TLH: Dallas Cowboys: Will Jerry Jones take down Roger Goodell?


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Great business model emerging. Piss off a large percentage of your lifelong paying customers in order to appease the profession victim and protest crowd who never spent money on your product, have no desire to start doing so, and likely can't afford it anyway. The more players that partake in this, the more loyal fans will leave. I'm on the verge. For the first time in about 30 years, I can feel my interest in the NFL waning. I didnt buy the Sunday Ticket for the first time since it was introduced and wasn't really that upset that I didn't get the game last week. I will still watch the Cowboys when they are on but I have no real interest in watching any other games. I quit playing fantasy football years ago and now this protest crap means the interest just isn't there. When a Cowboy kneels, I'll likely be done until the league stops it. Just thinking about if that were to happen, I don't even feel like I'll be that upset to stop watching. That would have been unthinkable even just a few short years ago. The ridiculous rule changes, international games, poor and inconsistent officiating, inability to consistently define and enforce what a catch is, and now the blatant disrespect shown to our flag, servicemen, and country just makes my ability to get excited about a NFL game almost non existent.


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Liberalism will be the death of America. The NFL's decline should come as no surprise. They should have had better guidelines for sideline behavior after last year.

I don't know what the NFL was thinking when they decided extortion was a good idea for cities they didn't agree with. This Commissioner is on borrowed time.


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Stoogedell gets paid his king's ransom to take all of the hits that the owners don't want to take...but, he can't make people support these teams long as this moron is in place, I refuse to watch one commercial and give money to any product that they hock on TV...I can't afford to go go to any games anyway (Dallas is 1,488 from my home town, and I am not paying some idiot like mara to watch a game in his stadium since it is closer), so my money remains in Pants pants


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The 2 are forever intertwined as the revenue is a reflection of the sentiment.

Economics 101
Sometimes sacrifices must be made to voice the message like Kaepernick has made.

Much like I'm unafraid to go up against the bully's on this forum which will place me in Harms Way.
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The political commentary is so thick with the morning sports shows this morning, it's hard to watch. ESPN has obviously taken sides so they are an automatic "not-watch" option for me. :espn:
It's wonderful seeing the sports world getting involved. I've never been more proud of the NFL and all professional sports which the NBA and MLB has also joined in speaking out.

There's no doubt in my mind they're on the right side of history.
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Sometimes sacrifices must be made to voice the message like Kaepernick has made.

that right there is one honorable message - right side of history, huh? /s

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I'd like to see the NFL develop a month to honor the cause like they have wearing Pink in Oct and Camo in Nov.

Or maybe a permanent remembrance on the helmet or jersey like a black ribbon.

Hopefully as this protest strengthens we'll see more organization and means to exhibit our support bringing more attention and resolve to this protest.


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I can't wait to hear Bob Costas commentary tonite . Surely with the game near Washington DC we'll see a greater representation of the protest from players.


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The majority of the country which will come to the NFL rescue if necessary because they will support the cause and are on the right side of history.

The segment that is being fed by the " red meat" being tossed out does Not represent the majority. They up until now have just been the most vocal.
Sorry but the segment being fed the red meat is the majority, u are in the minority which is currently holding court at the nearest Costco. The cause IMO is bs