The son is a slimeball of a friend. They became friends when Garrett first joined the team because of the daughter's background in the Ivy League, Garrett because something different of a football player to the family. The son became tight with him and was instrumental in keeping his name prevalent with his father as Garrett progressed elsewhere. The daughter bcame best friends with Garrett's wife.
When the need arose, Booger hired Garrett without a title and HC was still being considered and when it all started coming undone with Phillips, the son was the voice in Booger's ear about promoting Garrett as was always the plan. As Aikman predicted, Garrett would become a NFL HC but the son wanted a finer point on that and got no argument form his father.
The son began to turn on Garrett when he realized it might affect his standing with his father and after all, blood is much thicker than water but money is thicker than both. He's a dbag and I've known 4 people that had to be around him for business and none have anything good to say about him. They did say that him being around makes Booger look better by comparison as a person. He is every bit the lucky sperm.