anymore and yet they seem to still be a very popular team to talk about.. that is not dead.​
Be sure to slice your ball directly at Jerry Jones' head if you spot him standing anywhere within striking distance. Most likely you will never see him BUT IF YOU DO...
Easy. He'll be in the clubhouse, ordering another Johnny Walker Blue.
My interest was snuffed out on Sept 8th hearing of the Dak extension....I watched maybe 10 minutes of the Cowboys/Browns games that day because my Dodgers were on TV at the same time....I still come on here because it's entertaining....and to torture Rambo and Rockport. Far as football goes??? I honestly don't know what I'd have done if my Sun Devils hadn't risen from the ashes...I'm thinking real hard about following my brothers Chargers....and all this is after coming up on 50 years as a fan. (Hail Mary December 1975)

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