TMZ: Ezekiel Elliott Allegedly Punched Man In Nose At Bar - Not Arrested

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No, but drinking is, and with drinking comes the chance of inebriation, and with the latter comes the increased chance of loosened inhibitions, emotions, and hence anger. And thus, the greater probability for fights to break out which is a commonplace occurrence in bars. It happens.

Human Behavior 101

Who knows if it's true but sad if it is.

I understand that it's gotta be annoying to not be able to go out in public without people wanting to talk to you but try to be more polite.
Back with the boobies at the parade incident, I said he has to be smarter because he will have a bullseye on him.

Add this into the mix now, and I can't even find the words to describe how immensely stupid he has been.
I hope that's not true. Zeke seemed like a cool guy.

Taking pictures of people without their consent is downright rude, and has sadly become somewhat acceptable behavior. At my gym, if they catch you doing it they revoke your membership and call the police.

Now, unrelated to the tweet, Zeke needs to control his temper and understand who he is, who he plays for, and that he'll always be a target. Turn the other cheek and move on.
? I'm not sure where some of the princesses in this thread have been hanging their boots, but sometimes guys get rowdy in bars and you may have to defend yourself.

In some parts of Texas, this is called a Wednesday.

Add in the fact it's a famous young RB, and I'm not surprised at all some drunk guy tried to start stuff with him.

(LIKE X 42)
The good news is that at this rate, every CZ poster who once recovered a fumble in their junior varsity game is now thinking that they may end up getting a spot on our roster through natural selection.
? I'm not sure where some of the princesses in this thread have been hanging their boots, but sometimes guys get rowdy in bars and you may have to defend yourself.

In some parts of Texas, this is called a Wednesday.

Add in the fact it's a famous young RB, and I'm not surprised at all some drunk guy tried to start stuff with him.

This is also the reason many people don't go to bars... it attracts idiotic behavior.
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Who knows if it's true but sad if it is.

I understand that it's gotta be annoying to not be able to go out in public without people wanting to talk to you but try to be more polite.

Smh, I sure hope not. Im gonna slow my roll because Im about to crucify Zeke and he may not deserve all that.
This is also the reason many people don't go to bars... it attracts idiotic behavior.

And many people who do go into bars are smart enough to avoid confrontation. Every weekend, millions of people go to bars and yet millions of people don't all get into bar fights. Amazing, really.
Taking pictures of people without their consent is downright rude, and has sadly become somewhat acceptable behavior. At my gym, if they catch you doing it they revoke your membership and call the police.

Now, unrelated to the tweet, Zeke needs to control his temper and understand who he is, who he plays for, and that he'll always be a target. Turn the other cheek and move on.
Apparently the guy was trying to get a pic with him and refused. I wouldn't like that either...and who knows if Zeke actually said that or not..maybe the fan made a comment and he did say it.
how many games suspended do you think he will receive?

Hard to say because they're using the "accumulation of troublesome behavior" narrative against him... and that was BEFORE this fight.

If you assume they wanted to slap him with 2 games before this happened, I'd start from there and then try to figure out how many additional games are warranted for the bar fight.

6 total isn't out of the realm of possibility imo

There is no excusing Elliott at this point, even if he hit a guy who was harassing a girl in his party.

He's under investigation by the NFL for another incident. He also has the incident of pulling down a girl's top. The NFL clearly has him in their crosshairs. So wouldn't you think if you were smart and had a little bit of clarity here, you'd try to stay out of trouble and get the NFL investigation behind you?

Fact is, as great of a player as he is, his track record is one of immaturity and questionable decisions off the field. He has to stop that.

There is no excusing his behavior at this point. Stop trying to equate this to regular people who get drunk and get in fights. Elliott doesn't have that luxury anymore to be a nobody in a bar getting in fights. When you decide you want to be a NFL player and are on a star trajectory, with that fame and fortune comes added responsibilities and a higher expectation of social norms - ie, not pulling girl's tops down in parades and getting in bar scuffles.
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