The talent issue can't be denied as we're seeing in NE and SF. Was McVay a great HC on Sunday facing the winless Jets? Yet I consider him a very good HC.
It is such a mixed bag for any NFL team but health is the #1 concern and that caught up to NE, PHL, SF and DAL this season.
When I think of the the coaching part of this, I think about the end of one game, the playoff game between LAR and NO. All anyone talked about after that game was the no call that temporarily changed the rules. Except there were two people talking about how that game was handled by supposedly one of the better HC's in the game. Aikman was in shock at the play calling and it was as if Payton didn't realize the score or the time left. Sean Payton escaped one of the worst play calling sequences in NFL playoff history because of that one play.
I think one of the more interesting things the NFL could do is let us in on what's going on in those headphones. Coaches are by nature an emotional and excitable bunch and sometimes it looks as if chaos is ruling on the sideline and field, I would love to hear what's going on in those headsets. Couple that with the noise in the Superdome in that game and player movement all over the field getting in and out of the game and it was easy to see Payton screwing up. And that's exactly what he did. When Buck asked Aikman "why is he calling passes"? Aikman just said "I don't know" is a real perplexed delivery. What he should have said was "because he's Sean Payton".