Time for us to Abandon the Cowboys

You want change. Stop paying tickets to see cowboys games. Stop buying cowboys merchandise of any kind. When enough people do that and hurt Jerry Jones bottom line then things will eventually change. Will take a very long time unless you can get real dirt on him to sell.
I just got back from eating Mexican food with the wife...a guy at the table next to us had on a Cowboys cap, and I honestly wanted to knock it off his head and tell him to wake the **** up!!!
The Jones family can steal the joy of today's Cowboys and are doing that by the way, but I have my memories. My memories of 1977 when I became a fan and they won the Super Bowl. Watching them go to 3 consecutive NFC Championships. Going to school playing football, I'll never forget saying the words when I caught a ball, "Drew, Drew". Butch Johnson's California quake. Danny White was my boy in the 80s, Drew Pearson, Tony Hill & Butch Johnson/Tony Dorsett and others. Then when I was 19, I remember Jerry buying the team, us stinking that year, and then the rise.

I was in Heaven in the 90s, we had swagger, moxie, teams knew when they faced us, it was over. Jerry will never be able to steal those memories from me because I absolutely hate him and his administration. I only come to CZ to complain, it makes the pain just a tad better.
Yeah but what if you like beer, but no longer love it, over indulge it, and have it be a huge part do your day?

We are talking apathy here, not abandonment. If you’re still excited as a football fan of the Dallas Cowboys with the morons and grifters we have running the organization, then you’re not seeing the forest for the trees. We will never win anything close to a SB title absent sheer dumb luck. Jerry and Stephen want money, not titles. Quit giving them what they want.
Same. It’s hard to watch Jerry Jones ruin this team. I know he’s getting old and his time is running out, but so am I. And his idiot son won’t be any better. Just an awful situation all around.
The Cowboys abandon us long time ago. At this point were just here like gamblers hoping for that "1 more" year. At least we have the draft to look forward to each year.
The Dallas Cowboys as we knew them are dead. Dead buried and gone. It’s far past time for us to all just leave. This is why Jerry wants? Then have at it big boy. Jerry’s legacy is and will forever be known as the man who completely destroyed the greatest franchise in NFL history. What a buffoon. So the least we can do is just leave this team with the Jones family. They deserve it
I'm 100% with you.
...good luck, mate. ;)

Wishing you best, wherever your land.
Over the last couple of years I’ve missed more games than ever. If I got a call to work I went and worked and didn’t think twice about the game. That has never happened before for me. I would turn down calls when my union called me so I could watch the game.

I find myself watching some of the local teams more.
The Dallas Cowboys as we knew them are dead. Dead buried and gone. It’s far past time for us to all just leave. This is why Jerry wants? Then have at it big boy. Jerry’s legacy is and will forever be known as the man who completely destroyed the greatest franchise in NFL history. What a buffoon. So the least we can do is just leave this team with the Jones family. They deserve it
I'm taking it a step further! I dumped the Cowboys and now I cheer against them. It was hard at first but now it's a blast to see them stumble and bumble. Especially Dak!
You do realize every team’s fanbase feels as strongly about their favorite team as Cowboys fans feel about their’s, right? The hundreds of fan forums, like this one, maintains and solidifies teams’ fans. You lament the Cowboys’ current posture with exceedingly long posts. Allow others to show their frustrations as they allow you.

You are not more of a Cowboys fan than anyone else.
I'll continue to hang in there as I did during the LeBaron days...the Meredith years.

My secret...its a game. After the game is won or lost...its meaningless.

In the infamous words of Mr Thomas (RIP)..."if its the ultimate game...why are they playing it again next year"?

Words to live by.

Go Cowboys!
It needs to be more of a fan strike than abandonment. If you are a season ticket holder, cancel them. Sell your PSL. When Jerry sees 20k PSLs on the market, he'll notice. Stop buying jerseys and merchandise or anything else that might benefit jerry financially. Call into the talk shows and light up social media with criticism. Eventually if enough fans get fed up, Jerry will hear it and at the very least, we can return the misery and grief he's caused us.
What the beer has gone warm and flat...You know, skunky?
That fresh beer is a new season and leaves me in the same shape as the skunky beer in the end. :thumbup:
I don't spend allot of money on Cowboys stuff, yeah I got a Dak, Whitten, Aikman and Smith jersey collected over a period of 40 plus years, I grab a new ball cap every year but that's about it, a million fans like me could fall off the face of the earth and Jerry's man bag wouldn't get any lighter. I understand people who live their lives around the game, I used to be that guy, then I wised up and realized these days it's just entertainment, good or bad..

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