Video: TLC: You Will Never Look At Tony Romo The Same!

The Cabo year when he had the best team in the NFL and the defense and offense played well, but he crapped the bed and lost to the wild card’s lowest seed was killer for him.
Using "Cabo year" means you are fully discredited. A romo hater. If you wanna dump on him...fine.

No other QB had a bad playoff year...ever. Only romo and his cabo heathen escapades.
"We don't need to draft offensive linemen. We have Romo!" -- Jerry Jones
And that decision shortened Romo's career by at least 5 years.

Never did much like Romo as the QB in Dallas.

Did not like the decision by Parcells to swap him
in a half time as I did not think he had what was
needed (between the ears) to play QB in the NFL.

Athletically, he turned out to be much better that
I thought.

And after several years he started playing smarter
but Jerry's not protecting him with a good oline
eventually took it's toll.

But the time Romo figured out how to play QB his body was done.
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Using "Cabo year" means you are fully discredited. A romo hater. If you wanna dump on him...fine.

No other QB had a bad playoff year...ever. Only romo and his cabo heathen escapades.
There is no discrediting for rightly pointing out Romo wasn't serious about being a champion. You may not like it because the truth about "heroes" often upsets their followers, but that's tough. You don't get to decided accreditation.
There is no discrediting for rightly pointing out Romo wasn't serious about being a champion. You may not like it because the truth about "heroes" often upsets their followers, but that's tough. You don't get to decided accreditation.
You don't either.
Was the moment you knew he was a choker....

I'm not the one claiming people are discredited for bringing up facts. That was you.
It's a fact Romo was in Cabo...sure. It's NOT a fact it lead to their demise or that Romo didn't have any drive or ambition

You don't WALK onto an NFL field and become one of the best QB's of his day among several very good ones, without those traits.

And yes...THAT is a FACT!
Was the moment you knew he was a choker....
What other NFL QB holds for a fuggin field goal?

He shoulda been looking at over head photos...not holding for a kick. It's dumb to make him do it and it's dumb to use that against him as a QB.

So...what else do you have. It should be easy but you haters only bring up the hold. It's weird and I mean eft up WEIRD.
You really should use private messages instead of "gushing over" your crush in public. Romo would surely find your display distasteful.
Look I'll "gush over" (are the quotes for double entendre? You think of that all by yourself?) any time and place I want!

The comment you quoted is noting you objecting to "lack of solid facts" by showing...ZERO facts.
It still boggles my mind a little bit...after all these years people STILL want to bash Romo.

An overachiever in every regard. Stats that rival the best QB's of his time (HoFers). Certainly better than the middle of the pack. As a walk-on from a small college.

Sitting around objecting to "stats and facts" instead.

I imagine that if some could get some torches and pitchforks they probably would. Human progress at it's finest.
What amazing to me...I mean how often Romo haters us 'the fumbled snap" to prove what a bad Qb he was. From...2006? When he shouldn't even be holding? What starting Qb holss the kick?

So you got that and Dez fumbling a your "proof". This is absolutely insane.

That's all you Romo pretty good then.
Room is pretty good. I Never said otherwise.