The Jones family can steal the joy of today's Cowboys and are doing that by the way, but I have my memories. My memories of 1977 when I became a fan and they won the Super Bowl. Watching them go to 3 consecutive NFC Championships. Going to school playing football, I'll never forget saying the words when I caught a ball, "Drew, Drew". Butch Johnson's California quake. Danny White was my boy in the 80s, Drew Pearson, Tony Hill & Butch Johnson/Tony Dorsett and others. Then when I was 19, I remember Jerry buying the team, us stinking that year, and then the rise.
I was in Heaven in the 90s, we had swagger, moxie, teams knew when they faced us, it was over. Jerry will never be able to steal those memories from me because I absolutely hate him and his administration. I only come to CZ to complain, it makes the pain just a tad better.